• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Bob_B 2014 Grow
Well, I decided to do a glog to share with you and to help me keep up with what I do and when....   Today, I planted up some annuums I started in their germination tray on January 18.  Nothing exotic here - just stuff I've always liked.  Serranos, Cayennes, and Big Jims were potted up today in the pots they'll stay in this season.  I only wanted two of each so I potted some up in small pots I will give away (probably to my brother).   I also re-potted some overwinters - Grenada Hot, Datil, and Caribbean Red.  The Grenada Hot and Datil are both several years old.   Grenada Hot       Datil     Caribbean Red       I also re-potted a Besler's Cherry that's been producing even in the off season.  This is an interesting pepper because it...
Bricklayers Glog - first time building peppers, indoor LED grow :-)
So, another glog from another newbie, who has never grown any plants in his life before! Started the first batch of seeds in a heated propagator late november, and some are already beginning to flower. (although they may fall off, we'll see about that!) Next batch started late december. When moved from the propagator, they came under first 1, then 2 LED lights from: http://www.bh-froe.com/ZC/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=57&products_id=2653 Another 2 are ordered, this time 2x36W. YES, i have fallen into the same trap as many of you fools, i will run out of space :mope:   I am a sucker for Poppers and the likes, and my taste buds are not yet hardened off, so my grow list is somewhat whimpy compared to the average THP member...
I`m going to try and keep a GLOG this year. In the past I`ve felt that if I did a GLOG I`d get bored with keeping it up, so we`ll see how it goes.   In the mean time, this is my current grow list for 2014. It may change sometime in the next 10 minutes. I decided to go with mostly weird, relatively unknown stuff  :party:   The Supers   7-pot Brown  7-pot Brown (Red phenotype) 7-pot Savannah  7-pot Rennie  Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend  Chocolate Moruga  Brown Moruga  Bubblegum 7-pot F4  Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw  Douglah x Butch T F5 Brown  Douglah x Butch T F5 Red  Yellow Trinidad Scorpion x Butch T Yellow  Chocolate Bhut x Yellow 7-pot Brown  SB7J  UBSC (unidentified brain strain cross)     The C.chinense varieties.   Wild Brazil  Cumari...
Cartz's 2013-14 Glog - Video update - Waaay overdue
Hey all, I find myself with a couple of free hours and thought I would finally contribute something to the forums that I've been lurking around for the last 12 months.   My motivation for posting a grow log this season is simple - I need to restore some pride. To be blunt, last summer was my first time growing and I sucked pretty hard. I did somehow manage to pull a few pods amidst the carnage of being double teamed by my own stupidity and mother nature, but I'm determined to be more successful this season.   Given that I am still very much a rookie, please don't hesitate to offer any advice or criticism you have if you see me doing anything dumb on here.      Living in Brisbane (AUS), I wanted to get things off to an early start this...
GregK's Peppers-2014
Well some history and updates: A gardener for several years, and a newbee to the world of Super Hots I got started and hooked  last season when I got "wind " of the Carolina Reaper. Better late than never, I sowed seeds very early April, found this great forum, and bought some additional plants from Mad Hill Peppers. The knowledge that flows freely here was and is invaluable.   So, this season I got started way earlier and sowed some seeds at the end of January. Got off to a great start  but let roughly a half of the plants dry out. I had to nurse them back and for the most part they are doing OK. Stepped them them into 3.5 " containers,  into custom blend of soil, compost, grow mix, ect. Then I sowed a second batch and they got...
Quezada's Glog 2014 (noob grow)
Strains: 7pot Jonah, 7Pot Douglah, Carolina Reaper (Refining Fire Chiles) Sown: 01/08/14 Germed:1/21-2/23 Housing: Secret Jardin Dr90T (dark room 90 twin) Lighting: Sunblaze 24, T5 HO fluorescent fixture Medium: Black Gold seedling mix, Worm Gold Plus (castings) Nutrients: Boogie Brew (compost tea 1- 2.6 -2.5), SEA-90 (trace sea minerals), Azos(xtreme gardening N fixing bacteria), Kelp4less Endo Humic blend (80%humic acid and 20%  endo-mycorrhizae) Pure Protein fish fertilizer  (15-1-1 soluble powder) Total plants: 3 Jonah, 2 Douglah, 5 Carolina Reaper [Pellet plants not included. Idk if they'll be ready this season (except the Serranos they'll be good to go.) but maybe overwinters?]
Adam's First Shot at Spicy Peppers
Tomatoes on the right... Peppers on the left... 2 Simple 40watt fluorescent bulbs (cool white).   Indoor Grow spots...       Yes, those plastic containers at the bottom were filled with manure... If manure was measured in gallons, I got 87 gallons of cow manure!     Earth day success!!!     SINGLE BHUT BOUGHT FROM STORE.   Spoke too soon... (sunburn on tomatoes)             More updates to follow... Lessons learned.
I'm not much on pics but I'll post some as things develop. This is my first official, posted glog so go easy on me please!   Each variety will be in sets of four seeds and I'll only keep the two best of each seedling variety. I'm using Espoma Organic Seed Starter instead of Jiffy Peat Pellets, which I used last year with really good success. An 8 quart bag was cheaper than 75 individual peat pellets and I have plenty left over.   Here is my list;   Madballz Nebru Orange Bhut TS-Yellow CARDI 7 Pot Yellow x BJIC 7 Pot Red Bad Brains (special thanks to Wes!) 7 Pot Bubblegum Batalii Not Black Naga x Mean Red Chocolate Bhut x 7 Pot Yellow TS-Red SB7J Fatalii Jigsaw 7 Pot Primo x Yellow Bhut Peach Bhut Red Congo Trinidad 7 Pot White   I have...
College student, long time lurker, first time poster.  Having had several successful DWC and one short but successful aeroponic tomato, i decided to try harder.  I will have a rubbermaid of at least 20 gallons as the rez for the two cement mixer trays (36 x ,18 x 8in).  the cloner/LPA will be an old 40 gallon breeder aquarium i have no use for anymore.  most likely half, but possibly 3/4, will be used for cloning, with the remaining room being filled with 2/3 kinds of basil, kale, and spinach.  The pictures i put up now are just what i have so far.  left to buy are another cement mixing tray, acrylic and hole saw for the top of the aquarium, and more hydroton/hydrocorn as well as misc. nutrients.  the peppers i will be growing will be...
reverser's first grow (2014)
This will be my first real attempt at growing from seed (last year, I tried planting some pepper seedlings from Lowe's, directly into the ground, and they just died a pathetic death).   I have 3 cubic yards of Gro-Pro Potting Soil being delivered next Monday, and I'm going to fill 2 5x5 foot raised beds with it:    Will I be able to cram all these plants into those 2 beds?  I figure that I can get 16 plants into a 5x5 bed if I leave one foot spacing between the plants and the walls / each other.   I'm currently sprouting the seeds under 2 4-bulb T8 fixtures, with 3 of each type -- one will go into the raised bed, one will go into a Walmart bag and one will be a spare.  With a few exceptions, germination rates with a heating mat /...
Hey all!   Brief background:  I have never grown anything before. Somebody gave me a ghost pepper in the fall. Before using the pepper in my cooking, i scraped out all of the seeds. Harvested 56 seeds. I planted them in a Burpee peat-pod starting kit (I later read you shouldn't use the peat-pods for starting hot peppers. Oh well. too late for that)     All ghost pepper seeds. (I think)   Planted 2/18   first sprout (hook) Tuesday (3/3)   placed the whole tray in a makeshift grow house (3/4)      Took this picture this morning.  (The site wont let me embed google pics so here is the link)   http://goo.gl/FP5iTD     Exciting week, Lot's of growth.  I will continue to search the boards looking for answers, But if anybody wants to throw out...
Wildchicken first year 2014 glog -new grower and is addicted update: 4/11/14
So this is my first time growing peppers and there really should be a pepper growers anonymous group in the welcome page warning people about how addicting it is to grow peppers. I started innocently enough ordering maybe 4 different pepper varieties. I planted them and everything seemed to be good, then I found some more peppers that sounded good and planted them. I joined this site and learned about even more pepper varieties and made the "mistake" of going to pepperlovers.com , Judy sent me so many extras of course I had to plant them too. Now I have so many varieties growing that I am running out of space. You will see from the light that the bottom section with the t5 ho was supposed to be for me and my peppers while the 4 t8...
Moshun's 2014 - noob grow - Hab & Cayenne - 15W E27 LED
Hi guys,   First time grower and chili enthousiast.  This website/ forum already helped me out a lot, so I wanted to post some pictures of our setup.. Me and my, I must say, very willing girlfriend live in a small city apartment, so not much room to work with. On our last trip to Costa Rica we got some chili seeds from a wild Habanero and some store bought Cayenne. We decided to try and grow as much as possible. Germination rate was about 95% and we ended up with a bunch of seedlings.  Because our notorious Belgian winters we went out, did some research and bought a 15 W E27 LED growlight. Fitted it to an IKEA reading light, and was pretty surprised about the results. The plants all have steady growth, the leaves on the plants look...
Carolinia Reaper (Germinating) Carolina TearDrop F3 (my creation) (Germinating) T.S Moruga red  T.S Moruga Yellow T.S Moruga Chocolate  (Germinating) T.S Moruga Chocolate "Long" f2 (natural phenotype)  (Germinating) T.S. Red Satan (LOOKING FOR SEEDS)  T.S. Butch T Mississippi Strain (Germinating) T.S. Butch T longtail (Germinating) T.S. Butch T Yellow (Germinating) 7 Pot BrainStrain Red (Germinating) 7 Pot BrainStrain Yellow (Germinating)  7 Pot BrainStrain Brown/Chocolate  (Germinating) 7 Pot Brown (Germinating) 7 Pot Burgundy (Germinating) 7 Pot Defcon 7  (Germinating) 7 Pot Lava  (Germinating) 7 pot Bubblegum (Germinating) 7 Pot Primo Red (Germinating) 7 Pot Primo Yellow (Germinating)  7 Pot Primo Orange...
SgtPeppers' 2014 Reaper/Bhut Grow Log
Hello THP members!   This is actually my first post on THP forum. I hope everyone else is as excited to grow as I am this year because I am super pumped. Last season, I grew Bhut Jolokias for the first time and now I am addicted to super hots. I figured I would document this year's progress as a guide to new growers out there. Anyways, let me bring ya'll up to speed!   I begin germinating my seeds in early February. I'm considering starting them even earlier next season. Most plants sprouted within 10 days, but I had a few that just now germinated this week. I never give up on a stubborn seed; some take 40+ days to spring into action. My best success seems to stem from (no pun intended) the paper towel method. After the taproots emerge...
Ocho Cinco and the Pepper Joe Experience   The plan: Get a "Volcano in a Box" from Pepper Joe Document the entire experience here on THP Simple   I'm just a hobby grower. This will be my second year growing super hots but I am a relatively experienced gardener. Like most hobby growers, I don't have the space to grow a whole lot of plants. I will probably keep only one or two plants from each variety. The rest I will try to sell. I will try to keep contact with the buyers to see how their plants grew.    I plan on taking many pictures and videos to be as thorough as I can. What will the results be? Will the seeds germinate well? Will the pods grow true?  Can I make some money? Will this product succeed or fail?   Let the adventure...
So I'm setting aside 12 plants to attempt an overwintering.... looking at having 45 plants for 2014.... Plants I'm overwintering, 4 unlabelled supers that didn't produce, pimenta de neyde, purple flash, butch t, two unlabelled ornamentals from ajijoe, another unlabelled ornamental and pequin. I have 11 varieties I'm waiting on from a sasbe offer here: super chili, aji pineapple, bishops crown, brazilian starfish, 7-pot jonah, datil, chocolate hab, f2 yellow fatali x red savina, and three wilds, c04392, c01225 and tc07246. I have seeds saved from my last two seasons for orange manzano, rocoto amarillo, an okinawan variety, white habanero, golden habanero, tazmanian habanero, scotch bonnet, jamaican mushroom, yellow fatali, serrano...
Hi everyone,so,this will be my verey first attempt to start a glog,I live on a farm in SA in the Western Cape. I AM still attending school (9th grade) and I will try my very best. I just want to thank Lourens (PeriPeri) And Conor (Saugapapper) for the fantastic seeds,you guys are awesome! I will grow: PeriPeri : mozambique Habanero Orange Peach Habanero Jalapeno 7pot red 7pot brainstrain yellow Yellow Fattali Choc habanero Billy Boy Douglah Butch T Scorpion The rest I can't remember,will send the full list tomorrow I am in exam stage in school so things will be hectic,anyways,wish me luck,thanks.
Pep's Late Start Glog
As the title implies, I got off the line a bit slow. Owing to this, only having one seed tray, and no knowledge of my seeds viability/age (given by very generous users here, I thank ye) I took a shotgun approach and planted all seeds of a variety per cell. It worked out well as some varieties haven't hit 10% germination (yet). This'll likely be pilot error as I've never planted anything from seed except grass (of the lawn variety)! The tray, uncovered: My chicken scratch chart: Unintended consequence of shotgun technique. Peruvian purples that were literally heaving the soil into the air as they all emerged at once. I had to push them back down multiple times. Still ended up with some helmet heads and a crowded mess: Habanero in...
OhioGrown 2014, second time around, 4-6-14 update.
well, it's another year, and I promise this year to add weekly updates until the end of the season. I drifted off mid-summer last year and never showed any finished pods, plants, sauces, powders or anything! So, , , I started my super hots this afternoon after shoveling 4 inches of snow off my driveway. No overwinters this year, just seeds. I planted 15 White Ghost, 10 7 Pod Congo, and 5 each of the following: 7 Pod Orange, Large Yellow, White, Yellow Brain Strain, 5 Butch T's, and 5 Large Bell Peppers (as an experiment). All my seeds came from pepperlover.com. Started in peat pots, inside, with a heat mat and 7 inch humidity dome. Here's ground zero:
I live in AZ and I feel like it seriously stunted the growth of my plants. They got 1' at most and was very lanky. It barely produced any fruit and fell over when it did. The method I'm going to use now should help A LOT. All I did before was put them in a raised bed with potting soil and used Miracle Gro pellets. Now I'm using a soil mix of: 1 part potting soil, 1 park peat moss, and half a part of vermiculite. I'm going to be using a fertilizer consisting of 1 part urea, 1 part pot ash, and two parts bone meal. I mix 1 teaspoon per gallon of water. I'm also going to be growing in pots now. My main concern now is the heat. How do you guys do with the heat?
Yeeee freaking haaaa! It's that time of year can you believe it? I'll try to do a better job keeping the glog updated but don't hate me if I don't please!   Going to cut back on types and just grow a few this year. Absolutely fell in love with the Trinidad Scorpion Morouga from CPI last season so that will be my main grow. Got a few Sepia Serpents from SS that I'm intrigued by so a few of them. Had poor success with the Carolina Reaper last year so I'm going to give them another shot this season. Some 7 Pot Brain Strains and some 7 Pot Primo's will round things out. I imagine I'll be adding a few here and there as I can't never be happy with things at the beginning.   Best of luck to all of you and I hope you all have a wonderful...
*Information about added varieties on page 3*     Hey everyone! Long time lurker here... been using this site as an incredible resource for my everlasting search for face-melting heat. Decided to finally put all the knowledge I've gained to use, and grow my first super-hots!   This year was my first ever outdoor garden (and things went great!) along with many typical garden veggies, I grew some Thai chili's and orange habanero's. It's so awesome seeing all your hard work end up at the kitchen table. That being said... I've got growing fever now! Our outdoor season here in Idaho ends in Sept. - Oct. if you're lucky, and doesn't start back up until April-May'ish. That leaves me all winter with nothing to grow. So I decided to move things...
This is my second year attempting to growing peppers.   Last year, battling the usual mix of poor UK weather, less than perfect attendance/care and limited space gave me enough peppers to keep me going but not the success I was expecting. However now I have a bit of experience, I have high hopes for this year.   In terms of selection, while I love some of the really hot peppers, I really can't get through many of them (I do not intend on scortching myself to look hard) so I thought I'd go for some of the milder exotic varieties that I can literally eat off the bush. Most of friends won't go near the hotter varieties, so I want to grow mainly the more accessable kinds.   With that said, upon ordering a pack of Cheiro Roxa from refining...
Decided to create a new glog instead of adding onto the one from last year.   Started my seed germination and setup my lights over the weekend.   Grow list for this year   Yellow Scorpion Fatalli CRH ?? - It is a cross between a CRH and a Ghost ( I think ) Very large pods, lotsa flavor and heat MoA JaHab Thai Fire Thai Carigated Jalapeno Biker Billy Barakapore Choco Hab Ghost MadBallz   There are 2 more on the list but dont have the list here at work. Started about 10 seeds of each. Last year I had about 55 plants and ran out of room to plant them. If I get the germination rate I had last year (about 95-98%) I will be selling some plants LOL. Heres to a great growing season to all.   Oh BTW- Sorry to be MIA the last few mths. Started a...
Toronto 2013 Results/2014 Grow
After a short season here in Toronto I can safely say I have learned a whole lot this season about growing a subtropical plant in Canada. With our shorter growing season I noticed a lot of my super hot varieties, Carolina Reaper, Naga Viper etc. did not have time to fully mature. I started germination for 2013 on Jan 27th. I also learned the hard way about hardening off my plants. I threw them out from my nice comfy downtown condo, under their ever so fancy 5 cfl ott light to the harsh winds and cold of Lake Wilcox in Richmond Hill, to discover they sun burnt and struggled to recover *all survived (somehow.) This year was definitely harsh compared to 2012. My tomatoes, zucchini and peppers were no where near the size this year compared...
Rock wool vs Jiffy indoor starting CFL- Multi strains
Thought I would start my first glog. 2nd year with peppers, this time I'm ready to share and hopefully get some constructive criticism along the way. I have 4 strains, all procured from fatalii.net. Varities are Aji Fantasy, Cherio Roxa, Bolivian Rainbow and Naga Morich. I ordered a bunch more but I thought this would be a fun mix, started 16 seeds, with 2 in each bolivian with the plans to bonchi them later on. 4 were started with Jiffy pucks the rest with Rockwool. I think I will start with Jiffy from now on, they need less nutrients at the start to get a good root system and I am going for minimal nutes. All organic when I do use them and so far it's only bone meal. I've got a 2x2x4 Secret Jardin DS60, 200W, 6400K CFL under a 18"...
FireCracker's First Grow!
First I would like to thank cone9 for providing my first ever seeds!  I planted: Chocolate Hab Choclate Naga Morich Trinidad Scorpian Brain Strain  Reaper Ghost Pepper   March 1 2014 I started the seeds soaked in paper towels for 24hr, and then put them in paper cups with seedling mix, this whole thing went in a bx covered in plastic. I placed them in a sunny room during the day, and on my heating vent for the night.        March 25 2014 Everything except the ghost peppers hatched sprouted last week, and I keep them in a sunny room all day and under a normal CFL lamp for 4 more hours in the night. Here are some pics of my ghetto setup! Suggestions would be appreciated as this is my first grow!   
So here next to the mighty Niagara Falls, most talk of the power of the falls and the energy it produces. My family, friends and neighbors speak of the nuclear pods I produce in my backyard! This will be my 3rd year growing but more so 2nd devoted to mainly peppers. Last year was a pretty solid year. Thanks to many kind chiliheads and of course Judy, the varities have grown? Its like an obsession. More more more This years grow consists of the following: Brazilian ghost Red bhut jolokia Peach bhut jolokia White bhut jolokia Chocolate bhut jolokia Naga morich Moruga brown Moruga scorpion Carolina reaper Fatali Fatali red Datil Red congo Yellow congo Brown congo Orange congo 7 pot primo 7 pot jonah MOA scotch bonnet Brown scotch...
Simon04's Glog
I've just started growing for the first time this year..... I'm currently in possession of a few seedlings and a few plastic tubs with seeds germinating. I was also given a big headstart, when I was given a small selection of mature plants by a friend of the family. They were a bit tatty - but I'm working on that. I was given these. I'm currently trying to identify these, with help on my other post here.... but they seem to be pointing to Birds Eyes and Hot Wax or Banana. Anaheim, Costeno Amarillo and Tam Jalapeno. Started Feb 2013 Peter Pepper and Anaheim. Started 2013 Cheyenne. Purchased 4x seedlings Feb 2013. Re-potted Mar 2013 I'm hoping to record an inventory of what I have soon, and what success in germination there...
Varieties that are already sowed and ready to go. cap 215 cap 220 cap 469 cap 499 cap 501 cap 1153 cap 1445 cap 1446 cap 1530 CGN 17020 CGN 19198 CGN 20800 CGN 22869 CGN 24360 CGN 22792 PI 260426 PI 293349 PI 441654 PI 441656 PI 446909446909 PI 594141 PI 633751 PI 639682 Grid 15020 capsicum buforum capsicum exile capsicum flexuosum capsicum galapagoense capsicum lanceolatum capsicum parvifolium capsicum tovarii Bradley's Bahamian Chilli Penguin Peruvian Wild Sonoran Chiltepin More to come on the next few weeks. :-)