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  • But of course you do it 'your way'. Youre his mother. You know whats best for him. And you. And dont ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
    Con's home, the cat's staying the night at the vets, they think it might have a cracked or displaced pelvis but they were more worried about its breathing last night. The lady that took the cat to the vets was surprised that Connor came back, she found the owners and they wanted Connor's number. There's still fur stuck in the tarmac on the road.
    I don't go out of my way to save mosquitos and no-see-ums either. I try to save all the beneficial predators(spiders, lizards, scorpions, etc.) but all nuisance insects get my full wrath.
    Don't laugh, but i do stuff like that here too. I try to catch all the lizards and spiders that wind up in the warehouse and make sure to put them out back in the woods.
    Typical. People suck. My friend always says "animals are innocent, people deserve everything that happens to them". Hes the kind of person who will try to nurse a wounded bird back to health.
    Thats really nice of him to do that. Just be warned that they may have had to put the cat down, and you might have one very upset son to contend with.
    Oh, sorry, hon. I just didnt understand the question. Now, as for your answer, no i didnt get the chance to log on yet this morning until now. I had to run some updates on my comp here at work.
    Was on i here later today? That question doesn't make any sense to me. I will be on here later on today, but that's only if you are. I basically only come around here for you.
    A nasty, nasty thunderstorm rolled through last night. It got windy right after work, and then everything went downhill from there. It poured so hard around midnight last night it woke me up. Oh, and we have tornado watches in effect until 4 this am. It sounded like a hurricane was on top of us last night. Good to know you've got the day off. How'd you get the extra day off anyways?
    Please be careful, beautiful. I don't want anything to happen to you. I don't see how hard the weather would be to do there. Isnt the forecast there rainy, cloudy and cold like 80% of the time? You'd think that would be the easiest job in England. Its supposed to be pretty rough here soon too weather wise. Yay for nighttime Florida cold fronts! Talk to you soon, hon. Cheers!
    I realized that. Thats why the statement confused me. Or maybe i just confused myself.
    You know, i think i asked you once if you were Catholic and you replied you werent Irish. Or maybe i've got it backwards. Ah, fuck it. I havent got a clue anymore.
    I believe you told me you were Protestant, correct? And yes, The Episcopal church here is a province of the Angelican Communion because after the American Revolution it was forced to break with the Church of England on penalty of treason as Church of England clergy were required to swear allegiance to the British monarch. Which obviously was a big no-no at the time.
    I was Christened as an Episcopalian. My pop was a Lutheran, but then again, most Germans are it seems.
    I didnt mean to come across anyway bad, hon. If i did please forgive me. I'm actually not that good at expressing myself(if you can believe that). But what i meant was, well for example Thom uses xmas always but thats because hes more or less an atheist. I tend to use Christmas more but thats basically because i do believe in a Christian God. Its just my church attendance is dismal though.
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