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contest The Next Throwdown is...

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Haha I thought it was Jay. Damn avatars.
But I guess you can find mayo on your own buns sexy too!
There's still a chill in the air here, begging for spring and... spring rolls popped into my head.

The next TD is...


Wow! This will be a good one. Never done it before. There are so many possibilities and people love making dough... for dumplings, wrappers for spring rolls, and there's all kinds of dim sum.

Be creative or traditional. You want to smoke a pork shoulder and do a BBQ spring roll with napa cabbage? I sez y not!
What a great opportunity for sauces here as well! All sauces must be homemade, as well as each entry but you may use packaged dough, but homemade is preferred.

Dim sum is a Chinese appetizer or tapas served with tea. It is usually steamed dumplings, buns, rolls, or meats served in steamer baskets but can be fried dumplings, rolls, meats, etc. as well as small portions of meat cooked otherwise, and rice. If you know what it is, you know what it is.
Serious Eats
salsalady said:
Dim sum, never done that, would definitely be something new.
Sure SL! Let's do it!
texas blues said:
Dim sum I says.....
I hear ya TB. 5 years later!!!! :lol:
It must be considered dim sum as far as the preparation and appearance, but you may be creative with ingredients, fillings, and sauces!
You must make a minimum of 2 dim sum, and you can make as many as 5. This must all be presented as one entry. More info later. Remember, there is dessert dim sum too!
Starts Friday May 1.
Here's the players I can see getting in (and they better!!!)
Yup, those 3 heavy hitters, I know they have interest here.
And also I'm thinking
Has something to say here!

P2K would be the one to do all 5!!!!
The Hot Pepper said:
I hear ya TB. 5 years later!!!! :lol:
So you mean all I gotta do is wait a few more years, then you'll come around to my blue food suggestion and make it a TD? COOL!  :D
Oh yeah, and MAYO and TOFU can make good dim sum!
geeme said:
So you mean all I gotta do is wait a few more years, then you'll come around to my blue food suggestion and make it a TD? COOL!  :D

Oh yeah, and MAYO and TOFU can make good dim sum!
Yay! No more mayo or Spam suggestions ever... this is your chance :sick: LOL!

And geeme. Look how long it took for chili and tacos! We're really dusting off some good suggestions this year!

But blue... umm.......... no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!
Husker21 said:
Gonna be running the smoker all weekend for a 1st communion party.  I might be in.
Nice! BBQ and grilling stuff will come soon, but I figured if people will be BBQing they can jump in too. It's really open to any kind of filling. The dim sum can be more of a vehicle. Let's see whathca got!
Oh we have some dim sum here called hot dog bun. Like the pork bun with a hot dog in it but baked, and a sweet glaze. It's soooooooo good. Hear that Jay????? ;)

Really you get it at the Chinese bakeries not dim sum joints but still...

I used to live off of hot dog buns when I was poor. They were 60 cents and are still probably about a buck or buck and a half.

But pork buns rule. Steamed bread... pork... so good.
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