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  • Hello i am a friend of chillipepperpete and he asked do i know rainbowberry? Happy new year!!
    I'm sure you're built beautifully, dear. So which IPOD were you getting Con? I've been mulling over a 32gb Touch for myself.
    Cant blame him for that. Do you get really conscious about "wandering eyes"? Some women i know couldn't give a rats ass about it(and rather enjoy the attention, btw), and some others are very offended by it.
    I know its a bitch, but try not to pick at it too much. That makes 'em way worse. And dont worry. Every female i know picks at their face.
    True. One of my favorite sayings is "you are your own worst critic". And boy is that an honest statement.
    Call me fearful then. And i always call myself a dumbass. Why? I have this thing with self deprecation also.
    Oh yeah our banks do the same stuff. And you didnt reply because i'm always up your ass and you wanted a break from my dumb ass for a day. See? i know whats going on, LOL.

    But seriously why do you suppose your phone keeps sending me duplicate texts of nothing? I got 2 of them about 30 minutes after i sent the one to you on sunday. And all it had were these little boxes in them.
    No, we don't. Say did you get my text on sunday? And i was wondering if you had sent any replies and what they might have been.
    The same way i've been handling it since 1988.....i just ignore her and her bullshit and i don't talk to her.
    I really dont know whats in her head. It starts out as conversation between us both, which often then leads to arguing between us which then escalates into that crazy talk from her.
    Shes trying to blame me for my dad's heart attack(the one that killed him in 1991), and shes trying to blame me for my mother's slowly failing health. Actually, it was more of "you dont do enough for her and thats why shes dying" kind of fucked up shit.
    Honestly, i think she might be drinking again. I have no idea why i suddenly started getting fucked up e-mails from her this morning.
    Nope. I didnt. And today sucks so far. I'm busy as all hell, my computer is being a 5-star piece of shit, and to top it off my sister decided shes going to be a major fucking c*nt to me today as well. At least you're here though. The only really nice positive thing about today.
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