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  • Oh, yeah i've had that before. Its pretty much anyplace that sells gyros has that stuff. Not on kebabs though. Just gyros.
    Can't say i've ever had Doner kebabs. But, i know exactly what you're talking about. At Rutgers University theres a parking lot full of late night mobile food vendors everyone calls the 'grease trucks' that serve these sandwich concotions called fatcats. Its essentially the same thing. You usually have to be trashed when you eat at them.
    Why? Are they that bad over there? I've had a couple of them up north, and they didnt seem too bad.
    I've never had Indian takeout either, but i did finish off some of Nick's Vietnamese takeout once in NYC.
    Its much easier to control the salt in 'Asian' style food if you make it yourself. Isn't "takeaway" the same as what we call here either "drive-thru" or "takeout"?
    Es muy bueno means "is very good". I don't always salt them, it depends on how i cook them.
    You can use whatever you want to season them. Seriously, they taste good with almost anything brushed/dusted on them. Even naga powder. Lately i've been brushing them with soy sauce, sesame oil and garlic, roasting them, then sprinkling sesame seeds and salt and pepper on them. Es muy bueno.
    Asparagus is awesome. Take 3 or 4 spears(cut the bottom inch or so off first because thats where they get the toughest) and lay them next to each other and put 2 or 3 toothpicks through the sides of them horizontally, so they look like little rafts. It makes them easier to handle afterwards. Brush 'em with some olive oil and lightly sprinkle some seasonings on them. Then roast em in the oven or on a grill.
    Tantrums? Boy, i sure don't miss those. Thankfully she rarely throws herself on the floor and kicks and screams anymore.....at least not in public.
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