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  • Your going to an airshow? We have airshows in Kent. I begged my Mum to buy me the sweetest teddy ever for Easter today. I'll post a pic.
    I'm back now. I was a bit longer because I invited my Mum along and we got stuck in the clothing department. I bought you a card BTW.
    Whoopy doo it's Friday! I'll be with you after shopping, it might be a little later than usual as my Mum's here today so I'm going later. I can't wait to talk to you. xx
    I know exactly how you feel but I was imagining I was on the 24th floor with Con. Tea time babe, I'll be with you on Friday though. Thanks for tonight. xx
    I bet you've done a fantastic job with her, doing your best is all you can do, and she's a beautiful looking girl. Were there times when you felt like climbing the walls though?
    Hey stuff it though Con and Murph would win your heart, you'd love them, well OK the dog's a little hyper and would like to bite your hand off if you're a stranger but Con wouldn't. He's a bit 'all-over-the-place' too though. Avalon sounds very grounded. You've done a great job with her.
    Hey do you have whingy kids and dogs over there? Who cares if you do, you're there. You wouldn't wake me up at 5am though, well you might do.
    Hey don't be sorry, you help me by speaking to me, I'm fine, you can help by letting me ship a dog over your way.
    Ha, not after tomorrow he's not and I'm always here with you, OK I suppose he's there in person. You know, this stupid dog of mine woke me up by whining at 5am so I kept checking my phone to make sure my alarm was on as he doesn't normally start that early, I'm tired now so I'm bearing a grudge.
    Nope, you don't need to impress me, you can make me laugh without trying to walk through a glass door. Sorry I've been a while replying but Con's been in my ear non-stop.
    Yeah I'm sure it's because she's leaving, believe me, the Queen couldn't charm or impress her, nor me come to think of it. Sometimes the job is lovely like when I spoke to a long term guest on the phone earlier who's departing tomorrow morning and wanted to say goodbye to me but I'm not on until the afternoon so he wants to pop in then just to say thank you and goodbye. How sweet! He was always my favourite guest, so polite, funny and down to earth. Plus he once walked into a glass door in front of me and gave me the biggest laugh ever.
    Nah, she's leaving on Friday so she's happy and I'll only get to see her once more (tomorrow). She gets a lot of complaints from guests but told me I'd had compliments before, I didn't know though. I'd tell someone straight away if they'd had a good comment made about them.
    My day's been mad too, but Janice is so nice to me now so I don't care, I got home half an hour late after chatting to her. We've had strange weather today.
    I haven't done it yet but me and my manager pissed ourselves laughing at it, he wasn't hurt though, just his pride. Time for tea babe so I'll speak to you after work tomorrow.
    No it wouldn't because I can keep a straight face, kind of. Stupid things make me laugh like a guest walking into a glass door, I still smile when I remember the guest Martin trying to walk through a glass door.
    God you always make me laugh with your wit and outstanding personality. You know I think you're fantastic. I've always said that you have the sarcasm of an Englishman, just better and you don't have to drop your trousers to make me laugh.
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