Silver_Surfer's season starts

Very cool, thanks SS. I knew you would come up with information above and beyond. Also thanks again for your excellent season report---very helpful starter tips for this newbie as I was getting underway. It soon became apparent you guys in Dixie have a big edge, but still great to know there IS a Pod Heaven.... :cool:
Just two days ago the high was 82F, but now it's dropping into the 30s and frost is forecast for tomorrow morning so it's time to make one last mad dash to the pepper patch.

The 4 Biker Billy Jalapeno plants were the most productive of the 3 varieties I grew this season and I'll try saved seeds next year to see if these are really hybrids. The Tiburon hybrid poblano is my fave for production and heat as well as rellenos and three plants is definitely enough.

Table 2

Table 3

Here's a shot of the color changes of the two Douglah crosses I plan to try and stabalize over the next several years. The brown goes from green to caramel to a dark chocolate brown, while the more scorpion like pods pass through a bright orange stage before reaching a flaming red.

This will be my last harvest this season unless the weather man is wrong. If he's right there sure are loads of green pods that will be added to the compost pile. Oh well, I'm ready for a break from pod processing.
Wow SS. You been busy eh? Looks like you'll have enough heat to get you through the winter. You and an army of chiliheads. Ha!

Hope the weatherman is wrong and best of luck stabilizing those Douglah's.
Beautiful tables of pods unreal how many peppers happy plants can yield. Was a pleasure watching your grow again this year S_S your a real master chilegrower! The top Douglah looks like a really nice brown 7 Pod, the lower one doesn't look like a Douglah more like a red 7 Pod which is cool, a throwback gene. :)
i have to clean up a giant puddle of drool after looking at all those pods! GOOD LORD! wish i had one or 2 plants that produces that amny pods!
What is more impressive than the tables full of chillies is that you drink a whole bottle of Jack every time you harvest!
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Awesome harvest SS! Sorry to hear about the frost. Hopefully you get another good harvest. Its been fun watching your table fill up with so many pods and even awesomer getting to try them!!!!! Thanks again! I am going to start some of your douglah.scorp cross seeds hopefully soon. Hope they turn out as cool as yours.
Dude... That is absolutely ridiculous. I work 5-6 10hr days a week and that seems like nothing compared to processing that many peppers! I mean its fun for us to look at.. But its gotta be nuts dealing with all those. I don't know if I would even want that many peppers on my table! lol. Great pictures/harvest this season. Your GL was one of the first I saw when I joined :D Good luck with the weather man!
They huddled together to allow you more time to crawl through and tickle them. :lol:
No more crawling, I'm getting kind of rough with them toward the end of season and just push my way through...

Awesome harvest SS! Sorry to hear about the frost. Hopefully you get another good harvest. Its been fun watching your table fill up with so many pods and even awesomer getting to try them!!!!! Thanks again! I am going to start some of your douglah.scorp cross seeds hopefully soon. Hope they turn out as cool as yours.
Thanks Ryan. Good luck with the crosses. I'll have to send ya some powder that will reduce your heating bill this winter.

Dude... That is absolutely ridiculous. I work 5-6 10hr days a week and that seems like nothing compared to processing that many peppers! I mean its fun for us to look at.. But its gotta be nuts dealing with all those. I don't know if I would even want that many peppers on my table! lol. Great pictures/harvest this season. Your GL was one of the first I saw when I joined :D Good luck with the weather man!
Thanks, those tables took about 4 hours to process. A little practice does make you more efficient. ;)
I am beginning to doubt the bible. If Jesus was really all powerful, he wouldn't have made bread, or fish, or wine... He would have multiplied peppers until he had tables that looked exactly like tables 2 and 3...
What is more impressive than the tables full of chillies is that you drink a whole bottle of Jack every time you harvest!

Pretty sure that's how he keeps his energy up to pick all of those babies!
You reckon? A bottle of Jack under my belt and I'd just about be ready to find a shady spot under the plants and take a nap..... :lol:

Impressive to say the least, SS! (The pods that is--I'm back on the wagon and I'm not going to condone the heavy drinking...)