Grass Snake
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  • How do wild varieties other than peqin and chiltepins hold up outside in the southern heat?
    Depends on which ones and where they originate from some Brazilian species will most likely hold up better
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    Which Brazilian would you recommend that is not as hard to grow and is heat tolerant.
    Hound dog knocked down my aji dulce off the counter! Is it animal cruelty to beat his ass?
    I glad he didn't dig it up.My neighborhood has a lot of cats,that try to use me pepper plants as a place to chit.
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    Go gangsta on em and bust a cap in their behind. This is my block bitches! Or you can just let them fertilize your garden.
    I am thinking of putting a box trap out for them.Cats dung has some really bad stuff in it.The also have been putting a hurting on the birds around here.
    DIY Pool Demo not easy.
    is it just concrete walls with a rigid plastic or fiberglass liner covering the bottom?
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    It was an old fashion plaster and shotcrete. Pools are overrated unless you got a bunch of space and a bunch of money to blow. So it was a no brainer for me DESTROY.
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    I got say though I have gained alot of respect for people that have to jackhammer all day.
    Just bought a new game winner 6 tray dehydrator. This is a first for me so I'm wondering if I made the right choice.
    How's the dehydrator working out for you?
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    So far so good, all I've done is dried some peppers on the lowest setting. Taking forever but I trying to keep the seeds viable. I'll probably try making some banana chips soon.
    My daughter picked a Batgirl costume this halloween. I'm just glad its nothing from frozen.
    LOL, that movie isn't allowed in my house anymore.
    So are you going to go as Alfred?
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    No, but I will be driving the batmobile.
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