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  • Yeah, so how is Mr. Murphy anyways? I'm not much of a christmas person myself, but i certainly wouldnt mind spending one hanging around you. So outof curiosity, is the fact that you use xmas all the time a reflection on your religious thinking?
    Probably going to stay at home and watch some of my friends on TV party in Times Square in NYC. Aren't you working that night?
    You've got that right. But then again, thats why i have you here to help me out.

    P.S.- love you too
    Don't sweat it. Just tell him next time you come over there with a full diaper to just mix you up a strong one and you'll be fine.
    Ok, hon. I'll be here waiting for you.....again. Seems like thats all i do nowadays....
    I'll miss you too, doll. Send me a text or something. Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers!
    Sounds like good advice. Don't forget to mention to them about you not paying the freight back to them.
    Really? They do it all the time here. They call up either the shipping company or the post office and "pre-pay" the freight to ship it back to them. All you have to do is at the most go drop it off somewhere.
    I'd send it back. I'd contact them first though and let them know of their error so you don't have to spring for the shipping back to them. They should be able to have a call tag or a prepaid pickup issued for it.
    And you can just tell him its not your fault you're gorgeous. Then tell him that jealousy will get him nowhere.
    I figured if you didnt answer it i'd just ask to speak to you and you only and claim as customer loyalty.
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