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  • It almost didnt to me. It made perfect sense in my head, but then the trip down through my wirst to the keyboard it seemed to get skewed.
    Please don't. Knowing that someone else worries about me just worries me more.

    Jeez, i dont even know what the fuck i'm talking about now. Did that make any sense to you?
    You know what? FUCK IT. Theres nothing i can do about it. Please dont worry about me.
    Trust me, i fail miserably at it. I can say fuck it to something all day, but remember its not only still on my mind, but usually becomes a thorn in my side too.
    I already mentioned it before. I don't like being in a situation that i can't change or control or do anything about. It really drags me down.
    Yeah, yeah i know. Maybe if i wasnt in such a fucking rut it wouldnt bother me as much, but it does.
    Almost none. I got an e-mail from her when she landed in Gennai, and i got a little "hello" email from her today.
    Its really busy here at work yes. And to be honest, i've been bummed because of the fact i really like you and cant be anywhere near you. Well, that and the fact that Avalon isn't here also. Thats depressing for me too.
    Its very late morning here. And i'm still a bit stressed out today. How about yourself?
    Shit. If you were here at my work today you wouldn't be saying that. I'm about ready to kill somebody here.
    See? I told you i suck and i'm worthless. But you just wouldn't listen, would ya?

    I probably could help if i was there, actually. I have a very hard time talking people through stuff because my mind works too fast for me. You can also just hit the control button and "+" at the same time to increase magnification, hon.
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