• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Okay well as some of you have probably seen, I started a thread about the heat of a pepper in different growing conditions and it sort of changed into a thread about the possibility of stressing a plant to increase production and potency in a hydroponic environment. So this is going to be an experiment to see the effects of DWC stressing of a plant as compared to a plant that is not stressed. For this experiment, I have decided to keep some form of control. The pepper selected is the TS Moruga. The seeds are from the same pod and have been put to germinate at the same time. I will be selecting two seedlings that pop up within 2 days of each other or less if possible. These 2 seedlings will be put into 2 identical black buckets with...
2014 Glog I guess
I told myself I wouldn't make a Glog but I decided to so here is my planned grow list: MOA Scotch Bonnets Caribbean Red Habaneros White Habaneros Naga Morich Yellow 7 Pot Piment de Espelllte Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Carolina Reaper Red Bhut Jolokia Peach Bhut Jolokia Bell Jamaican Mushroom (maybe???) Orange habanero Maybe some others too if I find more I want to grow. First of all, I say Jamaican mushroom maybe because I ordered scotch bonnets from Pepper Joe and a person I trust has told me these tend not to be bonnets but actually Jamaican mushrooms. I'm not mad because I wanted those as well. (It's also not an attack on you Joe). A very generous member sent me MOA scotch bonnets so I'm very thankful for that and maybe I will have...
My 2013 pepper crop was a disappointment. Most of the chilies I planted in the ground were either eaten by rabbits, died or grew poorly. I suspect that high soil pH is the reason for poor growth performance, but I haven't tested the soil. I do have a Pin Oak that wasn't doing well though and the arborist who treated it told me that the soil in my area has a high pH value (high 7's). I also made the mistake of thinking that fish emulsion was a complete fertilizer. I know better now.   Other plants that I grew in pots were started late, grew slowly and failed to set fruit before it became too hot and the blossoms dropped all summer long. Once it cooled off enough to set fruit, it became a race against time for the pods to ripen before it...
romy6 2013
Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new...
Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog
Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my...
Scarecrws 2014 Glog
Welcome to the wonderful world of OZ. This will be my second year on THP and my first glog. I am still learning peppers and techniques.  Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge, and the longer you are on earth the more experience you are sure to get. Thank you THP members for all the seeds and knowledge The list Tray 1 1) 6/0 Manzano amarillo C. pubescens Mexico Mel77754 2) 6/0 Manzano caballo C.  pubescens Mexico Mel77754 3) 6/1 Biquinho C. chinense Brazil Mel77754 4) 6/2 Tobago scotch bonnet C. chinense Tobago Mel77754 5) 6/5 Cumari Do Para C. chinense Brazil Wind Chicken 6) 6/0 Guampino De Veado? Wind Chicken 7) 6/4 Brazilian Starfish C. baccatum Brazil Redhawk  http://www.redhawkpeppers.com/HotSauces/default.html 8) 6/6...
Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013
I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary! There are eleven varieties of...
Drifty's glog from Sydney AU 2013/2014
Idea of a grow log is great, never really thought of really logging it all but have taken a bunch of photos along the way so it should be easy to pull this all together.   I started a bit late this year but that was mostly due to a fairly epic trip to New York for a friend’s wedding, but as soon as I got back home it was time to get everything going.   Having had mixed results trying to germinate last season I did plenty of reading, and then more reading and finally just a tad more reading before I decided on my plan of attack.   I had a screw case/box that was mostly empty so I used it along with some cotton balls to create a nice little seed incubator. Left over from my over wintering gear was a heat mat so I rigged it up to a...
Slyboys 2014 glog
So in the UK it's winter and I have kicked off my 2014 grow quite early. Here are the varieties I am growing this year. 1. Gourmet Jigsaw 2. Naga morich 3. 7Pot 4. Lucy 5. Habanero Carribean red 6. Long slim cayenne 7. Dorset naga 8. India Jwala 9. Zimbabwe bird 10. Joes long slim 11. Monster naga 12. Pusa Jwala 13. Aci sivra 14. HP22B Carolina reaper 15. Trinidad scorpion marouga 16. King naga 17. Kasmiri mirch 18. Dorset naga orange 19. Trinidad scorpion butch T 20. Naga Khorika 21. Red Dominican habanero 22. Shabu Shabu Here are a couple of pics of my indoor setup. These will all be transferred to my greenhouse come spring. Overwintered plants LED grow light Seedlings I have more to germinate but will get those going in...
I haven't done a grow log before, but thought I'd give it a try this year. I'm growing mostly super hots, so I feel like I'm already behind schedule. Anyone know where January went? No pictures yet, I'll add some later when things (hopefully) start popping. My setup is a basic home-made 2-tier 1" PVC plant stand. Each tier can accommodate 4 standard 1020 nursery flats and has three 2-bulb T-12 4' 40W fluorescent shop lights suspended above. The bulbs are a mix of Daylight, Wide Spectrum, and Power Twist. (I can't give you a K rating on these off the top of my head.) I use heater mats to try to keep the flats in the comfort zone for germination. They are wired to a dimmer switch so I can adjust the current. Even with the dimmer switch...
My first attempt...
I was given about 60 fruit bearing trees and bushes last week and in my mind, that just about makes me a farmer. I have decided I want to growing a lot of different fruits and veggies this spring. I have never done this before, but after some reading and the help of youtube, I started with some super hot seeds 2 days ago. Again, I have NEVER attempted anything like this, so I would like to keep a Glog here with you guys to get pointers, laughed at, and congratulated hopefully, lol   At the very least, I can share the experience with people who have done these already.   D-Day...seeds go in the dirt!     I planted 20 Moruga scorpion seeds, 10 carloina reapers, 10 each of Purple, white, red, chocolate, yellow, peach, and green Bhutlah. I...
Hi all, This is my first season growing much of anything, so im excited to see how this year turns out. I figured that beginning a grow log would really help me keep track of what i do and how the season unfolds. I started out growing peppers really unexpectedly. There was an organics fair on the University campus that i attend (i'm a fourth year student) and i happened to stop by a booth with a woman selling seeds. a pack of Chinese 5 Color seeds caught my eye and, on a whim, i purchased them. I started those seeds in a little plastic "greenhouse" container in seedling starter soil around the beginning of March and almost all of the seeds germinated. While that was going on, my interest in peppers kind of took off, and i planted a...
Mongo 2013/14 Glog
Hi, thought it time to start recording this years grow, might help me keep track a bit better and learn a few things along the way.   Updates may be a bit patchy for the first month or so, we're moving in a few weeks so this year I've switched from mostly in ground to a lot of pots, and have a lot of non-chilli related tasks over the next month.   Here's a list of varieties from memory, not complete, like my memory.    (ow1) = overwintered 1 year old (ow2) = overwintered 2 years old etc (s) = from seed this year (p) = purchased (Oakleigh Market, Bunnings, Masters)   7 Pot Barrackpore (s) 7 Pot BrainStrain (s) 7 Pot White (ow1) 7 Pot Yellow (p) & (s) Aji Limon (s) & (ow2) Anaheim (s) & (ow1) Bell Cap (ow3) Bhut Chocolate (s) Bhut...
Geist 2014 indoor/outdoor balcony glog
And so it begins. Thanks to my namesake brother for seeds for my 2014 season. I'm starting the season early with just one of the varieties he gave me to get me through this cold winter.   It's a Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend x Bhut Jolokia F2   4 seeds were placed in a wet papertowel in a ziplock. All 4 germinated after a week with no heating pad.   Placed on top of wet soil with a ziplock around for humidity and under a daylight spectrum cfl. This should be a really fun season. Thanks again to Spicegeist!        
As this is my first year growing chillies, i have decided to do a grow log to help me record what works and what doesnt work. My grow log takes the form of a series of youtube videos that i use to show what i'm doing and how. The link to Episode 1 is below. Any comments or suggestions are most welcome. Episode 2 is also up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THDfKc43sR0
Danko's Pepper Growing Glog
Ok, so here we are! I have the following seed germinating: Peter Pepper Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow Buht Jolokias Buht Jolokias Fatalii Aji Limon I started germinating on 4/25/13. One detail that I want to get your help on. As per the instructions sent with my seeds the ideal temp for them to germinate is between 80 to 87 deg F. As you can see on the pic the temp is at 81 deg which seems ideal. That temp reading was at 9pm. My problem is that I checked the temp this morning and it went down to 75 deg between the night time and morning. maybe for 5-6 hours tops. should I be worried about this or will they germinate properly. I live on PR and I thought the temp would hold for the whole day inside that room but naturally it's...
Koskorgul -2014 Grow List
So this is my first year growing hot peppers, sure I had grown some Jalapeno (2) and Cayanne (1) last year but this year is diff. I had bought those plants at the store when they were buy 1 get 2 free deal. They were already about 2 ft tall and were producing peppers. The only knowledge I needed was how to put them in the car, take them out, dig a hole, put the plant in and then put some dirt around it. Whew hard work, but those plants got me started with peppers. From there I met JAG and he gave me a bunch of super hots, Scorpion, Fatalii, Ghost, Douglah and many more. I got the seeds from them pods and saved them for this year with the thinking I am going to grow my own plants. Which brings me to my first grow log. I had started some...
early days of first time grower and very excited!
I'm your typically obsessed and addicted chilehead, from the UK. I'm a regular abuser of chilli pods and hot sauces (every meal more or less! my sauce buying is on the cusp of becoming 'collecter' but I know thats for another post) and I'm 'growing my own' for the first time. I'm not a gardener and have never grown anything before. Here is my early progress, it's also the first time I have ever put anything online, just to mention. I'm so glad to have found this excellent site. I think about and talk about chillies all the time, so my girlfriend will be so relieved I have found a new outlet for my ramblings! I also have a young 'basket of fire' plant growing but as I haven't done that one myself from seed I wont follow its progress...
3rrorist's indoor grow
Hello everyone,   This past year was my first year gardening and I didn't want to stop just because my season is over. Initially I was just going to move two banana pepper plants indoors, but a friend's mom gave me some various other plants. I'm not sure what all of them are and need help with identification.   My setup so far: Emergency mylar blankets iPower 400w light system Light timer 14" plant pot saucers Temp/humidity monitor   I bought the light I'm using initially for just two plants, but since I have several more than that now, I guess I will need more light. Any suggestions for my lighting situation are welcome. I would like these plants to grow and fruit under the lights, so whatever I would need to get to accomplish that.  ...
Windchicken 2013
Finally got me some lights and a heat mat... The trays are the self-watering Burpee 32-cell type..Hopefully they will maintain more consistent moisture levels. This is what I sowed: C. chinense MoA Scotch Bonnet (STEVE954), 6 Madame Jeanette (Meatfreak), 6 Bahamian Goat (FadeToBlack), 6 NagaBrain (romy6), 8 Trinidad Scorpion, 4 7 Pot Yellow, 8 Cumari do Para (capsidadburn), 8 Bonda ma Jacques x 7 Pot Yellow (Spicegeist), 4 Chupetinha, 4 C. annuum Doux Tres Long des Landes (Meatfreak), 6 Poblano, 8 Zapotec Jalapeño, 12 Chiltepin, 8 California Wonder, 4 Chilhuacle Rojo, 8 Thai Garden Birdseed, 4 Ashe County Pimento (kentishman), 4 Kitchen Pepper (Datil), 4 C. baccatum Aji Amarillo, 8 There are a few spots still open...
I know some of you guys have already started seeds for next year's grow, and I should have started the Manzano's a month ago, but I am still working on finalizing the grow list. Each year since I started growing peppers, the list has gotten bigger, and they have taken up a larger % of my vegetable growing space. I started working part-time 3 months ago, and I am a mother of three, so I am struggling with being realistic about how much time I can devote to pepper growing this coming season. Right now, I've got between 65 and 70 varieties on the list, and some of them I'd really like to have more than one plant. Last year, I ended up with about 50 varieties and a total of 75 plants. So you can see that I have some work to do before I...
GeorgeJ's 2013 Tokyo-a-grow-grow - finishing off this season
Hey all. First time growing from seed. Thought I would start off with the grow box I built. My apartment is so cold that I've built this box to sit in the closet and using a heat mat To keep things warm throughout. Not enough space or money to do everything separate. So I built this box from Styrofoam and aluminium insulation sheeting. Managed to get everything from the 100 yen shop (japans version of the dollar store). Here's it from the outside, in the closet (no gay jokes please) : ] On the inside there's a 50w fluorescent strip light I got for free with my axolotl tank. It's suspended from bamboo canes on wires, so I can adjust the height of the light as well as hopefully flexing in an earthquake. To the left hand side, a small...
Capsidadburn 2013  Less is more
Hello everybody! This year I will be growing much less than previous season's. I have been reducing my pepper growing for a couple years now. I am germinating under 20 varieties and a month later than last year. I have between 25 and 28 overwintered plants that are out currently, but not to far from the back door. I think I put the first plants in the ground last year late Feb. and early Mar. I do not expect to exceed 50 to 75 new starts this season. Along with my daughter I am growing some veggies, herbs, flowers, and a few fruit trees. I will do my best to keep the grow log lively and entertaining. As always lots of pictures of plants and pods, but also some cool nature, and a few extra distractions from time to time. Hope...
Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..
Weekend March 2-3: I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff. Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in...
Dot Com's 2013 Glog
Just made it under the wire, 3 h 18 m to go to 2013 ;) New grow started using a light for the first time this year. Don't know how many will survive (fingers crossed) because my grow room is not a dedicated grow room & consequently the temp is not above 70. Click on pics for larger view. Not got this hosting site's procedures down yet :oops: C-Not Madballs Rusty 7-Pot (this one might not make it) & Dorset (R ) viper (L) & Douglah ( R) indian guhahati[sp.] over-wintering dorset (L) & red bhut (R )(no green on that one yet): whole crop (light raised to get pic)
Hi everyone, This is my grow log in the super windy, super hot, sometimes way too cold, rabbit and squirrel infested High Desert of Southern California. In addition, My gardening has to be done on a super tight budget, so lots of stuff is recycled or repurposed for gardening use...LOL I'll update my grow list as I add to it. We have 3 garden areas that we will be using this year. (one last year, and 2 more I am preparing) Most of the Peppers are already either Plants, Seedlings or in the germ trays :) Tomatoes, Tomatillos and Eggplants are Seedlings or Germinating... Special Thanks to "StupidJerk", "Pulpiteer", "Meinchoh", "AjiJoe" and "wayright" for kindly sharing so many wonderful seeds/varieties with me, and expanding my...
Pulpiteer 2013 Grow Log
I've been meaning to get to this for quite some time. I've put off planting about as long as I can stand it, so in the next week or so I'll get seeds in the soil. Until then, I wanted to get the glog started for this year. I've been reading and learning about an alternative agriculture system called "permaculture" so I'm playing around with that. I hope to show not only the growth and cooking in this glog, but also some permaculture inspired stuff to share what I've been learning because it's pretty awesome. I looked over my 2012 beginning and I was way ahead last year, but then I ran out of room, so I've waited about a month in hope that will pay off. So a couple of things. First, I produced a bit of pepper jelly, hot sauce...
RocketMan's 2013 Glog; In The House!!
There are no gardening mistakes,only experiments." -- Janet Kilburn Phillips I love that quote and it will try my best to remember it through this new grow. So, I'm going with only 18 varities this year as we're looking at moving to a larger house if not buying this summer and I really don't want to have to try and haul a ton of plants when we do. the ones I've selected are: 1. 7 Pot Jonah---------------------------- Pic 1 2. Aji Lemon------------------------------- romy6 3. Chili De Arbol Negro------------------ smokemaster via SocalChilihead 4. Datil-------------------------------------- Pic 1 5. Fatalii------------------------------------ Pic 1 6. Gochu----------------------------------- Stickman 7. Red...
Salgar's mini glog First Pods!
Hi all, finally got round to snapping some of my plants.  This is my first serious garden year, I grew a horrible tasting multi coloured ornamental and some sickly birds eye types a few years back.  I'll call this a mini glog because I don't know how often I'll be updating it.  Anyways on to the plants:   This is the one that started it all, I got it online because I was buying a couple of coffee trees and wanted to pad out the order.  It just said "habanero" on the site, no idea what kind.  When it got here a couple of months ago it had 2 baby peppers on it which I pulled off to promote growth.  They had no heat at all but maybe that's because they were so young.   Untitled by salgar08, on Flickr   These are the seedlings still in...
Time to get this party started!!! Here is an abbreviated list of this season (basically, whatever I can remember): SUPERS Jay's Bhut Scorpion (red) Jay's Bhut Scorpion (peach) Carolina Reaper NMSU Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Bhut Jolokia Peach Bhut Jolokia Bhut Jolokia Assam 'Indian Carbon' Yellow Bhut Jolokia Moruga Scorpion Yellow Moruga Scorpion Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 'Mississippi Strain' Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Yellow Trinidad Scorpion CARDI 7 Pot 'Rennie' 7 Pot 'Bubblegum' 7 Pot 'Brain Strain' 7 Pot 'Brain Strain' (yellow) 7 Pot 'Chaguanas' #2 7 Pot 'Douglah' 7 Pot 'Burgundy' Sepia Serpent Black Naga Fatalii Red Fatalii MORE CHINENSE Peach Habanero Madam Jeanette Congo Red Habanero Francisca Chocolate Habanero Bahamian Goat...
Coheed's winter '13/2014 grow
So my 2013 plants are still outside and producing but I have started a few different seeds to grow indoors through the winter. I also realized that I had basically everything I needed to build a DWC bucket so I jumped into that as well. Anyways here's just some general pictures of some of the more rare/interesting things I've got growing now. First is the 007 Butch T MA Daisy Cutter (yes I intentionally cut some of the leaves off) Hydro Daisy Cutter Bhut Jolokia Light Green (from Bjarne) Bubblegum 7 Bubblegum #2 Naga Suomi X Pimenta De Neyde Bhut Orange Copenhagen B.O.C #2 That's basically it. I have 3 C. Lanceolatum that have just broke the surface and the seeds that have sprouted from my GA3 experiment...
Hi. Growing in Ireland. Will upload some photos as soon as I can. This is what I am growing: Chinense 1.Naga Morich 2.Fatalii Red 3. Bonda ma Jacques 4.Trinidad CARDI Yellow 5.Pimenta de Neyde 6.Aji Panca 7.Butch T 8.Pieto de Moca 9.Apricot 10.Aji Limo Baccatum 1.Aji Cito 2.Aji Benito 3.Escabeche 4.Madre Vieja 5.Dedo de Mocha 6.CAP 220 7. Brazilian Starfish 8. Hot Lemon 9. Omnicolor Annuum 1.Superchilli 2.Numex Big Jim 3.Goatsweed 4.Padron 5.Short Yellow Tabasco 6. Eastern Travis County Tepin Wild 1. Flexuosum 2. Lanceolatum 3. Rhomboideum 4. CGN24333 5. Chacoense Frutescens 1.Chenzo Pubescens 1.Albertos Rocoto 2.Large Red Rocoto 3.Rocoto de San Isidro
illWill's First Indoor Grow
As a new member at THP, I feel like it is customary for me to showcase my grow :D (since I can't figure out how to post pictures on a new topic, to be continued in reply) This is my first year growing peppers,  aside from a few jalapeno plants in the garden in years passed.  While visiting family in New Mexico,  I stopped at a chile addict store.  This purchase is what spawned my interest in chilies     I already had a 600w HPS and a nice little 4 foot T5 fixture.  It was time to set up shop....   They started small, but..... As the plants grew bigger.... so did my enthusiasm......              Currently,  I am harvesting some of my first pods off of the plants in the HID room and I am starting some other varieties under my...
HabaneroHead - 2013 - New Hope
Hi Everyone! I started my season quite early this year... I was making the same mistake...again, and managed to cook my seeds. Despite of that there were 2 Naga Morich seeds germinating,this is the reason I am calling them 'The Survivors'. :P At the end of February I was on a business trip to London, my peppers germinated just before of that. When I returned two weeks later, the seedlings were still very small, no improvement was seen, and the leaves were almost completely purple. I was searching on the forum, and I arrived to two possible reasons: - Suncald: well, it was snowing, and practically it was winter, I really doubt that - Lack of Phosphorus: caused by the poor soil. Since mine was fine, it wasobviously caused by the too cool...
Hottoddy's 2013 Season - Wrapping Up Pics
Here goes . . ! After reading this forum for the better part of a year, this is my first time attempting to germinate. For the past three or seasons, I picked up starts from local nurseries and farmer's market - each year picking up a few more. Last year I had about 15 plants and really caught the bug. My seed list - many thanks to those forum members with the great SASBE offers! Bhut Jolokia “Ghost” (Mine) Best Orange Habanero (Mine) Trinidad Moruga Scorpion (Mine) Fatalii (Mine) Fatalii/Red Savina Cross (Robin/Spanky) 7 Pot Jonah (Robin/Spanky) Lemon Aji (Robin/Spanky) Cayenne (Robin/Spanky) Brain Strain (Robin/Spanky) Most Prolific (Pepperlover) Blue Mystery (Pepperlover) Pi 281429 (Pepperlover) White Bhut Jolokia (Pepperlover)...
Jamison's  "Operation Pods" 2013 is a Mission Complete
Well THP, its that time of the year again. I've been anxiously awaiting to give life to these seeds that we all cherish so much. This year I'm gonna focus most of my grow towards Scotch Bonnets, with 14 different strains. Also have a few Supers and 7's with a few others as well. I still have 3 plants that have been overwintering and still doing good after another cutback and a bonide treatment for aphids. Heres the list :party: Bonnets MoA Scotch Bonnet SB Orange Jamaica SB FDA Bonnet Costa Rican Yellow Trinidad SB Red Squash Pepper Jamaican SB Montego Jamaican Red SB Jamaican Yellow Jamaican Yellow Jamaican Hot Chocolate Bonnet Bell The 7's Bubblegum 7 7 Pod Orange Romy's Yellow 7 (OP) 7 Pod Jonah Brainstrain Yellow 7 Pot Primo...
Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest.... Looking at growing: Bolivian Rainbow Crimson Torpedo Firecracker Santa fe grande Serrano Peter pepper, red Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden Scotch bonnet, red Hot Jamaican Jamaican mushroom, yellow 7 pot primo Fatalli, yellow Butch T Atomic starfish Bishop's crown Okinawan hot pepper Another okinawan variety Rocoto Purple flash Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun.... More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two...
Spicy Chickona's MMXIII Grow Log
Hello everyone. Wasn't going to do a grow log this year, but then thought maybe someone could learn from my mistakes. ;o( So here we go. last year I started my plants mid January and paid the price with mr frost, it was difficult watching everyone starting their plants. Start off with the building of the new grow light boxes and maybe will get some germination going by tomorrow. Thanks for stopping in! Cheers - Jeff
Ocho Cinco's rookie season
My superhot story started in late 2012. I was certain that the Mayan's were right and the world was going to end soon. To help ease my mind I decided to browse online for some seeds. I was on Baker Creek Seed companies page and I saw that they were selling ghost pepper seeds.  I was like, "Cool!"  I wanted to get some. I had never had anything hotter than a habanero before so I wanted to try growing some ghosts. I got to wondering if there was anything hotter than a ghost pepper so I googled it. Sure enough I found something hotter. Eventually I stumbled upon Pepper Joe's page. That's where I was first introduced to the Carolina Reaper. The "The NEW Worlds Hottest Champ as of the 8/27/12 Press Releases. It averaged 1,474,000 Scoville...