overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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Bulgarian carrots are not that hot bro.
5-10000shu don't know what you have if its 350000shu ??? Anyway its hot so nice one!!

Well i just cut off another chilli, it was a lot more ripe, BUT

you were correct in your statement, i couldnt believe how hot the first one was....

this one i just cut off was maybe 1/4 or less of the heat, i could actually eat slices.

It did have a nice sweet citrusy flavour, kind of like a mandarin....would be great to taste some of the pods like 7yellow etc that people say are actually great tasters.!!
Interestingly I have found that sometimes riper chillies sometimes are less hot then those that are just starting to fully ripen. Not sure why though
A toasty 35 °C here will put an end to a good run of weather that allowed my plants to become productive. On the plus side it may kick up the heat of my developing pods a notch.

It did have a nice sweet citrusy flavour, kind of like a mandarin....would be great to taste some of the pods like 7yellow etc that people say are actually great tasters.!!

You may find the yellow 7 just a wee bit hotter.

Interestingly I have found that sometimes riper chillies sometimes are less hot then those that are just starting to fully ripen. Not sure why though

Do you find the pods that are beginning to fully ripen juicier?
my ripe pods seems like the walls thinned to about half the size of the non ripe ones. The ripes ones were easier to squish, like softer to feel...
What variety of chilli are we talking about with the thin walls?

Wish I had more experience with ripe pods to already have an opinion :(
I just cut the tops off 50 or so Jalapenos I'm very proud to have grown myself :) I noticed that some were much thicker walled than others... but they were all green so can't say anything.

I have noticed that the undersized orange habs they have at the shops at the moment are so thin they are almost transparent!
So the red carribean is the hottest chilli in the world coming in at a whopping 4000000shu!! Although it looks like it has a large range ;) :D
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Firstly i just got home from the gym, cut open some chillis then used the bathroom without washing my hands...

Now sitting here with a burning tingling sensation all over....not comfortable...lucky it wasnt even that hot of a chilli......


I was wondering why my chilli was so strong..turns out it has this many seeds in it...is this normal??
The whole chillis is packed with them, i just took a cut slice of it....


What sort of chilli is it?

This is basically what I saw the other day when I cut the tops of 50 odd Jalapenos. There were all still green so maybe the seeds would have spread out and had more space if they had been allowed to ripen??
Garden beds pic update.



I got some mulch delivered from mulchnet.com, $150 for 5m2. Stuff is absolutely delightful, irregular sized pieces and the worms seem to be absolutely going to town just under the surface.

We had 37C yesterday, and didn't even need to water anything in the beds, so I think I'm on a winner here.
Firstly i just got home from the gym, cut open some chillis then used the bathroom without washing my hands...

Now sitting here with a burning tingling sensation all over....not comfortable...lucky it wasnt even that hot of a chilli......

I somehow manage to do that everyday. :lol: Well, except I DO wash my hands... but you always get that residual capsaicin for a while that only your, uh, most sensitive areas seem to detect after chopping supers.
Milkman your plants are looking bushier and busier then last time we saw them. Although they probably would enjoy a little less heat then 37 I am sure.
How are those Jalapeños going?? Which bed are they in??
The Japs are in the first pic, top right, with a metre tall tomato and some onions that are flowering. I decided to pick every single flower off the Japs until Dec 1, so I'm letting them set fruit now.
Hi guys....just wondering what damage thrips do to chilli plants as there's shed loads in our garden at the moment.

Also I spotted a tiny praying mantis on one of my plants....are these a keeper or should I move it elsewhere?

Thanks :)
Praying mantis are keepers for sure. Thrips are just plain nasty alongside mites and aphids ... if you have them on your plants get rid of them pronto. Not sure of the exact damage but like most sucking insects there damage will far outweigh there apparent physical numbers.