What should i grow?

Everyone keeps talking about what they are growing for 2009. And everyone seems to like different peppers more then others. But im new at this and the only pepper seed i own is tepins.So what do you think i should go with. I grow indoors, dirt and hydro, so climate isnt an issue. I just have no experience with the hots at all. I know someone is probably gonna tell me that growing any of them is a good choice, but ive been growing plants for years so i need something to "spice up my life". So i want to hear your suggestions. What should i grow?
If you want good heat and flavor, any habanero.

If you want great heat and a very unique flavor, fatalii.

If you want insane heat and a very unique flavor, any form of naga.

If you want medium heat and flavor, there's nothing wrong with jalapeno or cayenne.

If you want mild heat, some kind of wax or banana pepper should do it.

Than you have sweet pods.

What do you like? Tepins are pretty hot, so there's nothing wrong with growing those.
fineexampl said:
If you want good heat and flavor, any habanero.

If you want great heat and a very unique flavor, fatalii.

If you want insane heat and a very unique flavor, any form of naga.

If you want medium heat and flavor, there's nothing wrong with jalapeno or cayenne.

If you want mild heat, some kind of wax or banana pepper should do it.

Than you have sweet pods.

What do you like? Tepins are pretty hot, so there's nothing wrong with growing those.

wow thanks a bunch. This really puts things in perspective. I hear 7's and choc habs are fun and unique. mabye ill keep my eye out for those. Any experience with them?
7 Pot seeds were fairly hard to come by last year...for me anyway...they are a fairly new variety to the world market out of Trinidad/Tobago...and IMO rival the nagas for heat but have a better flavor...

I grew tepins from three different sources in 2008...love the peppers but hate picking them they are so small...

This year, I will only grow larger varieties...lots of different habs and of course all the superhots I can lay my hands on...the chocolate habs are wonderful tasting pods with a back of the throat burn and about twice as hot as an orange hab...

I will still grow the full range of heat from no heat seasoning peppers to the world record Bhut Jolokia...

One thing you will find is that there are 4 or 5 superhots that are all about in the same heat range...Bhut Jolokia, Dorset Naga, Naga Morich, Bih Jolokia, and Naga Jolokia (true chinense, not the annuum PC1 that look like a cayenne). I have read that these peppers come basically from the same region of India but have been grown out in different climates and differ slightly in pod shape/heat, but some have more buds per node than others do...

How much room do you have for your inside grow project? A full grown Naga/Bhut will get over 5 feet tall and I had one this past year that was approaching 6' diameter...
Don't leave out the C. baccatuums! They're not as hot as the C. chinense, but they have a wonderful fruity flavor and are tough and prolific plants. Peppermania has a great selection, too. My favorites are the little round pumpkins like Pilange or Brazilian Pumkin, because they're so perfect for grilling. And, of course, Lemon Drop is one of my "must have" peppers, it's so very versatile. This year I'm dropping the super hots and adding more baccatuums to my grow list.
Pam....did the tepins grow for you this past season?
Well at the momment i have a 10x11ft bedroom with my bed a tv and plants everywhere but im renting a plot of land for a couple years from my aunt, i believe its about 1 acre. So ive got my room to sprout and the land to plant. Space is not an issue... at the momment.
Space in not an issue? Rocoto, Bhut Jolokia, Fatalii, Bulgarian Carrot, Jalapeño, Caribbean Red, Chocolate Habanero, Orange Habanero and a Cayenne of your choice. :D
I love the Bhuts !

use them on everything.. dry them out, and add a dash on almost every meal...

they go a really long way... one good harvest will last you all year as the heat is that intense..

they make great gifts as well...

so my suggestion is Bhut Jolokia... enjoy the burn..lol
AlabamaJack said:
Pam....did the tepins grow for you this past season?

Most of them did. One clump that I stuck in the back of the garden was overwhelmed by the lemon basil; it didn't die, mind you, but all three plants in that clump stayed small and didn't produce much.

I put a couple down front of my mother's house; she doesn't like hot peppers, but she loves bird watching. It's a dry, sandy place with lots of sun, and they thrived there.
pepperpunk said:
Space is not an issue... at the momment.

If space is not an issue, then go for it...grow a bunch of different varieties and species...you might check with Skealo...he is from your neck of the woods...

have you ever been to Heaven on Seven?

Pam said:
I put a couple down front of my mother's house; she doesn't like hot peppers, but she loves bird watching. It's a dry, sandy place with lots of sun, and they thrived there.

I am glad they at least grew some place for you...I had a devil of a time keeping the mockingbirds off mine this year...I would look at them one evening and they would be loaded with pods and I would get ready to pick them and the next morning by 10AM they were all but gone...

did you get to plant them at the state park you were talking about?
Hey PP,

I would also consider your tolerance level, and those around you. Eg many stories here of spouses and children fleeing due to chilli fumes/powder in the house.

Also, with respect to tolerance, I like hot stuff, can cope pretty well, but there's no point growing the hotter varieties if, well, you can't possibly use them. For that reason, this year I didnt try to grow nagas, 7's, fatalii's (not having seeds also played a part).

Grow anything and everything you can! Take over the neighbor's yard and grow there too. Ya know that small patch of dirt on the side of the road near you house? Ya, plant something there too!
If you are truly a pepperpunk then I recommend the Indian pc-1 :)LOL If you want to blow away your friends and family then go with the naga types. For great fruity flavor and nice heat, I highly recommend fresno or for something a bit hotter try scotch bonnets
This year I'm growing very few super-hots and focusing on interesting or flavorful sweet chiles and mild/medium mexican types. This should be the year of the annuums and tomatos for Potawie if all things work out, but of course there will be chinenses too but very few baccatums, frutescenc or pubescens.
WOW thank you all sooo much. so instead of getting a simple answer your saying.... TRY THEM ALLLLLL!!!!! haha and the shnozberries taste like habs!!!
pepperpunk said:
haha and the shnozberries taste like habs!!!
We do not recomend that you lick the walls here at THP....we haven't cleaned them in years. Oh, and that wasn't a shnozberry you were licking.... :shocked:
pepperpunk said:
But its cool though i got my answer. thanks to all of you.

but you didn't answer my question about heaven on seven :(