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  • I've imagined it before, yes. But only because i worry an awful lot about you. And yes, those were the courses in my high school that i excelled at.
    Printshop is our printing class. We printed newspapers, bumperstickers, t-shirts, all kinds of crazy stuff. Autoshop is where we learned how to work on cars and such. Drafting is, well the technical term for it is mechanical drawing. Thats the class i learned how to make blueprints and such in. So hows the weather there anyways? I was watching the BBC this morning and it was funny that your daytime high temp is exactly what it was when i woke up here today, 2 degrees celsius.
    Did you ever notice they never gave homework in the classes you loved? Only the ones you hated, like creative writing(for me)and such. I never got homework in drafting, printshop or autoshop.
    I'm glad you like it. A tad bit repetitive yes, but very do-able. So he has to draw a haunted house?
    Oh, no problem. Please no apologies needed. As i've said before, anything you do is fine with me, love.
    Cool. It appears you can post pics here now.
    I'm going to have to be heading out soon, doll. I'll text you later on if you want me to. Have a wonderful new year's eve. Well, as best as you can without me there to make it magical.:lol: Love ya and Cheers!
    Too far for me. I like to be close enough to work that i can ride the bike in if i want to.
    You know, in my line of work it was the bigger guys getting clobbered and knocked out and us smaller folks who were doing fine.
    The economy and such. Most of the people around me have had some really bad shit happen to them, and it dramatically affected the overall mood around here. I've been rather lucky this past year. But, then again i also foresaw some of this whole recession and depressed economy stuff last year and took steps to try to avoid any problems on y end.
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