• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

tommys south texas glog '15--FINAL GROW LIST FRONT PAGE 2/9/15

Well after a few months of research and advice from the fine folks here at THP, I'm happy to start my very first glog!

I started the day by building a stand for my lights, now I'm thinking I may need another ballast.
After I set up the stand and lights, I laid down some foam, then my heat mat.
I filled my 7 cup station with MG seed starter and watered in. After mixing the soil around I laid in my seeds.
*Yellow Primo
*Carolina Reaper
*Greek Pepperoncini
*Bush Big Boy Tomato Hybrid
*Pequin x2
I laid saran wrap over top and tried my best to seal it, but saran wrap and I have never seen eye to eye.
Programmed the timer on the light, 18 on, 6 off, going on from 5pm to 11am. I know lights aren't necessary at this point but what the hell.
Should be getting more seeds in the mail soon, so I'll be setting up a bigger station after that. And now for something we hope you'll really like!



The station to the right isn't active yet, thinking I may get another mat for it, especially since I found a place locally that sells them.
Thanks for checking out my glog, wouldn't be possible without y'all!
UPDATE 2/9/15: Here is my final grow list, but first, a very special thank you to the following members:
transient exuberance
Thanks to all of you for sending me seeds to get me started!
Now here is my final list in order of rounds planted
Round 1 Planted 1/22
Greek Pepperoncini
Carolina Reaper
Yellow Primo
Round 2 Planted 2/2
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Chocolate Bhut
Yellow Brain Strain
Yellow Giant Congo
Yellow Moruga
Bahamian Goat
Carolina Reaper
TM Scorpion
Giant Orange Habanero
Bido Tacana
Murupi Amarela
Caribbean Antillais Habanero
Bonda Ma Jacques
OW Ghost Scorpion
OW Moruga 
9 mystery seeds
Round 3 Planted 2/9
Cayenne x Peter
Red Fatalii x Savina
7 Pot Congo
Caribbean Red Habanero
Mystery Red Moruga
Yellow Spaceship
Chocolate Devils Tongue
7 Pot Caramel
Monster Naga
Peach Scorpion
7 Pot Bubblegum
Yellow Cumari
Cumari Du Para
Mustard Bhut
Purple Jalapeno
Mustard Habanero
Yellow Bhut
Little Big Red
Bolsa De Dulce
Aji Pineapple
Bhut Orange Copenhagen
Aji Omni
Orange Wild Brazil
Paper Lantern Habanero
Jays Peach Scorpion
Chocolate Habanero
Sweet Datil
I use screen to harden off the plants. We have those anodized aluminum exterior doors that came with full length glass and screens; not much use for screens here ;)
Devv said:
I use screen to harden off the plants. We have those anodized aluminum exterior doors that came with full length glass and screens; not much use for screens here ;)
Good to know, thanks Scott. Any thoughts on my stalled out seedlings?
I'm not familiar with that soil, does it have any nutrients in it? The yellowing cotys on the tepins seems odd for them being so small.
thirdcoasttx said:
I'm not familiar with that soil, does it have any nutrients in it? The yellowing cotys on the tepins seems odd for them being so small.
It's awful IMO. here's a pic of the label


Here's what it looks like dried


There's hardly any perlite in there, but there's an abundance of clumps and sticks. I shouldve screened it.

I thought the tepin cotys dying off was a bit early as well, they all came off just now with a light touch. But I guess they can decide that for themselves, two sets of leaves means they're rebellious tweens now.

Idk I think everything is moving along as it should be and I'm just being paranoid. Just wish I would've bought better soil at the time.
thirdcoasttx said:
I used shit soil too, let me get home and take care of some honey-dos and I'll see what was in mine, I started using ff grow big pretty early
When did you start the grow big and how much/often do you feed? Have you seen noticable improvement?

D3monic said:
Looks very barky.
Extremely. Its Like half way through composting they said "eh fk it lets bag it up!" but now am I stuck with this shit or can I shake it off when I pot up?
Should be able to pot up no problem shake off as much as you can though, if you don't have any cotys I would try a weak dose now. I think it recommends 1-3 tsp per gallon I went with 1 for a bit every other watering and yes I noticed huge improvements. My black Hungarians are almost a ft tall and one has about 8 pods on it in a freakin solo cup. They are still in that crappy seed starting mix I used. I need to grab a couple bags of ffof it's almost time to go outside!!!
thirdcoasttx said:
Should be able to pot up no problem shake off as much as you can though, if you don't have any cotys I would try a weak dose now. I think it recommends 1-3 tsp per gallon I went with 1 for a bit every other watering and yes I noticed huge improvements. My black Hungarians are almost a ft tall and one has about 8 pods on it in a freakin solo cup. They are still in that crappy seed starting mix I used. I need to grab a couple bags of ffof it's almost time to go outside!!!
Oh shit I'm sold! When did you sow?? You must have some Badass lights goin for them to be podding!
Not to brag or anything but I just walked in the grow room and found these embers almost ripe.

Go for it just don't start too strong those seedlings are still pretty young, I started early December (I'm impatient).
And lights are 2x 2ft 4 bulb t5 fixtures not the biggest or brightest but they have done good for me
thirdcoasttx said:
Not to brag or anything but I just walked in the grow room and found these embers almost ripe.

Go for it just don't start too strong those seedlings are still pretty young, I started early December (I'm impatient).And lights are 2x 2ft 4 bulb t5 fixtures not the biggest or brightest but they have done good for me
That's awesome dude! Congratulations on the pods, those embers are beautiful. Thinking I'm gonna have to get some of those and the fidalgo roxa next year.
Your seedlings look good for day 9 Tom, and if they drop their cotys after putting out 2-3 sets of leaves, that's normal. Like I say, just keep on like you're doing. Believe it or not, you're probably your plants worst enemy because you want them to do well and have the capacity to kill them with kindness. If you want to feed them, that's OK as long as you dilute the nutes as directed for seedlings. Something mild though, like Kelp extract (with or without fish emulsion). Once a week is enough for diluted liquid nutes.  I buy Kelp meal and mix it together with my potting medium at about a 20:1 ratio, but I'd wait until you repot if you decide to go that route... the plants don't like their roots disturbed too much, and they're at their tenderest as seedlings.
stickman said:
Your seedlings look good for day 9 Tom, and if they drop their cotys after putting out 2-3 sets of leaves, that's normal. Like I say, just keep on like you're doing. Believe it or not, you're probably your plants worst enemy because you want them to do well and have the capacity to kill them with kindness. If you want to feed them, that's OK as long as you dilute the nutes as directed for seedlings. Something mild though, like Kelp extract (with or without fish emulsion). Once a week is enough for diluted liquid nutes.  I buy Kelp meal and mix it together with my potting medium at about a 20:1 ratio, but I'd wait until you repot if you decide to go that route... the plants don't like their roots disturbed too much, and they're at their tenderest as seedlings.
Thanks as always for the words of encouragement Rick! But they're not 9 days, they sprouted the 30th, so that makes them three weeks from sprout today. How do they look now? Haha I'm optimistic that they're ok, probably putting mass on the leaves they have before producing more. I went back and examined pictures and they do look a little beefier..
OK... they still look fine for 21 days. :)    It takes them a while to start getting any size. The 3-4 inch plants you're seeing pics of on THP were probably started back in January. Your plants don't look leggy, wilty or pale so don't fret... you'll get there soon enough. Cheers!
stickman said:
OK... they still look fine for 21 days. :)    It takes them a while to start getting any size. The 3-4 inch plants you're seeing pics of on THP were probably started back in January. Your plants don't look leggy, wilty or pale so don't fret... you'll get there soon enough. Cheers!
Thanks for the reinforcement! Trying to learn some patience, and overall to stop trying to be a fixer lol. Just gotta let the babies grow.

thirdcoasttx said:
You going to the farmers market tomorrow?
Probably so, but not as a vendor yet. You gonna make it out?
Now what the hell is going on with my OW? My other two aren't showing this brown splotchy bs. My initial thought is maybe a little frost bite, we got a very light frost a couple mornings ago. Didn't get below 35, but may have been just enough to effect one of my plants. But why just the one? Weird. Haven't seen any aphids on anything yet thank god. What y'all think?

Yeah, that could be damage from the cold. If it happens again, screwy as it sounds, spray water on it with a shower nozzle during the night. Do it again in the early morning before the sun comes up.  Scott will back me up on this because he's saved his plants damage during a cold snap doing just this.
stickman said:
Yeah, that could be damage from the cold. If it happens again, screwy as it sounds, spray water on it with a shower nozzle during the night. Do it again in the early morning before the sun comes up.  Scott will back me up on this because he's saved his plants damage during a cold snap doing just this.
That's pretty interesting. Is it the water being warmer than air temp, or like a sacrificial thing or what?