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  • I figured the masturbation answer would make people stop fast and look twice. I sent a cd to your e-mail account. Its the album that Wheel up is from. I'll send another album in about an hour or so.
    No problem, hon. You were called out there once before, BTW. I tried to tell you a few days ago. Did you read ALL of my answers to that thing?
    Don't worry, i've got those too. I've actually thought about calling your work while you were there to make a reservation.....:lol:

    Its effect. Effect is the result you're waiting for, and affect is what that result does to you. "The change takes effect tomorrow, but how it will affect you is not yet know."
    Here's the address i got for it:

    Allington Lock, Sandling, Nr Maidstone,
    Kent ME14 3AS, United Kingdom

    Is that correct?
    Oh yeah thats right. I forgot about that. I found it pretty amusing that your work's address IS the lock.
    You're all wet? Hmmmm.....must be raining there. NO WAY!!! Rain in England??!? Wow, thats one you don't see very often, huh?
    NOOOOOOO.........you cant go yet. You weren't around here enough for me today!!!

    Well, if you must go. Have a good one. Cheers!
    Well, sometimes if your company offers 100% matching then it might be worth it, even with a crap interest rate.
    Yeah, no need to water down your donations with middle men thats for sure. People like that IMO are no better than those fucking low life used car salesmen.
    Here on tv there's constantly a barrage of commercials to "help the children" or "sponsor a child" in another country and i've often wondered who's got the advertising budget big enough for a tv slot for the foreign kids but nothing at all for the kids who are at the shelter down the street? Why isn't there a budget for them? My guess is they could certainly use some advertising too.
    Probably not as much as you think. I've got an odd stance on humanity. Sometimes i really, really feel for the suffering of others, and sometimes my thinking is "Oh, well.....fuck 'em".
    Well, we tried our hardest to do the best we could. She's far ahead of me when it comes to kindness, and she's way beyond me in the compassion department too. I think thats because she's not jaded like her father is. And i hope she never becomes like that either.
    My dear, thats not even part of a college tuition. Thats just her going to a religious school so she can learn to be a Christian missionary. But, a good chunk of that money also covers her mission to India too. I don't know about how its done there, but here i'm really grateful for student loans and educational grants.
    I've been saving up towards the $1700 total(my half of this half of the cost) for a few months now, but i've still got a bit to go. The total was over $6000, and they let us split it into 2 payments. The first was due when she entered school in Sept., and the other half is coming up towards the end of Dec.
    Yep, Christmas and the holidays in general. And yes, Amy and i split the funding 50/50.
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