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  • Work is a kind of rough today, and i've been scrambling to come up with the rest of the funding for Avalon's schooling and trip. Plus my mood has been going downhill a bit lately, but i think thats mostly because "that" time of year is coming around again.
    Usually in either Sarasota bay or the Gulf of Mexico. I'm not one for pools usually. The only thing that swimming by where you are in the sea or the English channel would be the cold water. That would stop me in my tracks quickly.
    Even at a low impact it'll still wear you out pretty good. Its good for people with bad joints and stuff.
    Swimming is supposed knacker you out, dear. I love swimming. I could spend hours in the water(coincidentally i really don't like boats and boating.....go figure). Oh, and you need to get on a bike more.
    I can't "fathom" the idea of your tiny arse sinking in too much water. I'd have figured you to be very buoyant.
    I think that depends on if the sports have a commonality to them then yes, its easy....i.e. surfing, skatboarding and snowboarding all share similar balancing issues that need to be honed. But if they're way different then i think your chance of being good at it is about 50/50. Meaning, i 've never met a champion tennis player who was also a champion wrestler.:lol: Although it could happen.
    I'm used to be decent at skating, but that was when i played ice hockey a lot in elementary school. That was a long ass time ago.
    And you'd be laughing way too hard and having too much fun to be trying to get into the glove compartment.
    I'm sorry. I just really miss driving in the snow. In fact, i really miss the snow period. I haven't been skiing in over 12 years. Thats almost a crime. I used to be a really good skier too.
    Snow driving is pretty easy. Just makes sure you've got some time to kill. And nighttime snow driving is the most fun. Usually because theres no one else out so you've got the road to yourself. So you do donuts in all the intersections and such. Make sure you turn your headlights off too. you can usually see a million times better when you do. Don't get caught though.
    I'll drive in it for ya if you want.

    Actually, that would be one scary ride because i've never driven in a place where people drive on the wrong side of the road.
    Aww, hon. I'm sorry to her all that. If there's anything i can do for you just let me know. I understood your meaning with "unscrappable". I think you spelled it correctly too(as usual).
    Teatime already? Damn. Well, have a wonderful weekend then, love. Tell everyone i said hello too.
    Yes, to England. And he's fine. He just misses it really badly. He lived there for 6 or so years while he was stationed at RAF Milden hall and Lakenheath(mostly the second one). He wants us(his friends) to go there for Christmas. I told him i was definitely ready for Christmas in London but my wallet sure as hell wasn't.
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