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  • Yes, some do. And i dont mean it in any sort of sexual way either. Just a nice footrub. Oh, and i dont mind sweaty feet either. Ok, well, thats not entirely true. How about this? I could deal with your sweaty feet if you wanted me to rub them.
    It's here. And its swollen. And its doesnt hurt as bad as it did yesterday but its still aches. How are you this fine friday?
    So send it to me in an e-mail. I love getting messages from you. Have a nice dinner. So long and thanks for all the fish!
    Yeah, it was "updating" and said something about sitting back and drink lotsa beer in the meantime.
    Oh, of course. Its never my looks that attracts people, no. Always the jokes. Sheesh. But anyway, i always thought i'd fit in well over there. I see you finally found the underline button. Did it show up when you updated to IE8?
    What a nice mommy you are. Scaring the SHIT out of him with the horrors of a bot fly's life cycle......
    I'm not entirely sure thats what it really is, but all the symptoms are exactly what i'm experiencing now. I'm going to let the doc make the final call about it and how to treat it. Hey why dont you try webmd.com for Con to see what it might be?
    Here's the definition:

    Bursitis is an inflammation of small sacs of fluid (bursae) that help joints move smoothly. Olecranon bursitis, which affects the olecranon bursa at the back of the elbow, is sometimes called Popeye elbow. This is because the bump that develops at the back of the elbow looks like the cartoon character Popeye's elbow.

    There are three general causes of olecranon bursitis:
    • Inflammation, such as from pressure on the bursa or from inflammatory conditions. This is the most common cause of olecranon bursitis.
    • A sudden injury, such as a blow to the elbow, causing bleeding or fluid buildup
    • Infection caused by any of the following:
      • An injury at the site of the bursa
      • An infection in tissue near the bursa that spreads to the bursa
      • A blood-borne infection. This is rare.
    Im not entirely sure yet. It was bugging me at the beginning of the week and i started rubbing my elbow pretty hard and i think i may have inflammed the hell out of it. That or i bashed it on something.
    My elbow has swollen up really bad and hurts like a mothereffer. So i guess i'm going to spend my saturday at the walk-in clinic.
    I'm mentally fine today, but physically i've got an issue that flared up within the last day or so on me. Apparently i have olecranon bursitis in my left arm. And yes, it feels lovely indeed.
    I am, thank you very much. Now that i've made your acquaintance i don't know what i'd do without you sometimes. How is your day so far?
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