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  • I wouldn't know but you're probably right. Con and I always race sticks under a bridge when we can, my one always gets stuck on a bit of weed or the bank, then there's the arguments of whose stick's whose.
    Well I'm still waiting for my parcel, it's the pass the parcel of seeds that I started a while ago on Firefoods, as long as he's not playing pooh sticks with it under the bridge over the stream then I don't mind. Do you know what pooh sticks are?
    Yeah I'm a lazy shit, I know. Anyway Con has willingly gone down there with just a chocolate bar in his belly. Bless him, until I told him that his signature would be fine he was going to forge mine.
    Don't laugh and call me a lazy cow but it's about 10 minutes walk to get there but it's a 20 minute walk all round that I don't want to do.
    Well it might cost me one of the new pencils I've just bought, plus the chocolate bar I got him, and maybe some money too. I phoned the PO and told them he was twelve and was it a problem, the man said it doesn't matter how old he his, but he must be able to sign for it. I told him that I'm sure he's capable of putting his grubby paw print on a bit of paper.
    You see I want to be sitting here chatting to you. He's walking past the PO on his way home, but needs the card to get the parcel, actually I'm going to phone them up because I don't know if there's an age limit to collect it.
    Well a while ago we couldn't send them at all. I'm just waiting for Connor to come home so I can try and bribe him to go down the post office for me, it's gonna cost.
    Oh yeah, sorry I didn't mention it this morning. I was asleep but that's OK as it wasn't late, only just gone midnight.
    Ha, ha, it did happen! Well OK I went there but didn't buy, I went to the lip gloss section instead, oh and pens and pencils.
    More like pissed. I'm going to eat now babe, I've loved chatting to you today and I'll be here tomorrow too. xxxx
    I missed it all as it was a sunday, I wouldn't wanna go into the Medway river, even the fish avoid it.
    You know I don't get a break at work, anyway I might see a floating body in the river like they found last week and sicko's were actually taking pictures of it.
    I sit on my arse all day though, I see all these people walking and jogging down by the river and I think how nice but I still never do it.
    I should really do some exercise, I don't do any. I used to love Sport as a kid and teen, I was the fastest runner in the school and captain of the netball team, I'm such a lazy cow now.
    People can be very stupid I know. We're getting all this stuff from the government about how to avoid it but it's just common sense anyway, exactly what I do everyday in the way of hygiene, and just step it up a notch if someone around me is really snotty. I'm too clean though and that's not always good. I'm hardly ever ill, apart from last xmas, you remember that. I get a mild cold maybe once every 3-4 years and I've never had a tummy bug in my life.
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