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  • I feel truely blessed. As many of you know my 2015 season tanked. THP membets have showed me love. I just received a package that contained nearly two lbs of huge ripe superhots. I have been gifted before (thank you), but WOW!!!!! YOU PEPPER PEOPLE ROCK!!! BOSS we need t-shirts and hats so Icanbetter spread the word about THP. Already I tell people about our wonderful site nearly three or more times a week. I am...
    Cat chewed through my Nook's charger cord. On the wifes laptop for now. I keep trying to make it a touch screen. Pain in the ass!!!! f**k you kitty!!!!
    wire it back up?
    naw just need a new cord. ill get one Saturday
    Yo California , do you do a winter garden?
    yes. we have a Fall garden here at mi casa. Peppers seem to do so-so Dec - Mar. Maybe I don't apply ferts late in the year or their biological clock for the peppers saying "its winter" brrrr! I dunno.
    my new car (used 1997 ford escort bought in june) blew a rod. Just spent all day talking the dealer into eating at least half the price andselling us another. We now drive a 1999 prism. 280 month for 28 months. A bit high, but works for us. THANK YOU JESUS!
    Will cold smoking dried peppers work? I made a cold smoker out of a soldering iron and a coffee can that works great. Will the smoke take to a dried pod?
    SAKE SAKE SAKE. That bottle didn't last long. Took tomorrow off WOO WJOO
    Damit bottle gone, but the buzz is awesome!
    I like sake and should try to cook more food that pairs with sake! Or just roll some Sushi!
    Bought a big whole chicken and cut it up for grilling. Also bought some home made mole` from a old mexican women out at the flea market. I slathered the chicken with the sauce to marinade over night. Now after careful thought I've switched to crock pot. I think the sauce currently on the meat would burn. Thinking I fdid it ass backwards thus the crock pot. Oh well I'm GOOD with a crock pot anyway.
    Sounds like you made the right move to me. I love slow simmer Mole'
    agreed - you made the right move. grill would've burnt that mole.
    Been living in a void. Now with the new house tonight was the first time at the Webber. Last owner gifted it to us. Wieners and Polish dogs never tasted so good.
    Had not manned a Bbq in 10 years or so. I know blasphamy.
    Cool, and congrats!
    sodo youget up early on your day off so you can better enjoy your day or do you sleep in and shorten your weekend?
    Yes to both. Sometimes I get up early so I have the whole day ahead of me, sometimes I sleep in... like today. Got boozed up pretty good last night
    Get up early so I can go to archery club practice. Nap after!
    I rarely sleep past 7am on days off. Sometimes I want to, but it's not often I get to
    Taking Monday off. Just for me. Gonna have Sake Sunday night just cause I can. NEE NER NEEE NER
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