• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
First time UK chilli grow.
Hi,      New to the forum and this is my first season trying to grow some chillies. I started with about 8 Habanero seeds and 20 Cayenne seeds back in mid-march and I tried to germinate all of them for insurance that at least a couple would grow. I didn't realise the majority would germinate!! Anyway, I ended up leaving them to pick out the strongest of the bunch.   Here's them after a few weeks transplanted to individual propogator/windowsill greenhouse on 18th April:         So I had to get rid of a few more of the weaker ones because I simply don't have room for them in a small flat.     A few weeks later they are now in individual pots (photo: 2nd May):         Gave two of the Cayennes away and this is what I'm left with as of the...
Hi all, I had a great growing season last year with my Moruga Scorpions and My Bishops's crowns. I still have 6 Morugas and 2 Bishop's Crowns.   This year i will be growing   Jalapenos (Telica) x 24 Moruga Scorpions x 24 Bishops Crown x 48 (already Planted Pics soon) Orange Habanero x 8 Banana sweet x 8 Hungarian Wax x 8   pics and updates soon
Gourdmasters Grow Log for 2013/14
Hey all, this is my first real post on the pepper, and my ever grow log so bear with me if i seem to fumble a bit. This is also my first year trying to grow some exotic peppers. My dad and i have been growing thai peppers and hawaiian purple peppers for several years, and i also have a red scotch bonnet and a bhut jolokia plant i purchased from the county fair. I cook with the thai peppers all the time, and the red bonnets have been a treat.   I ordered ten varieties from a couple different sellers: devils tongue, chocolate scotch bonnets, satans kiss, cherry bomb, aji amerillo, jamaican yellow mushrooms, bishops crown, chocolate bhuts, aji dulce and sweet apple peppers.   I intend to keep 3 of each of these plants in my back yard (yes...
WxTony 2014 Glog; Let's do this!
I figured I should start one of these. Since I keep detailed notes, might as well keep them on here too. A big thanks go Judy for giving me a big box o'peppers to eat and save some seeds from.    This year I am planning on growing: Jalapeño  Cayenne  Bishop's Crown  Datil Fatalii MOA Scotch Bonnet (Thanks: Hillbilly Jeff for seeds) Peach Bhut Peach Hab White 7 pot Antilles  Fire (Thanks smileyguy) Choc Scorpion (Thanks smileyguy) From AjiJoe (Thanks Joe): Aji Amarillo Yellow Thai St Lucia Red Season Lotah Bih Bahamian Goat pepper Brazilian Sandollar   I have 3 plants that I am overwintering: Serrano, Red Bell, and a New Mexico 6-4.   I planted a round of seeds, sans the ones from AjiJoe, in Jiffy pots on 1/5 and I had to leave for a...
Roguejim's 2014 Glog...Rogue Valley Oregon...6/29...Warmer weather = Podding up!
Only my second season, destined to be better than the previous.    My goal: more pods; more ale.   THE PLAYERS 1.Scotch Bonnet Choc (1) 2.Scotch Bonnet FTL (2) 3.Scotch Bonnet MoA (4) 4.Scotch Bonnet Faria (1) 5.SB7J (1) 6.Bhut Peach (1) 7.Bhut Assam (1) 8.Pimenta Leopard (1) 9.Carolina Reaper (1) 10.Bahamian Goat (3) 11.Jamaican Mushroom (1) 12.Big Red (1) (7-pot cross) 13.Brainstrain Red (1) 14.Caribbean Red Hab (3) 15.Red Savina (2) 16.Choc Hab (1) 17.Scarlet Lantern Hab (1) 18.St. Lucia Hab (1) 19.Isabela Island Hab (1) 20.Trinidad Perfume (1) 21.Moruga (1) 22.Scorp Red (1) 23.Scorp Tongue (1) 24.Jay's Peach Scorp (1) 25.Trinidad Congo (1) 26.7-Pot Primo (1) 27.7-Pot Yellow Giant (1) 28.7-Pot Savannah (1) 29.Siling Labuyo (2)...
My first time growing anything
I figured why not.  I eat all these peppers and would rather do it myself just to see if I can. I sowed on the 16th of April and heres my progress.   choc bhuts infinities 7p barrackapore yellow brain strains reapers yellow devils tongue             There's 40 in all so I hope to get pods on my first try but we'll see! Any advice is more than welcome!
Plant's with identity crisis i think.
Tuesday 20th August:   Today i have started an experiment.      I have planted 3 Dorset Naga seeds in one pot and in another i have panted 3 Naga seeds. The first part of my experiment is to see which germinates the quickest.    The second part of my experiment is to allow the strongest looking seedling in each pot to grow and to attempt to overwinter the plants.   I do not intent to move plants from the pots they are in now until late winter (February) time. I will be keeping them in the conservatory although for a 6 week period around the winter solstice i will bring them indoors and provide them with several hours of extra light. The light will just be either a standard house light or lamp.     Obstacles:   The first problem i...
Hey. Lots of great pepper blog here. They drove me to build a raised bed and start growing. I'm on my mobile so posting pics won't work right now. Pics will come tho. Anyways, along with posting my blog updates I have a question regarding soil. The soil I have my pepps in seems pretty unrich. The pepps are in the soil already. Should I add some baged rich stuff to the top layer and should I be topping it with mulch?? Thanks
FGpepperguy's glog
Pumped for my new fan... should help out a lot!       Currently have:   Pasilla Bhut Jolokia 7 pod primo Jalapeno Cracked Big Jim Bulls Heart Red hot Giant Jalapeno Reaper Ancho Habanero  T.S. Butch T Aji Mystery Aji Dulce Aji Pineapple Guarani Gouchu Garu Hatch Hawaiian sweet hot Aji Poblano   Jalapeno Santa Fe Anaheim Yolo wonder
I am going to this year bonsai 7 or so pepper plants. I had a bonsai tree for 10 years after I got out of the corps, do to many life events I lost my tree. I am now going to combine my two favorite things peppers and small trees. Never tried to grow a bonsai pepper but sure the same principles apply. I will be getting some pics up soon as I get them into there first pot. And will post as they get more mature through this season. When I get a stable plant that is healthy I will be giving one away towards the end of this season. Kevin
Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to stop worrying, and Love the Heat
So I should have actually started this about 2 months ago... but I didn't know such a place was around. Anyway, I will say I am a rookie when it comes to peppers. Literally, never even tried to grow them. I've learned a ton just from reading the forum here and finally decided to join!    My actual garden spot isn't ideal for peppers as it only gets some sun. Normally about 6 hours of full sun, which in North Dakota, can be pretty hit and miss, and when it misses, it misses for weeks at a time. So, in the actual garden there is cucumbers, radishes, kohlrabi, carrots, various herbs, and pumpkins. In my containers I have tomatoes and peppers, and one cucumber as an experiment.   So as for the pepper list, there isn't anything that would...
So I figured I would start a grow log now.  I'm a noob and would at least like to share my trials and tibulations.  I have a bunch of scorpions and bhuts hardening off (at least I think they are, ebay....) at the moment.   Most of the plants are about 6 inches or more and I will post pics when I can.  I also have a newborn baby so it makes it harder to keep up with this.  Currently I have a bunch of scorpions and bhuts in solo cups about to go full sun in a couple of days but its been very cloudy/rainy lately.  I'm about to get 10, 7 gallon root pouches in the mail very soon.  I plan on a mix of 3.5 CU Ft of Top Soil, 2 Cu FT perlite, 1/2 Cu Ft coarse sand, 3 Cu Ft hummus/manure mix for all of it.  Choices due to significant other...
In vegas if you have a greenhouse you can keep stuff going for a while so I am starting my grow right now don't mistake it as we don't have winter because we do quite cold actually snows a couple times a year sometimes hails. Anyways it is time to get this thing rolling I will bring you along through the heartbreak and struggles also through the success. About 99% of my grow will be wilds so it should be quite interesting some of this is full grown others need to be sowed. Well here's the list more will be added as they come to me. Will upload some pictures tomorrow raining and dark right now WILDS: Capsicum Flexuosum Capsicum Flexuosum (S2) Capsicum Tovarii Capsicum Cardenasii (true) Capsicum Galapagoense Capsicum Parvifolium Capsicum...
Quibz Glog
I know the seasons already winding down, but I just made an account so I want to start sharing my grow. Last year my neighbor had a weird pumpkin looking pod come from what he thought were habanero plants. I liked them enough that I over wintered the plant and saved some seeds Between then and now I had a load of bad luck, I wont get into it, but my season this year was pretty weak. I ended up purchasing a bunch of c. frutescens peppers from the greenhouse where I work instead of starting my own seed. It wasn't until the end of june that I started some seeds. We hired some new people at the greenhouse, one of them is from India and he got his brother to send me some seeds from home. I started the Indian seeds as well as the yellow...
Ignite's 2014 Grow
It's time to start my 2014 Grow Log!  This is the first glog I have ever done so please bear with me as I make mistakes and stumble through this process.  I'm a complete newbie at most of this stuff so hopefully it goes right and I have some great peppers at the end of the year.   First off...I would like to thank everyone that has sent me seeds over the last few months.  THP members have been more than gracious and unbelievable in helping me gather my seeds for this year's grow.  These guys include SmileyGuy697, RebelGrower, Romy6, Hendrix1326, Coheed196, JediSushi, Jamison, AjiJoe, and a lot more that I'm sure I'm forgetting.  I can't thank you guys enough for the generosity.   2014 Grow List:   Bishop's Crown Pumpkin Habanero...
FireEater101 2014 Garden Glog
Hello and welcome to my second year of seed starting and having a glog.  My name is Mike and I love chili peppers.     As for 2013 here is a link to my glog on here http://thehotpepper.com/topic/37184-fireeater101-2013-glog/ As you can see last year was a very busy and almost overwhelming year and I never updated here beyond August.  Check out the link above for anymore details.  Needless to say I got at least a freezer full of peppers and a wife that never evicted me from the house.  Made lots of powders and a few hot sauces too!    So for this year 2014 my theme is going to be manageable quality plants producing quality peppers for the entire year.  I started all of my peppers this year from seeds I had from last year so I am keeping...
~108Mob~ 2013 Grow
Hi Everyone finally got a camera to post some picks and get the Glog going im going to start with my Amirrillo Tepin i started from seeds from Joyners Hot Pepper Powders ! Already Podding Up ! Chilly Chilli Unknown Red Chili It Is Very Hot and it is bangning right now !
Adam's First Shot at Spicy Peppers
Tomatoes on the right... Peppers on the left... 2 Simple 40watt fluorescent bulbs (cool white).   Indoor Grow spots...       Yes, those plastic containers at the bottom were filled with manure... If manure was measured in gallons, I would have 87 gallons!     Earth day success!!!     SINGLE BHUT BOUGHT FROM STORE.   Spoke too soon... (sunburn on tomatoes)             More updates to follow... Lessons learned. I accidentally posted 2 of the exact same thread. Anybody know how to delete one?   Admin?
What the heck, weather? 70 degrees one day, snow the next?    Anyway, this year is going to be way stepped back from last year. We now have a 7 week old baby in the house, and between preparing for his arrival and actually having him here, I didn't get a chance to get any seeds started. They'll live happily in the fridge until next year, I guess. My garden prep also didn't really go where I wanted it, so there's that, too. It's okay, a scaled back year this year and spend what time I can this summer getting major work done on the garden and then next year will be rocking.   I think I'm just going to be planting peppers that I can find at the local shops, either Big Blue or Big Orange, or the local garden stores if they have some. I've...
pebble's 2nd year grow. 1st year raised beds. (a lot of tomatoes)
Since I am starting this grow log about 2 months late I will make a summary post and keep it updated a couple of times every week, I am expecting it to last till end of October-mid November.   I started growing peppers last year and it turned into a major hobby of mine so I decided to step it up and build some raised beds in my very small Tokyo garden. Last years grow was very successful but it was in containers and only peppers.   In the end of 2013 I had peppers out of my ears and as a result and still being a newbie gardener I wanted to have experience with more than just peppers. So this year I am mainly growing tomatoes but there is room for peppers as well naturally.   At the end of the post I will list whats in the boxes. I...
This will be my first serious attempt at growing.  I had some success with a half-assed try a couple of years ago, so I am encouraged  :D   Here's the planned list: Sweet banana Sweet jalapeno Tabasco Habanero (mystery color!) Bhut Datil Super Chile The sweet pepper seeds I got from Sustainable Seed Co, the tabasco and habs from a friend, and the bhut, datil, and supers from Flchilehead :cool:   I'll start the seeds indoors, then move them outside as they grow.  I haven't decided yet whether I'm going to plant them in the dirt or use containers.  Even with our (mostly) mild winters, the ability to pop them into one of the outbuildings is appealing.  On the other hand, dirt is free. 
jojo's Ghetto Grow Log 2014
I thought I might as well keep a log on mi growing season.   Started the following first week of December.  I bought these seeds from Baker's Peppers it may be bright right now, but earlier we had some wicked rain.  had to set these aside for a while.   T Scorpion Moruga 7 Pot Merlot 7 Pot Primo Reaper, Brain Strain  Yellow Fatalii, Peter Pepper T Scorpion Chocolate   should I maybe snip these buds off?     here's the rest of my pepper grow. Started these Late January... I bought these seeds from Judy @ PepperLover   Giant Mexican Rocoto  Peruvian White Habanero Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion Chocolate Bhutlah White 7 Pod (she threw this in for free)   :dance:   this is what I'm planning on transferring into with an added mix of perlite...
Threehundredc's Florida garden tour
WEll i guess i will start a little log of what i have going so i can Log it for myself as well as share with You guys so i will take a Pictures along the way   i started my plants from seeds on 6/7  they popped up in like 10 days and grew in that container for a couple more days  that are in a box with aluminum siding and roof with 1 60w grow light  just to keep the box heat up and  getting the seed sprouts to grow sturdy   and the slightly bigger ones are in little pots now   What am i growing?from seeds few Habanero from a good grow a few seasons ago   quite a few Habanero from a Bravo grocery Store Thai peppers from Clones from a nursury Jalapeno Banana peppers hot and sweet and 'Bravo' scotch bonnets also a green and red bell     I...
Dragon49's 2013 Grow Log
2013 Chile Pepper Grow Log: My normal season begins in the middle of March, as I sprout 2 months before planting out in the garden. I’m dying to grow a superhot, but I have had 0% success in growing Capsicum chinense outside. A number of other factors prevent me from growing superhots in the garden. I’ve decided on a small indoor only grow. A co-worker beekeeper jokingly offered to bring some bees into my apartment to pollinate, but I declined. If this works, I’ll have to expand my gardening skill set and figure out how to hand pollinate. I’ll also have to upgrade my lighting, as I’ve been told that my 54 watt T-3 florescent, while good enough to start seedlings, is not strong enough to get the...
I am here to grow moruga plants. It's been a month since I planted the seeds and have tiny little plants. How do I add images from my computer to this post?? https://www.facebook.com/TheMorugaProject?ref=ts&fref=ts#!/photo.php?fbid=424751760942548&set=a.424751757609215.1073741825.421422021275522&type=1&theater
JoynersHotPeppers 2013 GLOG
In the for winter are: Jay's Ghost Scorpion - RED 7 Pot Jonah 7 Pot - BROWN The grow from seed list: Brain Strain - RED - Seed from a pod from Judy if memeory serves me correct Carolina Reaper - Seed from PepperJoe Jay's Ghost Scorpion - RED - Seeds from plant above To be continued... As of today here are how things are looking - 12/05/12 7 Pot Brown is fighting leaf drop, white flies seem likely and it has been treated. It still wanted to give me fruit. 7 Pot Brown 7 Pot Brown Jay's Ghost Scorpion - RED 7 Pot Jonah 7 Pot Jonah Seedlings Annuum List Cayenne Indonesian Chiltepin Amarillo Jalapeno Black Jalapeno Early Jalapeno Giant Jalapeno Purple Rooster Spur Serrano Thai #00419-2551 F1 Hybrid Thai...
Scratch's 2014 Disaster in the making
Seeds are planted! I'm a little behind schedule, but better late than never. The list: Carolina Reaper Manzano MOA Scotch Bonnet Bubblegum 7 Pot Chocolate Fatalli Patrick's SBJ7 Moruga Naga Morich Butch T Red BrainStrain Yellow BrainStrain Black Habanero White Bullet Habanero DouglahxTrinidad Scorpion F5 7 Pot Jonah Chocolate Scorpion Haven't had much luck with superhots in the past, so I figured I'll just grow as many as I can this year, and hopefully one works out for me. Last year, my c. Chinense were the most productive plants in the garden, giving me more Habaneros than I knew what to do with, so that's a confidence booster. Now we wait for sprouts....... I hate waiting.
Evening folks!   Just got back from the UK and picked up some seeds while I was there.  I'm growing in Abu Dhabi where I have some extreme temperatures to deal with outside, however hoping that atleast one of these manages to bear fruit!   I had a Bolivian Rainbow that I got as a seedling, and it eventually gave fruit, however it sat on a window sill it got watered every now and again, it didn't get much attention.   These may be typos, however they are all spelt as they were on the packet I received the seeds in;   Centennial - 10 seeds Seven Pod/Seven Pot (Capsicum Chinense) - 10 seeds NuMex Baily Piquin (Capsicum Annuum) - 10 seeds Brain Strain - 10 seeds Summer Fire - 10 seeds Smokin' Ed's Carolina Reaper - 10 seeds   I've spaced...
ivplay's glog
I probably won't do a full blown grow log, but thought I would post some of the pics from my pepper plants for this year.   Bhut Jolokia pods.  This plant is putting out large amounts of peppers! Purple Tiger.  These little guys are a bit spicy, but not so much that I can't use them for my friends with lower tolerances. Says it is a peter pepper.  Not a distinctive shape, if it is. Trinidad 7-pod.  One lonely pod on this guy so far. Yellow bhut.  Two pods on so far.  Red Savina plant.  This one is still growing, but so far so good.
I have some big plans for the 2014 season coming up. Already have the layout scheduled and supplies bought So heres's a list of what I'll be growing in the superhot area.     * Brown Moruga Scorpion * Chocolate Morugs Scorp. * Caramel Moruga Scorp. * Red Moruga Scorpion * Red Moruga Satan Strn. * Yellow Moruga Scorp. Brown Naglah * Red Naglah Chocolate Bhutlah * 7 Pot Primo * 7 Pot Brain Strain Red * 7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow * 7 Pot Brown * 7 Pot Bubblegum * 7 Pot Douglah * 7 Pot Douglah Red * UN Brain Strain Cross * Sepia Serpent * Carolina Reaper * Jays Ghost Scorpion Red * Brazil Ghost Pepper * Douglah X Butch T crs.  * Brazilian Brain Strain   I will have 12 plants of each type growing and a few other crosses I have been working on...
Newbie's Log
These are the first plants I have ever planted. They were planted on May 7th. I tried the plastic bag method but the results were disappointing. I got the seeds mixed up when planting so they could be a number of different types of peppers. I am just using a cheap bag of Miracle Grow Garden soil. The second pic is my makeshift plant rack for now. Just like the first batch, I will let them soak a little sunlight for a few hours every day. I am sure I am doing something wrong, but this is all new to me.       
Pinoy83's Continous Glog 2013
here we go my first ever glog, this my first time growing peppers so please bare with me with my unorganized plants and pictures.my growing medium is MG potting mix, MG moisture potting mix, perlite, red and black cindersused jiffy pellets and my aerogarden to sow my seeds. my grow list is all mixed: giant green bell pepper (home depot) jalepeno (home depot) serrano (home depot) poblano (home depot) anaheim (home depot) numix twilight (amazon.com) explosive ember (amazon.com) charleston pepper (i forgot were i got this from) pretty purple pepper (amazon.com) bhut jolokia (i forgot were i got this from) orange habanero (not sure) bolivian rainbow (amazon.com) cowhorn (free seed from pepper joe) peter pepper (pepper joe) ok gonna start...
Copenhagen LED grow, March 13 photo update
Hi there   I've been lurking around this forum for a while now, and thought this would be the right time for this post.   This year I'll be growing mainly indoors, I planted the first seeds in December, a few more in the beginning of January, and then the last few seeds in the beginning of February.   Here's my list: Royal Black Aji Amarillo Habanero Chocolate 7pot White Trinidad Scorpion ’Butch T’ Hungarian Yellow Wax Sweet Hungarian Yellow Wax Lemon Drop Aji Benito Rocoto Blondie Bolivian Rainbow Yellow Teapot Rawit Numex Twilight Peito de Moca Bhut Orange Copenhagen Naga Morich Habanero Meltdown Trapadeira Werner Madame Jeanette Habanero Hot Lemon Carolina Reaper Habanero X-strain Numex Suave Orange Praetermissum PI441654 Trinidad...
Wild in Las Vegas 2014 (Hardening off and flowers!!)
So now it's time to make another attempt and hope for a better year. I didn't want to make a glog this year... but I see many already started. That motivates me to make a glog. 2013 was a year for learning and making mistakes and mostly experiments. Needless to say I found and learned a lot and I know this year is gonna rock! So let's get started with some pics, and I'll update with th list later today and I'll be visiting glogs in a short while ;) and here's to 2014!!! :cheers: This is my list so far, and I will update if anything changes. -CAP 539 (C. Annuum) (Judy) -Calusa Indian Mound (C. Annuum) (Judy) -Tepin Sonora (C. Annuum) (Mine) -CAP 501 (C. Chacoense) (Judy) -CGN 20510 (C. Chacoense) (Judy)...
Vincent's restarted 2014 glog***April 1st Pic Update***
I figured it was close enough to go ahead and start my 2014 grow. I have already sown many seeds and have a few seedlings as well. Some of you may have seen towards the end of my last grow I had an in-ground garden plot tilled. It's fairly large at 30' long by 25' wide, so it'll hold way more plants than I could ever use lol. I will fill it as much as I can without going overboard..... I am going to be growing the wilds in root pouches just for convenience mainly, I will overwinter all of them hopefully. I just don't want to have to dig them up and worry about damaging their roots. I have about 15-20 seedlings under the T5's right now along with a good bit ofs eeds I'mwai ting to pop up, and my lonely hydro plant (Yellow Daisy Cutter)...