• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

I see things are looking good a CC's place! Mine are also well behind last year due to the poor early season weather.

I lost both my last OW Rhomboideum and last Tovarii this past overwinter, but everything else is doing great. For replacements, I planted about a dozen Rhomboideum seeds - and now have about a dozen small Rhomboideum plants :rolleyes: - and a half-dozen Tovarii seeds which are still keeping me waiting.

I moved all my non-AVG wilds to a new location this season, which is shadier than where they were last year. Most of them seem to be enjoying it. I haven't taken pictures in a while now. Maybe I'll try to get out and do that.
I feel small and insignificant after seeing these fine images 😳 but
I'll post anyway :oops:

c. flexuosum started late Spring, spent until receently in a beverage
cup. Seems to be handling transplant okay. Unfortunately no partner
for this one:

Should be some open flowers soon.
I feel small and insignificant after seeing these fine images 😳 but
I'll post anyway :oops:

c. flexuosum started late Spring, spent until receently in a beverage
cup. Seems to be handling transplant okay. Unfortunately no partner
for this one:

Should be some open flowers soon.
Hey PaulG. That's how I feel this season, too. It's been a tough one for we PNW folks and just about everything I have growing is well behind schedule. Your flexuosum looks happy and healthy though!
So the red rocopica I grew this year is not in fact red. I had hoped to produce a yellow rocopica through crossing and ultimately a mustard form. It would appear the first step is already complete. It also seems this one is deciduous once ripe. Second pic shows it with mini olive and de la selva arequipa

Far from certain this leads anywhere interesting but worth trying. Now starting to get ripe berries on the variegated parts of a C.flexuosum plant. Some variegated leaves, some striped branches, some white pedicels, some variegated pedicels. Collect all the white/variegated ones, mass sow to see what happens.

Example of a variegated pedicel (left) and a normal one from elsewhere on the same plant (right)
