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  • When i first started out here i got one, albeit a very small one(a $25 gift card to a supermarket......basically it was beer money to me), but we havent gotten one for a few years now.
    I don't even get that. A former co-worker mentioned a bonus last year and was told this: "your bonus is you get to keep your job". Nice, huh?
    Wait, yes, you did get the text or you didn't? That statement you just made tripped me up good. And there'll be no secret santa stuff here. Hell, i'd consider myself lucky if i got a christmas bonus. Which we won't, by the way.
    Yesterday was nice. Had dinner at my mom's. It was nice to be able to sleep in a bit too. basically i really didnt do anything except take the bike out for a few hours yesterday morning and then dinner at 2. Did you get my text? I sent it here around 3:30 pm(i was guessing it would've been around 8:30 or so where you are).
    Okay then. Good luck with the meeting Thursday(and the chance to get out of it). BTW, thursday is Thanksgiving here, so i have the day off. I'll speak at you friday then. I'll miss you. I'll text you tomorrow. Have a wonderful day. xx
    I believe most of the slang is more or less about the same on either side of the ocean.
    Ok, i know bird is slang for a woman(i.e., like the word 'chick' is used here) but what were you talking about?
    I aint no shit and i aint tryin to be none neither. There. How's that for a 'southern' answer? Besides, i just thought you were testing me again, so i went for the 'correct" answer.
    It's widely used here too, dear. I know what it means, i just thought you were testing me again, hon.
    Of course you were correct. You are always correct, hon. Especially about spelling and English. And "ain't" means nothing. It's not a real word. Unless, of course, that rule has been changed too.
    Yes yes much better. Although i was referring to tiring(or rather re-tiring) your auto.
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