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  • They hassle the hell out of you on nights like tonight here. I'm just glad for the new year myself. A nice new start, at least mentally anyways. 2009 was a rough year, but i have to say that as fucked up as it was, i still got something truly wonderful of it.....you. Thank you for that.
    There will be lots of drunks and cops out tonight. And sorry about being late with your mum's bday. I knew it was the eve of one of these holidays.
    Yeah, i'm really not looking forward to 5 or so solid hours of driving.....especially tonight no less. Say isnt it your mums b-day today? If it is wish her a happy one from me.
    Have a good evening then my love. Hopefully i'll get a chance to talk to you tomorrow as well.
    No, i'm not. A whole 2 months without seeing or talking to her. Just the thought of it kills me.
    We're supposed to work a full day, but i'm leaving early to go meet Avalon to see her off to India at the airport. Lucky me, her flight leaves at 7:00 pm and the airport she's flying out of is 2 and a half hours away. YAY for me. Then i'm going to my mom's afterwards to watch the ball drop on TV. She doesnt like to be alone on new years eve.
    have no clue he just asked do i know rainbowberry! maybe you met at a chilli event..a lot of people know him..
    You mean a purpose such as saving your life? Thats what walking will do for you(provided, of course, that you DONT bring the fags with you for the walk)LOL
    Oh, at the rate you're going i figured you'd be good for at least a half a dozen more excuses hon.
    I've never wanted anything like a treadmill though. For me the thinking was(and still is) "why in the world would i waste my money on that when i can just go outside for free?". I also hike frequently too, btw.
    I was on the track team and the cross country team in High School. I was pretty quick as a sprinter, but my strong point was at any time i could just up and run 4 or 5 miles like it was nothing. Alas, those days are long gone. I'm lucky to be able to jog a whole mile without killing myself now.
    Heh heh heh now THATS arguable:lol:

    But seriously dont ever watch me ride a mountain bike then. I tend to be a mouth breather.
    It makes sense to me. You need to try to bring it up and try to hold it there for a bit longer.
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