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  • Ha, yes I guess it would be a little tragic. I thought I'd fucked up earlier when I got to my car to go home and noticed that another car had left its lights on and couldn't be arsed to walk over and tell anyone so I rang them to say about this car and asked if they wanted the no. plate to write down and ask in the restaurant/bar who's it was. I thought the joker Ricky had answered the phone but it was the trainee manager and he didn't seem too eager to take the car reg. no so I said you can take the no. or just let it have a flat battery, up to you. I care and worry too much me thinks.
    I wasn't working on Sunday, Della was, I did say to her well Sunday's are boring so at least you got some excitement with the fireman and police, awful to say really I know. Normally we only get dead fish and a few empty bottles. When the trainee manager came in earlier I did say I hadn't seen the boss for ages and wondered if it was him they dragged out but apparently not, he's still alive and kicking.
    Oh I thought most people didn't have dryers unless it rained a lot. We call it a tumble dryer because, well I guess the clothes tumble as they go round. I didn't realise you had a rainy season.

    You know I work right next to a river? Well on Sunday they pulled a dead body out of the river right by the restaurant, spooky. Probably a drunk person that had fallen in and drifted down.
    I know what you mean, it smells lovely in the fresh air, I'd never had thought you had a dryer with your weather though. So you don't call it a 'tumble' dryer?
    Yeah we have a tumble dryer, the thing I would have used in the first place, Mum put the clothes out, I prefer the dryer anyway as it saves on ironing, lazy I know. How do you dry your stuff, on your balcony?
    Everything's good, nothing exciting right now, just a busy day, not a lot of sleep and soaking wet washing still on the line as some bright spark thought it would be clever to put the washing out when rain was forecast for the day, good eh?
    Thanks for the text sweetheart. Last night turned out to be really boring at work in the end so I spent most of my time on the internet. Remember I have to work tomorrow but it's my last Monday of working on that day.
    Nope I just don't dig the colour, I suppose it's also one I've avoided wearing sometimes as I have a red tinge to my hair.

    Dinner now pumpkin so I'll speak to you after the weekend. xxx
    I'm not over keen on red, when I hand the keys out to the house-keeping staff I try and keep the red key in the cupboard if I can.
    Of course I do, I love pastel colours, pink, lilac, baby blue, lemon yellow. I sound like a paint chart.
    Wow you guessed pink, I like yellow too, well doesn't everyone, it's the colour of sunshine and happiness.
    Yep, all chilli forums I'm Rainbowberry, as you know Googlemail I'm Rainbowbumble and ebay I'm Rainbowtwinkle, don't wet yourself laughing. I'm sure you said before about liking green, I have loads of favourite colours but two I really love.
    Of course not silly, that's not very girly is it. I do have two different usernames though on things like ebay and Googlemail (as you know). Hey have I asked you before what your favourite colour is?
    I thought I'd mentioned CG before, Dave Taylor's a Mod on there, it's very English. I belong to 4 chilli forums, one I don't go on but Potawie's on there, actually Potawie's on all the ones I am, we must have too much spare time.
    No I haven't but he would be my No.1 to see a pic of. He's been on Chillis Galore since it started, he can be a little 'short'.
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