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  • Well, not only did i have to hit up the bank, but i also ate my lunch too. Sorry if i took too long, love. Please forgive me.
    I'm BBBBBAAAAACCCCKKKK. Goats dont eat people(at least not ones that are alive), but bears might.
    Easy. I'd just hunt and fish and eat berries and stuff just like the bears do. I don't hibernate though, so that could be a problem.
    Not me. I keep getting the urge to just quit my job, sell everything and go move to the top of some quiet mountain and be left alone.
    Does it go in cycles with you also? Lately i've found myself craving solitude more and more.
    I prefer being by myself or possibly with one or two other people most of the time. I have a really hard time with bigger groups of people. But, i can fake it really well. If you saw me in action at a party you'd swear there was no way i was a loner.
    You're speaking to me, though. Doesn't that count? And you always need any more RBs, right?:lol:
    I'm great. The temperature dropped about 15 degrees today and there's no humidity whatsoever. A beautiful, beautiful day. How about yourself?
    So "chagrin" does describe how you really feel about me, huh? I knew it! LOL

    Have a nice evening, doll. Cheers!
    Chagrin? Its used to explain strong feelings of annoyance or displeasure, sometimes mixed with embarrassment.
    I get the same thing basically. I also get free texting to and from you too, dear(much to your chagrin i assume).
    Mine's just a phone and an alarm clock. I don't want one with all that extra bullshit on them. Way too many headaches for me.
    Well, no i dont even have a landline anymore. I stopped using a landline when i got my first cellphone 4 years ago. Before that, i never wanted a cellphone. They aggravated the hell out of me. They still do, actually, But it turns out my cellular service provider is WAY less expensive than any landline. Hence, the switch.
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