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  • sicman
    Ya Yuki!
    Gunna have to follow up with my regular vet new week on Bacio's raised creatinine levels, but the fact that they aren't rising means its an underlying issue and not from this weekend. We may have caught potential kidney disease before it has a chance to become a problem!
    Last blood test (hopefully) for the dogs tonight. If its all clear they get to visit sicman on Saturday!
    And you never met Sven??? WTH???
    Maybe i did? I was kinda a zombie when i was there.
    You can look but don't touch. Pics are welcomed. But dog pee will awaken my Illuminati friends and none of us want that.
    pups are home. :) 2 more rounds of blood work tonight and wednesday and take home meds, but so far in the clear!
    egg white isn't bad as long as the yolk is with it. I feed my dogs a hard boiled egg every day. shell on, it has calcium. and its good for their teeth.
    I pretty much google every human food before I give it to my dogs these days. They're my kids, i'm a crazy dog lady. Our family husky was 3 weeks shy of 15 and ate whatever she wanted... chocolate cake, slim jims, she loved string cheese. Once she was older my dad was like she's blah blah blah old she can have whatever she wants... and she just kept going and going. But he also fed her steak at least once a week too, and I think that actual meat supplementing her kibble and cra...
    They're not pups anymore arwrraw. They're you're kids but they are adults :D :woohoo: on being clear!!!
    at the ER vet. $1061 tab started. Dont let your dogs get raisins.
    Some sort of enzyme in the food their bodies cant process and it leads to kidney failure
    Would have put my dog down for $1000+ bill.

    Got a 13 year old german shepherd with lots of lumps im sure its coming soon.
    My dogs are my babies. You don't even want to know how much I dump on 2 hip surgeries and an oral surgery for my labmix.
    I left my dude alone in Chicago to spend time in FL and since then our furnace has went out, the pipes froze, and the landlord started the wall on fire trying to unfreeze the pipe. And I thought the biggest problem he'd have was cooking for himself...
    Sounds like the chorus of a country song. I'd want new landlords.
    Eh, I want a new place, but finding one with 2 big dogs for the price I pay... I can deal with a little fire here and there.
    whats a little fire now and then,lol.
    found an italian restaurant where not only the owner spoke italian but all the wait staff too. The owner was from Sardegna, I didn't see it on the menu so I asked him if they ever make the regional flat bread there, and he was so shocked that I knew what it was that he had the kitchen make it for me. If that wasn't cool enough a waiter saw my Milan logo, and we got into a lengthy discussion about our favorite players past and present.
    stuff like that is rare in most cities. Chicago is among the very best in america
    I'm in Florida for now! I knew there was a small italian population out here but I didn't expect this restaurant. I know a handful places in Chicago that are legit, but usually cucina mia is just as good if not better ;).
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Good on you Rawk for finding such a gem! Ciao bella!
    Android users, my S3 has suffered what seems to be a fatal hit or submersion (no I wasn't drunk this time). I'm sticking with android but wondering if I should upgrade to an s4 or 5 or 5sport, or a different brand? I really did like the s3, so I'd could be content with another one, just looking for input.
    Oh I don't ever plan on having an iphone unless it solar charges and no other phone does one day. I've played around the the iphone 6 in the last couple days while my phone has been out of commission and wouldn't ever get one. I have an ipad for work and I despise it. I kinda felt like I'd stick with samsung but y'all have helped me solidify it. My techie friend said the s6 was leaked recently, too bad I can't wait long enough for that.
    PrimeTime, dog pics can be found on my instagram @my2whitedogs (i am pretty serious about dog pics)
    S5 Sport in Cherry Red ordered today. I'll have it in 2-5 days.
    Florida makes me realize how much great food I have access to in Chicago. Mexican food especially, hard find corn tortillas today, had to settle for some Mission chain brand kind instead of 3 ingredient tortillas made in Chicago tortillerias.
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Mmmm. Preservatives...
    yeah, but try to find a really good Cuban sandwich up here. most dont even know what it really is.
    I had one in Miami last week, but I am not a fan, I don't like ham. I dig the choripan though. I live close to really good puerto rican food, love me a Jibarito.
    got a phone call while on the beach that the front door was wide open and a white dog was running around the neighborhood. Yuki escaped. in the time it took to get home Yuki decided to go home and chill on the driveway. i didnt know whether to be mad or happy that she was home.
    texas blues
    texas blues
    I'd be worried sick and most likely crying when she showed up! I love missylou!
    Happy New Year Sam. That was your gift from the cosmos. TB I love Missylou too.
    I guess it was. When I pulled up she just pinned her ears back and wagged her tail and a neighbor said she'd just been sitting there for aboit half an hour. She greeted me I told her to go inside and she just ran in and then hung her head cause she knew she was bad.
    Hate on me all you like, but I'm not a fan of a Cuban sandwich. I did however have a Choripan sammy and that was way better.
    trip to the everglades conplete, car came back in 2 pieces... thats almost as good as 1 piece right?
    Ugh - sorry to hear that. Hopefully one part was more about appearance than function - as in at least it's still drivable that way.
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    Cars are overrated. Wish I could ride my biycle everywhere but then I'll have to leave the house two hours earlier to get to work onetime. Ever use the public transportation in Chi-town.
    I usually bike or use the public transit in Chicago. I'm inFlorida for a while now because winter makes me depressed. The car is running fine, i put the broken piece in my trunk and kept going. Its just a safety piece anyway and who needs that.
    psyched to be back in FL, not psyched to remember my car's AC is broken.
    Been in the 50's all week here in VA :)
    texas blues
    texas blues
    I'm over do for a Tamp or Marathon trip. I love FL! And I want a grouper sammich from Crabby Bill's in Clearwater!
    I'm in southwest FL. I plan on stuffing my face with seafood and tequila.
    at dinner i sang "pass the meat around, its cooked to perfection" to the tune of gloria estefan's "turn the beat around". thanks box wine!
    Started an infused bourbon the other day, bought a bottle of gin to start infusing today. Anyone else do this?
    both sound amazing. what kind of cocktails did you make with them?
    Rawk and smokenfire you both making my mouth water lol. How long does it take to infuse? If I started say...tomorrow, would it be done by New Years-ish?
    The gin was fast. The tea infused gin only took a day or two before I strained it, the cucumber pear one took 3 days. The bourbon took 3.5 days. The lnger it sits the stronger the flavor obviously. I made a couple really good drinks with the gins last night. Paying for it now.
    happy birthday to my dog Yuki.
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Does Yuki get special treats for birthday?
    she got seared ahi tuna over brown rice, veggies and spinach (i'm not joking). And a couple gummy bears for dessert. I have raw bones for the dogs too, but didn't want to give them too much in one day.
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Yuki is loved!
    And it warms my heart. I love missylou as you do Yuki.
    the dude got me a violin last night! i've been wanting to play this instrument since I was 12!
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