Recent content by PrairieChilihead

  1. PrairieChilihead

    pests What are these pests and how do I get rid of them?

    When I had an infestation I tried everything, including Neem Oil, several other sprays etc and I eventually cut the plants down and gave them a thorough washing with soapy water. I managed to control them but didn't actually get rid of them until I bought ladybugs. So, that's the answer...
  2. PrairieChilihead

    A weird Thing I Have Just Noticed About My Seven Pod Plants

    In using the word "mottled" I meant splotchy. The dimpling/pimply look...some of my plants get that, some don't. I guess it means something but the plants all do fine, with it or without it. So I don't worry about it. I used some seeds up to 3 years old this year as well, and they germinated...
  3. PrairieChilihead

    A weird Thing I Have Just Noticed About My Seven Pod Plants

    HI all, Thank you once again for taking the time to respond to my question. Here is the soil mix I use: I use 2 types of soil mixed in a 2/3 to 1/3 or maybe a 3/4 to 1/4 blend -- Sun Gro Horticultural Professional Sunshine Mix 1, consisting of Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, Perlite and Dolomite...
  4. PrairieChilihead

    fertilizer-nutrients Do You Fertilize All Your pepper Plants The Same?

    Hi, I have always treated all my pepper plants exactly the same way and they all do differently. Some do better than others. I have recently started thinking that maybe they have differing nutrient requirements and I should treat them that way. I am wondering if I am the only one and...
  5. PrairieChilihead

    Canadian Hot Pepper Growers

    Hey! Great Topic. I'm in Winnipeg. Last year we had a few weeks up in the high 30's which caused some of my plants to shut down because they didn't like the heat! How's that for a kicker? I start my plants indoors mid-February, get them outside in the first week or so of June can usually...
  6. PrairieChilihead

    A weird Thing I Have Just Noticed About My Seven Pod Plants

    Hi Again, Thanks for the replies. I have held back from fertilizing actually. I only started applying fertilizer within the last couple of weeks. I am sensitive to over-fertilizing the plants and actually noticed the yellowing prior to my starting. I applied epsom salts first. At this...
  7. PrairieChilihead

    A weird Thing I Have Just Noticed About My Seven Pod Plants

    Hi and thanks for your replies. Actually, one of the plants I grew from a seed I received from Cappy back in 2009. I just thought that it would be nice to have a plant that wasn't 5 generations old. And it is also doing the same thing. Here are pictures I just took: Again, I...
  8. PrairieChilihead

    seeds-germination Seed helmet?

    This is exactly what I would say. I usually leave the seedling for a day or so to see what the plant will do on it's own. If the helmet is still there I dampen it thoroughly and then, grasping the plant as close to the husk as possible with my left hand, I gently start to apply a steady...
  9. PrairieChilihead

    A weird Thing I Have Just Noticed About My Seven Pod Plants

    Hi Everyone, I have actually just noticed something peculiar about every one of my seven pod plants (and I have 7 small plants still indoors waiting for the weather to become nice enough to be brought outside.) Every single one of them has the leaves yellowing in a mottled pattern. The plants...
  10. PrairieChilihead

    Best Method for Applying Epsom Salts

    That's great to see. I have several plants that have very pale yellow leaves and I want a quick fix. But with this great advice I feel more confident about spraying the plants with Epsom and also watering them with it. I already have fertilizer happening, of course. This is just as a...
  11. PrairieChilihead

    Best Method for Applying Epsom Salts

    Thanks for the response millworkman. I have seen that instruction before. I am wondering if it would be too much to spray the leaves and also water the plants with it. Or if that would be fine. Does anyone have any experience working with Epsom Salts that would help me? Thanks again for...
  12. PrairieChilihead

    Best Method for Applying Epsom Salts

    Hi All, The leaves on my plants are coming up yellow and some leaves are curling. I am decided to use Epsom Salts for the first time. I have read fairly extensively on the subject but haven't had some specific questions answered. So...where to get the very best, tried and true...
  13. PrairieChilihead

    Help a Newbie Grower Get Started, Please...

    Have you given any thought to potting up your plants while outside? Container gardens can be nice and then you can shift the pots around to sunny corners of your yard and lengthen the growing day. Just a suggestion.
  14. PrairieChilihead

    Have I still got time to grow a batch?

    I agree with bigt's response. There is a garden centre in my neighbourhood which has pepper plants that are a good size now. The plants get bigger (some with pods on them) and the prices start to drop as they worry that they'll wind up stuck with a bunch of plants to destroy at the end of the...
  15. PrairieChilihead

    Peppers & pods 2011

    Really a very beautiful picture. I don't usually look that closely at the flowers, I have to admit. I don't get interested until the pods start to form, but you have inspired me to take a closer look.