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  • Nothing to be sorry for. If we had that here at work they'd have to jack the prices up a bit though. Some of these guys i work with are easily capable of taking a $25 shit like it's nothing
    Yeah, the fact that apple juice resembles a specimen unnerves some people. Avalon avoided the stuff for years because of it.
    I thought crane flies lived longer than 24 hours.The common useless-ass house fly is what i was talking about. They only live a day or so. And satisfy my curiosity. Why in the world would you have a bottle of pee lying around?
    More interesting? Somehow i doubt it highly. But i would assume they're pretty quick, i mean they only live like what a day or two?
    I'm back now, love. We have what could loosely be described as an intranet here also, but its pretty much our Reynolds and Reynolds in-house billing system. Like you said, its like staring at dead fish....(or to use an old joke of mine, it's like watching flies fuck)
    Besides, i have to be online at work. Half of what i need to do my job is online only.
    Again? You eat too much, hon.....:lol: just kidding....Have a nice evening, my pretty. Cheers!
    True. You've got me there. But for me a good part(most of it, actually) of it would be the music itself that invokes the feelings. Not necessarily the title. I'm not a big Robyn Hitchcock fan anyways, so that version is a no go for me.
    I'm not moaning about it at all, sister. The songs is alright, nothing i jump up to turn up the radio when its on though. I just happen to think Kayne is a five star douche, thats all.
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