Recent content by Sauceman

  1. S

    bottles-bottling Plastic Shaker Bottles

    if you only need a couple, try going to your local grocery store, n in the spice isle McCormicks spices probably have the size you are looking for. I do this once in a while, n just put the spice into my pepper blend(rub)
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    New from Philly =)

    sorry, i didn't mean to be so harsh. it just seemed to me at the time that you were going after cheap advertising. later i realized that this wasn't the case, n like you said there are other companies on this site also.
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    New from Philly =)

    it came from one of the companies that posts here, posting six times in a row, minutes apart, n that way they had six commercials 4 themselves. their answer is at the top left in regular print,n a lot of times it seems out of place at that n then the rest of it is their company logo.. it seemed...
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    hot-sauce unusual use for hot sauce

    Ordered 2 whirlys, figured they would make good christmas gifts
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    A Short Run of 'pain'

    Thanks for the conversion page, that could be a good tool to have.
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    Just put down a batch o' jerky

    Jerky Cannon hey chilliman, tell me buddy. what is a jerky cannon? i use to make my jerky from turkey, but it's getting way to expensive. a 1.49$ a pound a year ago, n today 2.49$ a pound. im gonna have to change the type of meat n this cannon thing might get me there. will i still be able to...
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    Pyrethrum & others

    Hey Bent, I did a little quick research online. I went to a search engine n typed in " Beneficial Insects from Australia" , if nothing else, it's a good read for you in your part of the world. So, you don't have the Praying Mantis, so what. There are other insects in your world that maybe do...
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    production-facilities Hey everyone, new here, looking for a co-packer in NJ

    Co Packers if you can post an email address, i can send you a list of co-packers in New Jersey. the list consists of 35 plus co-packers in your state. there is some work for you though. you'll have to get online i guess, n find their address's, n phone numbers.
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    preservation oven drying

    i have a 1000 watt, n it really depends on how much you are dehydrating.
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    New from Philly =)

    you paying for advertisement space here? cause if you aren't, you certainly should be. there are other companies on this network that we are all aware of and yet we don't see them being as rude as you are being here. that's my 2 cents. for my money's worth i won't even consider trying your...
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    preservation oven drying

    screw the oven, if nothing else, consider the cost of fuel these days, brake down n get yourself a dehydrator.
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    smoking rub question???

    Hey man, what's best for you? I stay away from salt completely, but that's me. i am allergic to iodine, n iodine is in almost all salt, n salt is in all processed foods in the states. My pepper blend(rub) consists of several different spices and peppers each year. this year they are: garlic...
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    hello from IL

    good one, lmao
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    hello from IL

    welcome from chicago
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    Pyrethrum & others

    yea, that works to, n the garlic chives keep growing n growing. plant it once, have it forever. the pepper, garlic tea is what i make, n that works well for the rabbits, n other critters that have glands. didn't know about adding a small amount of soap also. Thanks man.