Silver_Surfer's season starts

Mr. Surfer,

I'm very curious. What do you do with all those wonderful pods. Do you supply supermarkets, if so which one so that I can buy some. Are they all for personal consumption? Please forgive me fo being so nosey.

I've enjoyed your thread very much and am sad to see it come to an end. Thank you.

Another season in the books SS.

Thanks for the seeds, sharing the knowledge, the little bit of jealousy, ;) the entertainment, all of those wonderful photos and your never ending positive support.

Can't wait for next season!!

Take care friend.
Hi coheed, I reside in the same county as the Crimson Tide. :)

Well thats only about 45 mins from me. I may have to come visit you for a learning session next season. I'm in blount county but work in jefferson county. Although I travel to a different county to watch my football team :)
Looks like another great season S.S nice to see you growing skills improve year by year..great crop again 2011 buddy :cheers:
Thanks talas, chilies practically grow themselves, I just try not to get in the way. :)

looks like the pepper gods were nice you you this season~! congratz!~!~!~!~!
And a few pepper demons as well. :lol:

Mr. Surfer,

I'm very curious. What do you do with all those wonderful pods. Do you supply supermarkets, if so which one so that I can buy some. Are they all for personal consumption? Please forgive me fo being so nosey.

I've enjoyed your thread very much and am sad to see it come to an end. Thank you.

Happy you enjoyed it Ed. I sell very little, give a lot more away and sauce, dry, powder, puree, freeze and consume the rest. I just enjoy growing plants each season of many varieties I've never grown before. I may start selling some powder at some point as my stock of dried pods is beginning to cramp my storage space.

Another season in the books SS.

Thanks for the seeds, sharing the knowledge, the little bit of jealousy, ;) the entertainment, all of those wonderful photos and your never ending positive support.

Can't wait for next season!!

Take care friend.
Thanks P, I always enjoy your photos and commentary buddy. :)

Well thats only about 45 mins from me. I may have to come visit you for a learning session next season. I'm in blount county but work in jefferson county. Although I travel to a different county to watch my football team :)
Sent ya a PM. :)