Recent content by AlphaHydroponics

  1. AlphaHydroponics

    seeds-germination Tea killed my seedlings...

    Don't use tea on seedlings... use in soil after plants mature... and are established. Homemade tea can be pretty funky... needs a buffer and/or a strong plant to absorb imperfections in the brew..
  2. AlphaHydroponics

    depends on size and demands of plants. You should be fine if your reservoir is somewhat fresh...

    depends on size and demands of plants. You should be fine if your reservoir is somewhat fresh. Dont fear, plants will bounce back, and (a little) stress is often not a bad thing. Cheers!
  3. AlphaHydroponics

    5 Gallon Bucket O'Brains!! Offer is Closed!!!

    That is a choice offer and a great way to provide value to the buyer. Does it include the shipping cost? 
  4. AlphaHydroponics

    wanted Looking for Hong Gochu & Datil seeds.

    Have as many Datil seeds as you need. PM me for address and send sasbe.   Regards, Chris
  5. AlphaHydroponics

    Hello from Southwest Georgia

    Welcome Dave. You are in good hands here.   We participate in our community garden as well. It is a great option for all...   Regards, Chris
  6. AlphaHydroponics

    Rapid Rooter question

    Push them in a bit so they are seated mid way in the plug.
  7. AlphaHydroponics

    pests Bug ID please

    A brisk rinse as needed to rid them.... prob each day until they subside... they figure it out and move on....
  8. AlphaHydroponics


    DWC for sure... you can look at our grow log or blog here at THP to see some examples... NFT will not work for growing a pepper plant to maturity.                  
  9. AlphaHydroponics

    Hello from America's oldest city

    Welcome... Datil's are what got me started (picked up some seeds in Fernandina)...   You're in good company!
  10. AlphaHydroponics

    Shout out to MGOLD86 welcome back and Thank You!

    Shout out to MGOLD86 welcome back and Thank You!
  11. AlphaHydroponics

    Monsanto defends seed patent... are hot peppers next?

    Monsanto defends seed patent... are hot peppers next?
  12. AlphaHydroponics

    High Court Rules for Monsanto in Seed Patent Case

    So, here is the link to the WSJ article from today It may require a subscription to view. Those who can't view please email me with your address and I can send you a link via...
  13. AlphaHydroponics

    seed-plant-vendors Where do you guys get your seeds?

    Ummm... here... THP members have been generous .. pm me for a sasbe package of surplus....
  14. AlphaHydroponics

    New to the site, currently in afghanistan

    Welcome and Thank You for your service. You too, are in good hands.
  15. AlphaHydroponics

    40 from under the lights to the greenhouse to harden off. Another 40 potted up. Over winters not...

    40 from under the lights to the greenhouse to harden off. Another 40 potted up. Over winters not looking so hot.