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  • You've never seen me spell it that way before? Huh, i could've sworn you've corrected me before on that one.....:lol:
    Yes, Disney land is in LA but thats not what i meant when i said Disney World sucks. Almost nothing is open in orlando on a sunday except Disney, and they absolutely rape your wallet there. She wanted to have lunch at the Rainforest cafe in Downtown Disney. Lets just say 2 burgers, a plate of fries, an appetizer of crappy quesadillas, 1 beer and 2 Dr.Pepper's cost me almost $60.....and the burgers were okay at best and the fries were like fucking wet noodles. Thats why i say it sucks. Because it does. And as for work, they're redoing the way we register tires for the tire warranties, and of course they've tried to make it a 5 star P.I.T.A. for me. And i'm thrilled shes going to India. In fact, i'd like to go with her.
    I'm sorry about that, gorgeous. I got caught up in some BS at work here. How've you been? I'm good. I went to see Avalon sunday in Orlando. Let me say this: Disney World specifically and Orlando in general SUCK. She's doing great. She'll be leaving for India the beginning of January.
    You did that working your tail off during christmas last year too, if i'm not mistaken.

    And btw i ALWAYS notice when you're around, hon.
    Oh, wait a sec.....so i had it all kind of backwards then. They're all evening shifts except tuesday......

    Mines easy. Just think bank hours. M-F 7:30am to 5pm.
    oh, great...a test. lets see....i can tell you the days you work, but not neccessarily the shifts.....saturday, monday, tuesday wednesday, thursday.....hows that?
    Some would say to be glad you have that problem. I know a couple of other women who are so petite too that they have the same problem with clothes.
    Not 100%, but i have a good idea of where and when. Usually though you give me subtle little reminders/clues that jar my memory.
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