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  • Seems like a wonderful place to me. I've always been drawn to the isles anyways for some reason. My friend Nick is jonesing to go back there BAD. Real bad in fact.
    Nope. Bridge street is in Bradenton beach and is where my friend Justin is moving his boutique to from the tip of the island(which is the village of Anna Maria, btw). More foot traffic there. And i dont usually go to St. Armand's circle because its A).too damn expensive(rich folks like to snob around there) and B).its way too uppity-touristy for me. You know, at any given time i could've been sitting right next to them at any one of the restaurants. And i never said England wasn't fantastic. In fact, a long extended visit has been on my bucket list long before i made your wonderful acquaintance, hon.
    Were there any pics of the islands? Or should i say any pics of where i spend my weekends?
    Well, thats good to hear then. Oh, and by the way you spelled "center" wrong......hee hee
    Sorry to hear this. What evidence do they have against him? Or is it just Con's word against their's?
    Yes, and yes. I'm currently dousing myself with Kenneth Cole's Black, and i was a huge fan of Yves Saint Laurent's Jazz. I also dig Alfred Sung's Sung Homme too. Why do you ask?
    Its far easier for me if i have an idea of what you like, you know? So now i know, and now the fun begins.
    No it makes perfect sense to me. I'm just glad you're not being so vague about it anymore. You used to say things like "i like them all". That certainly makes it easy for me, huh? Another reason why i wanted to know also because i have a few female friends who like a, er.... "darker" smelling perfume, if that makes any sense to you(Sorry, i just couldn't think of a better way of putting it). So i was trying to set some parameters. And i WANT to do it for you. You just have to be a bit patient with me though.
    I've been trying for the life of me to figure out a good perfume to get for you, but i didn't want to just get anything i could lay my hands on, if you get my meaning.
    I was curious because i've asked you that before and you didn't seem to want to tell me.
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