• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Justaguy's 2013 Garden Season
Coming from 2012 http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27752-justaguys-2012-garden-season/page__st__300 Ok life has stabilized and I am finally getting this going. Back on January 23rd I cleared the back 200 Then checked on the germ tray I had set up. 2 days ago I was going to drop seed in soil, but noticed a fuzzy mold on the soil. It was left over soil from last year. Never used but in it's bag apparently whatever started growing. I deftly removed 3 inches from the bag before getting the tray ready, however that didn't do the trick. I dumped it all and reloaded then let it get back up to temp. Today I finally dropped seed and it felt so good. :silenced: And instead of typing up a list I decided to go the easy route. Now the...
Hi all. I have yet, since 2010, to complete a season without interruption.  It looks like I am going to be sticking around my current location for the next 3-5 years.  With that, I've requested a community garden plot.  If things go as planned I will also have a decent yard to develop a garden.   No pics with the first post but I have made a start on germination and have a few seedlings with true leaves.    So far I have a few NUMEX varieties that have germinated: Espanola Improved, Big Jim Heritage, and Vaquero   From Tradewindfruit: 7pot Y, Fatalii, Padron (Tapas.. soon), and Mazano Orange (this guy has not popped)   Before I ran out of yogurt cups I managed to sow (from Midwest Chile): Scotch Bonnet MOA   I went a little crazy with...
moosery's glog
Yeah I'm starting one...   No Idea where to start, so much pressure, so, mightaswell start with a funny photo, I like this...     Anything to encourage them to stick around! :)     Growing this year - a long list, will take me a long while to complete:   The reliable ones: Super Chilli - my fav in the world, easy, prolific, floral and HOT. Apache - another goodun' from last year Cherry bomb - did me proud last year   The HOT ones: Bhut Naga morich Fatalii   The experimental ones: Hot Lemon Some self pollinated super chilli from last year (it's an F1 I think? So should be interesting) Peter red, yellow and orange Tokyo hot Naga "fire flame" (not convinced that's actually a thing..) Monkey face! Aji Yellow     The others...: Thai...
smileyguys second season (a few progress pics)
I never grew from seed before but have grown peppers for years. Never made or kept a log before either so i figure why not. Ive been I taking pics and prolly should have started this weeks ago but here's my progress so far. So first the seed... Took the seeds from these pods here I believe this is everything I've planted. Fatalii Bhut indian carbon Orange Trinidad Scorpion Yellow Trinidad scorpion Chocolate Trinidad scorpion Red brain strain Peach bhut Naga morich Red savannah 7pot primo 7pot savanna h Infinity trinidad morauga scorpian 7pot douglah Antiliis fire Lemon drop 7pot congo s.r. 7pot chaguanas White devils tongue 7pot jonah 7pot douglah x scorp f4 Red scorpanero Chocolate scorpanero Peach scorpanero Butch t scorpian...
Thought id try and keep a glog.   Im a noob to growing anything and im just juming in the deep end.   I started a few plant back in Oct2013 which are doing well.   Scotch bonnet jalapeno serrano choch Hab Orange Hab Trin Scorpion Choc Ghost   All of the above in red i bought from the bay and i hope turn out to be what they are ment to be. The other 3 i got from pods and grew from seeds.   Im going to keep this glog on some seeds i purchased from   http://www.chileseeds.co.uk/hot_chili_pepper_seed.htm     They have a massive collection of seeds and to look through.       I finally settled on ....   lemon habanero                                                                     seven pod/seven pot   (these were free) Sweet Choc purple...
Aussie's 2014 harvest
A very late start for a glog! Better late than never, I guess. We are overwhelmed with pods. Here are my current top 3 chinense favourites, photos taken late this afternoon:   At number 3 - chocolate bhuts   Yellow Jonahs at number 2:   Bahamian Goats at number 1: Most photogenic annuum:
drew1226's 2014 Pepper North GLOG
After reading through most of the GLOGS this year, I decided to start one of my own. This will be my 4th season growing super hots, and every year the # of plants seems to rise. Last year I had around 40 plants of 25 or so varieties. This season I am looking at closer to 80 plants of 40 varieties.   Seeing as how I am in Canada, I have to get an early jump on the season. I started my first batch of seeds in early January, second batch in early February, and the third and final this past weekend. My plant out isn't until mid to late May, and once spring rolls in I will be building some new raised beds to accommodate everyone.   2014 Grow List   Scorpion Sunrise Scorpion Moruga Red Scorpion Moruga Yellow Scorpion Moruga Brown Scorpion...
Hello people, this is fern. Ill be starting with Moruga blend, 7 pod , Trinidad cardi , early jalapeño , giant jalapeño , red and yellow fatalii , habanero big sun , jimmy nardello , bishops crown , datil(i guess ), aji limon all of which i got from pepperlover Some varieties which i received from bondgirl are adjuma , pretty purple and satan's kiss. From filmost are bhut jolokia and giant rocoto. Ill be posting a monthly update and twice if possible. The ones that sprouted as of now are moruga blend and early jalapeno.
Shurb's 2013 Glog - First season growing from seed
Hi guys,   Another Aussie here over in crappy Canberra. Thought I'd join in on the glogs and see how it goes.   So, after growing peppers for the first time last year from seedlings acquired from a local nursery, I decided to give it a shot growing from seed.   I think I got off to a late start for this season, but I really had no Idea until I found this forum a couple of weeks ago. That's okay, lessons learned and all that jazz.   My seeds were sown on the 9th of September, except for the Birds Eye's (I'm yet to find out exactly what they are as I got the seeds from some pods on an old plant that was in the garden of my new house), they were sown on the 29th of September.   They were put into a propogator without a heat mat. They had...
Phearis's Grow Log 2014
I'm off to a great start this year!! I made a tiny little green house and all of my seeds have already sprouted and I still have 3 plants from last year that I was finally able to successfully winter (1-Hot Paper Lantern and 2-Frenos) A Pyrex Bowl on a dinner plate with a 'Lava Lamp' light bulb and a armature lamp
North Star Poddage - Generic Start
Hello All,   I have been patrolling the forums for best practices and developing an interest in all the varieties of habs and bhuts and other beauties that are out there. As it is my first time trying my hand at growing, and I'm starting things out on seeds I found around town at local nurseries.. and some bishops crown seeds a friend brought back from Germany. I'd love to try my hand at the wide variety of wonderful super hots I've seen around the forum and I figure i'd get a handle on growing before I look into sourcing seeds from around here!   My Starts, 6 each Orange Habanero Big Thai Hybrid Bishops Crown Spicy Thai Hybrid Anaheim Hungarian Yellow Wax Jalapenos Pepperchinis Bells Mat Lights, Timer Thermostat Tiles Seed starter...
Cotfessi's rookie year grow - 2014
This will be my first grow from seeds.  I live in Alaska and it’s -1 outside right now.  More importantly, we only have about 6 hours of sunlight right now and the sun we do have is so low in the sky it looks like sunset!   I’m going to grow indoors and attempt to bring the plants to fruit all inside…   My grow setup:  I have a 6 tube T5 4’ fixture that has 6500K bulbs that will put out 30,000 lumens.  I also have a 2’x4’x84” grow tent set up.  I have a thermometer inside the tent and without the lights on, it's hovering around 73 degrees.  I have a 50 pod root shooter in a seedling tray with a plastic dome with a heating pad.   My grow list:  I’m going to start out by only growing two peppers for now given the size of my tent. I’ll...
I've never grown peppers before. I've always been fascinated with hot things though, so finally I ordered some seeds off the internet. I'm going to attempt to grow:   - Carolina Reaper   - Chocolate Trinidad Moruga   - Habanero    I like to make things hard on myself so I'm not going to use sterile starting mix or much fertilizer. Natural growing conditions only :)   That being said I would like some advice. I've got a lot of questions.   - How much sun do the seedlings need starting out? It is already pretty warm here in NC(It will be over 65 for the next 5 days and it is colder then normal this year) and I don't have any really sunny windows, no south facing ones on my house. Should I stick them outside in semi-shade for a part of the...
Keen's 2014 garden and pepper raised beds
this is the first time making a garden in our house we bought last year.   i  have a total of 4 raised beds 1 for all peppers.    last weekend i tilled and leveled the ground, i also put in the first 3 beds.  this weekend i bought more bricks and made the pepper patch out in the big backyard.     heres where im a so far. im putting good soil in the beds monday, the commercial nursurey that sells good dirt is closed weekends.      Heres the vegetable gardens.  the little one in the corner is my 4 year olds.  she's got it all planned out what she wants in there.     here is the bed i'll plant peppers in.  its almost 10ft long.  im thinking 6 plants???   i'll post photos after i get some dirt in there too.  i'll probably start my seed...
stc3248, 2013 Grow log, Season's Greetings and Season's End
Well here we go again! Those that saw my grow last year know that I was plagued by virus issues and many other problems, but I was still able to pull off the most amazing grow of my life. By season's end every plant was infected. Some keeled over, but others just kept right on trucking. I learned a ton, and hope to use it to pull off a season without that virus making a repeat appearance. It will be tough. I had huge numbers of pods, and many hit the ground and rotted, so there are sure to be some infected volunteers that show up. My grow this year will be MUCH smaller and focused on the varieties I liked best along with a couple new ones I really wanna try out. First a couple of my money shots from last year... I plan to use a...
Ultra Hot Rebel-Mega Grow 13-14
Im helping my buddy Jon aka megahot out and growing some plants for him and wanted to start a glog which i will update atleast once a week. These popped up on 10-24 and are in coco at the moment being watered with Liquid Karma. I am growing Bubblegum7,Borg9,Yellow Infinaga F5,Yellow Billy Boy Douglah,Barrackpore Monster,Burmese Naga and Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Moruga. Here is a pic of the little ones that have popped so far.   Here are a few of their room mates the big ones on the right are Butch T Chocolate Habanero Bhut Jolokia and Dorset Naga. The ones in the white grow bags are Carolina Reaper,Primo,Madballz and Infinity. Then there are Savanna7,more Primos Madballz Infinity Reapers and some 7 SR x 7 Douglahs. Most of these...
started my 2014 grow log so far started the following   Allen m boatman true jamacian scotch bonnet Jays red scorpion Jays peach scorpion Bhut jolokia rust Trinidad sunrise x choc scorp Yellow daisy cutter Moruga x primo Yellow naga Carolina reaper Jigsaw Habanero Vietnam Brown moruga 7 pot lava Madballz choc Yellow butch t Bengal naga Defcon 7 (choc bhut x 7 pot yellow) x Jonah Madbalz 7 Moruga satan Purple hab Turbo pube Fidalgo Yellow billy boy douglah Scorpion gui Choc scorpion Bahamian goat Choc scorpion x butch t 7 pot sr Scotch bonnet moa Habanaga Choc moruga Choc scorp x barrakpore Carolina reaper x naga morich Yaki blue Scorpion vv7 Tovarii Bedfordshire super naga Choc fatali Sunrise scorpion Choc bhut x yellow bhut Nebru 7...
Harry's 2013-2014
This season is mostly a continuation of the last season. My attempts to start a few varieties that I haven't grown have been unsuccessful thus far. To kick things off here's two of my red Rocoto plants side by side: Rocoto Red plant #1 and #3 I'm working towards figuring out why the plant on the right is a paler green. From 2010 H2:Capsicum annuum Jamaican Yellow (1 plant) Capsicum chinense Caribbean Red (1 plant) Capsicum chinense Datil (1 plant) Capsicum chinense Seven Not, Orange (1 plant; probably hybrid) Capsicum chinense Trinidad Scorpion Capsicum pubescens NotLocato (2 hybrids; distinct phenotypes) Capsicum pubescens Manzana Yellow (1 purchased; yellowish orange strain) Capsicum pubescens Rocoto, Orange (2 plants; second...
Laphroaig 2014 Glog! (2nd Year growing)
Hello everyone ! This will be my second year of growing, and i decided tot make a glog! :D   This year i will be growing : -Aji red -Habanero red -Hot portugal -Devil's tongue red  -Hot paper lantern   And i ordered 2 more wich i will be planting in a few days : -Bhut jolokia red  -Trinidad moruga scorpion red   I had a succesfull harvest my first year growing, but i'm really excited to growing super hots this year.  :hot:   Here is my start and updates will follow soon !  :party:  
Sarge's 2013 - Sydney, Some extreme variations!
Alright to kickstart off on this forum, I might as well write up a glog where I can show you guys what I have started, what I have and where I hope to be.   I never used to be a fan of chilli. Couldn't tolerate the hate and the day after. After time went on I started getting an itch for it and started to like it more and more to the point I eat hot things just to experience the burn. Well I consider my self to have always had a green thumb. Ive grown many plants in the past, mainly fruitful like tomato's strawberries and other types of berries. I then tried Bonsai but with uni and other things in the way it was far too hard to maintain and after a year trying to grow plants from seedlings, it only took one bad day to wipe out an entire...
motocross308 2013 -14
here is a pic of what i got rollin right now .. The unit farthest away is filled with coco chunks and then a layer of coir . It has carolina reapers , tabago seasoning peppers and tomatoes in it .. the tomatoes are gonna go soon. I started this in early fall. Light is provided by a 1000 w hps system . Now to the flood table closest. It contains my newest plants and seedlings .. They are all in coco coir but each is in its own pot or cup; .. the cups have holes drilled into the bottom to allow nutes in and allow drainage .Basically , they all get bottom fed . I do have some rockwool cubes in there just to see how they do in them and for how long i can keep them that way .  I still need to add a bunch more hydroton just for volume so i...
thecollegekid's first GLOG
I have wanted to start the time consuming process of a GLOG for the last couple years. School has gotten the best of me but i think i will be able to squeeze the time to create one this year and actually enjoy it rather than stress me out. I have started 60+ varieties of bhuts, 7pots, TS, and habs the other day in horticubes. I planted two flats of 108 cubes/flat with 3 cells for each variety. Currently two days later they are starting to send out roots. I will get pictures up later but I am currently at my research lab and bored so I thought I would start the thread. I look forward to sharing my season with you.  As far as where I will be planting, I currently am a Grad student at OU and have the ability to use their greenhouse to...
Clay's 2014 Grow Extravaganza. 10 varieties under 400w MH
Quick back round on my chili growing experience. I have grown for one season before now. Last year I have 2 Fresno chilies and 1 Jalapeno in a 6" raised bed and 1 Thai Hot in a container. Late freeze stunted my plants and then they got cooked because of bed placement and 100+ temps. I was able to manipulate the location of my Thai and it did great!.. until some heartless person stole it from my front yard. So this year containers it is(inside my wooden fenced back yard). 1/10/14 I started in a tray with fertilome ultimate and sowed Anaheim, Poblano, Habenero, Thai Hot, Tobasco, Jalapeno, Sweet Hungarian Yellow Wax, Green Hatch, Bolivian Rainbow, and Trinidad Moruga Scorpion. This is from today... 2/1/14 photo hosting All of the...
Buck$hots 1st GLOG @ Hydro
Well here goes. Got some sweet pepper, some hab's and some mystery have no idea what I planted peppers.   https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/108210399764936390185/albums/5936549244656283249 I was getting alot of flower drops (100%) moving them inside at night and outside during the day. After 7-15 days in the DWC I have 12 growing peppers :dance:
2014 - The Year of the Red Capsicum pubescens Takeover
This will be my first year in very long time growing hot peppers & the main ones will be Red Manzanos & Red Rocotos with a few Biggie Chile Hybrid & Maule's Red Hot (Cayenne type) thrown in the mix.   So far I have these above soil and growing...   1 Biggie Chile Hybrid 2 Red Rocoto   Not above soil but germinated... 7 Red Manzano germinated and placed in pots (red beer cups)     Germinating in paper towel & ziplock baggie 12 Red Rocoto   I may also grow some brown morugas from thepepperlover.com   Any questions just ask   More pics to come soon
Hello All   I decided late that i was going to make a growlog so most of my plants already have some size on them. A little backround information, I started seeds October 2013 and most of the seeds germinated by the middle of November. The plants include   Red Fatalii Yellow Fatalii 7 Pot White 7 Pot Brainstrain 7 Pot Douglah Bhut Jolokia White Habenero White Habenero White Giant Congo Trinidad Butch T Scorpion Carolina Reaper   http://i.imgur.com/WXIfTQH.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Y09h3oz.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QXZ8V6x.jpg http://i.imgur.com/V48ASLG.jpg http://i.imgur.com/txbysD3.jpg http://i.imgur.com/e78HVg4.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UcGiELA.jpg http://i.imgur.com/OUoDefs.jpg     The pictures are not to great due to my lack of picture...
Operation Hot Pepper University FINAL Update
Hello all!   After doing a lot of research, planning, designing, and redesigning, I finally ended up with a pretty decent little setup to keep some of my plants going year round.  The total cost was right around $275.  Right now this setup produces 2,925 Lumens/Sq.ft., using a 250W HPS bulb and 2 CFLs.   Setting up the stand   Stand w/ lights off   Stand w/lights on   Plants under the lights (Jalapeno, Habanero, Serrano)      I look forward to seeing how well this setup works and I'll be sure to post some pictures along the way.  If anyone has any questions feel free to post on here or just PM me.  Thanks for looking!   UPDATE11/30/13: I HAVE BEEN INFORMED BY THE RESIDENCE LIFE STAFF AT MY SCHOOL THAT I AM NOT ALLOWED TO GROW MY...
Hi guys. I'm a bit late here, been very busy last few months, but I'm willing to gie it another go here. Last season weather was so good that I was picking peppers till mid December. But I was working double shifts  from September till December so had no time to come here.   Hope I'll have  enough time this year to follow al your beautiful glogs and keep mine up to date :)   My peppers are already germinating and I'm keeping it simple againt. using my router as heat source, with two CFL builbs providing light for the peppers till they can go outside.   I have 23 varieties germinating for now, will probably add 10 more in a week or two: Poblano Orange Manzano Rocoto CR Red Rocoto Yellow Chile de Arbol Dorset naga Butch T Fatalii Arabibi...
First time growing - Shot Glass Contest and more
Hey everyone, I am not new to chilies, but completely new to growing them.  Making sauces is my normal forte, but I thought I would give a crack at growing this year and I am excited to undertake this project.  I joined a contest on Facebook where contestants plant seeds in 1 shot glass and whoever has the tallest plant by the end of the contest wins a ten pack of seeds from every contestant.  It is still open if you are interested and can be found here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/210848495780993/   I chose a Pimento Picante Big Thai Hybrid for my shot glass.     In addition to the challenge, I also intend to grow as many strains as I can.  I am expecting a seed care package in the mail from a buddy in Florida and once that...
Biffa Bacon's First Ever Pepper Grow
Hi Guys,   Brand new to your forum, been lurking for awhile now. I started growing Cayenne pepper plants about a month and a half ago, my first attempt ever at growing indoors. I started a blog on Wordpress so I can keep track of the progress, so these first entries here are copied from that blog. If interested, the blog is at http://chiligrowindude.wordpress.com.   After months of watching people eat hot peppers on YouTube (and usually puke), I decided to see if I could grow my own pepper plants from seed. Some of my favorites to watch on the YouTubes are The Fire Breathing Idiot (aka Ted Barris), George Payne, LA Beast, Cult Moo, Freak Eating, and of course, the one and only Wreckless Eating. So how does one grow pepper plants from...
FayahBen's 2012 season
Greetings :) With the spring incoming, it's time to start the grow log for this season. Well, for now it's not a really good start, i had problem with too low temperatures (and a little over-watering with the soil not drying well) with the first germinated plants that has stunted their growth, but they are recovering slowly. The temperature is better, but the plants could enjoy more heat, so they are still growing a little bit slow. Some strains have been a little hard to germinate too with several retries. The chinenses have been sown around mid-january, the annums and baccatums around mid-february. I've sown the rocotos in late autumn. Here's the strain list for this season: (the chinenses, rocotos and baccatum are goin to be grown...
Schrade's 2014 Grow Log
So I am a few days behind on this, but thought I would go ahead and start a grow log to share my 2014 grow. I actually planted on 12 January and already have some hooks! (Pictures to come this weekend). I've always grown some vegetable, but a friend introduced me to THP and I've been hooked every since. Thanks to everyone who helped make the below grow list possible, I really appreciate it and hope to pay it forward in the future. 2014 Grow List: Lilac Bell Green Bell Banana Red Pimiento Aji Dulce NuMex Suave Orange Trinidad Scorpion Sweet NuMex Big Jim Unknown Red Ristra Chili Fresno Giant Jalapeño Red Jalapeño Hungarian Wax Aji Lemon Drop Red Serrano Orange Manzano Tobasco Purple Cayenne Ring of Fire Cayenne Lumbre Anaheim Datil Hot...
My 2014 Las Vegas grow Log
Hey everyone thought it would be cool to show you my 2014 grow list.     -Giant White Habañero -Pink Tiger -Carolina Reaper -Bhut Jolokia (Red) -Bhut Jolokia (White)  -Bhut Jolokia (Chocolate) -Brown Moruga -MOA Scotch Bonnet -Pimienta De Neyde -Red Savina -White Devils Tongue -Ají Pineapple -Brainstrain (Red) -Naga Morich   I started these my seeds mostly in peat pellets and in a Jiffy Seed starting tray. I also used a heat mat to keep them nice and happy. They all sprouted within two weeks and I kept them under artificial light 24/7. After a week under the led grow light I transplanted them into 16oz Dixie cups filled with Fox Farms, Calcium (from eggshells), and magnesium (from espom salts).   Now I put them near a window during the...
Here is the list so far: 7 pot Jonah (Mgold/Matt pod) 7 pot mystery (Mgold/Matt pod) 7 pot Red (Jamie/Romy pod) 7 pot yellow (Mgold/Matt pod) Aji Lemon (Romy pod) Assam (Mgold/Matt pod) Barrackpore (Pepperlover) Bhut Giant Red (Matt/Mgold pod) Bhut Peach (Matt/Mgold pod) Bhut Chocolate (Matt/Mgold pod) Bhut Hybrid (Jamie/Romy pod) Brain Strain Yellow (DVFSTR/Dave pod) ButchT (Dvfstr/Dave pod) and Mgold's (Pod) CARDI Scorp Yellow (Jamie/Romy pod) Choc Hab (PaulG pod) (Romy) (Matt/Mgold) Datil (Jamie/Romy pod) Dorset Naga (Jamie/Romy) Douglah Red (Dfstr/Dave pod) Douglah Hybrid (Jamie/Romy Pod) Fatalli x Red Savina (Matt/Mgold pod) Goats Weed (PaulG pod) Habanero BLK (Matt/Mgold pod) Moruga Red (Matt/Mgold pod) Naga Morich (Matt/Mgold...
PIC 1's............Pod-ography.............2013
  Good Eve-ning, and Welcome to my bog...glog ! Hey folks sorry for the late glog-up I'm a month behind last years startup,...... :rolleyes: ...... I still have 12+ weeks (plenty of time) before I can start think about hardening off the plants outdoors. First off I'd like to give a shout out to those who followed my grow last season. Thanks for all the comments, thoughts and ideas. The chuckles we shared......there were some good laughs...(and especially all the criticisms........ :liar: .......hah) To those who are new, I try to follow a "weekend update" format with photos and captions. Although if anyone has questions or replies that needs and answer or response I'll get back during the week. I hope to keep this interesting and...