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  • Hey man, You know we tried to use it at the East location and it didn't work. Haven't made it to the west one yet. How's that for some silly shit? Still have it in my billfold. No expiration date on it. Maybe I'll use it tomorrow night.
    looking 4 crazy hot seeds or dry pepper pods that would get me started i would luv 2 get my heands on sum from around the world im a newbie i thx you
    Man I just don't know. I grew up in Iowa rooting for the Hawkeyes and didn't become a Husker fan until I was here for over 10 years. Who the hell do I root for now? I'm usually not a fan of changing conferences but the decision makers know more about it than I do. Just doesn't feel right though.
    You want TX and OK in the Pac 10? Might slow USC down a bit man. Lots of...
    Hey Patrick- whaddya think of Big Red jumpin ship to the Big Ten (eleven/twelve)??? Gonna be weird next year. Hear the Horns and the Okies might be Pac 10??? Crazy...
    You weren't around here last December? Dude you need to take a step away from the bong you've been here since March of 2009.:P

    No worries man, enjoy your Sunday.
    Hey John, We're doing just fine here, hope the same with you. I'm pretty good at dealing with pickles so if I can help in anyway don't hesitate to ask OK? OK. I'll remember the southern MO friend as long as you remember you've got one here in Nebraska.
    Hello again my friend! Hope all is well. I've been in a bit of a pickle of late, but I'm still kickin'. Have quite a few peppers sprouting and so far so good. Everything I got from the members of this forum are way out-performing any seeds I bought. That's awesome. Hopefully I can get a few things worked out so I can keep in touch with my friends on here, but until then.........remember you have a friend in southern MO:)
    I'm sorry, I'm not good at sticking with a conversation, am I? I was making spicy sookies, with a reciped that called for black pepper and I used the last of the Aji Limon pepper powder in it instead. They were pretty good, when I havee some more aji limon I will twaerk the recipe till its perfect and then post it here. I cant read what I'm typing, its in black on brick red so I hope you can read it. I'm going to bake cookies again this monday, that was so much fun. I'll make them with the black peppertr this time, since I'm out of Aji limon.
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