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  • Oh, well. Shows how much i paid attention. Just remember though, i only got my first cell phone about 4 years ago.
    Oh, yeah. If my phone has that(and i have no clue if it does), i'd never use that. Its easier for me to just spell it out. Funny how i'd never heard of that before.
    It was one of the pre-worded texts my phone has loaded into it. It was either that one or "come home and get it", LOL. I wasn't sure if you'd appreciate me sending you that second one.
    It was good. How was yours? I hope i didnt bother you with those texts. My new phone so far is a P.I.T.A., but thts probably because i'm not used to it. Its a bottom line model by Kyocera, something called a melo. It has internet access but that is a major five star P.I.T.A. to use as well.
    Museum day saturday for me. Sunday i havent a clue. Maybe go relax on the beach. What about you, doll?
    Come to Florida, i can hook you up. be warned, however, you're gonna get very dirty though.
    Basically, yes. We get paid when the vehicle is done and delivered to the customer. I made $250 for this last job.
    I've known quite a few folks who made a living selling "recreational pharmaceuticals" and none of them were mean or scary in any way. But, then again, i didnt steal from them or try to rip them off either so i wouldn't know what the flipside of their personality would be.
    Ah. They call those "schedule A narcotics" here. Too bad the cops caught him first. I'd have asked what he had for sale.
    Thats the best way to catch somebody, literally with their pants down. You could've just told them it was me, that would have been amusing indeed.
    Pretty good so far, and now its gotten much better thanks to your arrival. How are you today, love?
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