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  • Oh. Everything's on backorder, customers are fuming about it, and its all my fault basically. Thats pretty much the work side of it.
    Nothing seems to be going well for me actually. And yeah, her leaving pretty much nailed the coffin shut for me.
    Its a friend this time. This year so far seems to be pretty screwy for me emotionally. I hope the rest of the year isnt like this. I cant possibly handle that much bullshit anymore. It'll drive me back to drinking.
    I'm still here. I wont be able to really do much about some of it until tonight after work. Besides, its impossible for me to even try to stay away from you(which i never will, btw).
    Awe, he is a very good looking snowman. I'm jelouse, we have about 8 - 10 inches of snow and I can't play in it. :( So is Con too old to play in the snow with his mother? :lol:
    Well...I had another surgery on my foot and am laid up until sometime in march. my girl is having a blast helping daddy and I think my wife is at her last straw with me. i am bored out of my mind. :lol: Other than all that things are fine. How have you been? What are you and your boy been into?
    Hi there RB, we haven't spoken in a while and I must say that I'm jealous of Sickmont as you guys seem to talk everyday. :P
    Have a good weekend yourself, doll. Sorry about being a miserable jerkoff before. Please forgive me. Sometimes my attitude gets overbearing and i have a hard time keeping it in check.
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