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  • Yes, at least while she's still here(shes going to a mission school in Orlando for 6 weeks before she heads out overseas). Thank you. I certainly try my hardest with her.
    Yes, she was and i would never EVER tell you to shut the fuck up. Who do you think helped my day improve?? Besides, YOU are important to me also, doll.
    My days is getting better. Seeing Avalon off this morning made it kind of rough, but its improving dramatically. And no, you weren't going on either. I love listening to you(reading what you wrote). Sorry i was gone for a bit. I ran off to get lunch. Another tuna on wheat today( i love tuna!).
    We used to say "stop being a doormat" or "quit wearing a suit made of astroturf" or "i apparently have WELCOME written across my back".
    Not really offensive at all. At least i didn't think it was. Trust me, i can get "offensive" if i must.
    Oh, so you did the telling off. I took your comment as though you were the one who got told off, and was i about to get really angry about it.
    I did? Dang it. Well, my heads not in the right place today anyways. Avalon left this morning.
    Well boiled veg and switch the microwave on. All my plans have changed, I was asked to work today as a girl is off sick but I refused, doing tomorrow instead even though I don't do Friday's. I went to see Con's teacher this morning and got a telling off by the assistant head teacher.
    Avalon doesn't mind bell peppers, and shes downright dangerous around tomatoes. In fact, last time she came by i had bought about 2 pounds of romas from the farmers market to make pasta sauce with and she sat down and ate 3/4 of them right on the spot like they were apples.
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