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  • It sounds great doesn't it? I've had my idiot mate on the phone saying "I'm not happpy about you working overnight if you have to, too dangerous". WTF? I'll work when I choose.
    So it all comes down to you to sort the shit out? I know how you feel, that's what I do. How about we run off into the sunset together with two fingers up to work?
    Yep, we are under-staffed. Anyhow I want to know why your day started bad apart from cold coffee and warm water, it's enough about me, sorry.
    Well it always showed 'Holiday remaining' on my payslip but it just showed '2.00'. I didn't know what that meant and there's hardly a moment to breathe let alone ask someone. It means two days. I dunno why I have to take it now, I can't even phone the restaurant most of the time to book a guest a table let alone talk to someone about holiday. I'm going to ask to take next Saturday off, that's if I can actually speak to another human that's staff at some point, LOL.
    I'm was just talking to my Mum and she thinks they take the piss the fact that I have to take my holiday in the next two weeks or lose it, I've only just gained it. I want to work and if I don't it fucks everyone else up.
    Well not when I'd like to. I've got to take it by the end of Feb or lose it. I can't take it in a week when I'm not working my contracted hours either. No one wants to cover the Saturday night which is the only day I'd really like to take as holiday so I can spent time with Con. Josie says take it and fuck 'em.
    I've been asked if I will forget my shifts for Thursday evening and Friday morning if I work overnight (11pm-7am) on Thursday night, they are going to ask the night porter first but after talking to him this morning I'm not sure he'll do it. I found out today that I have two days holiday owed.
    You can always tell me what's gone wrong. I was saying to Josie earlier that yesterday I was ready to walk out and when I had to go and get that fax cartridge I was tempted to spend the rest of my shift walking around the shops. Today I ate at my desk and if I was moaned at for doing so then I would have bit their head off.
    Oh no, I know you never implied that. I used to love driving but over the years I seem to like it less, too many wankers on the road. I don't mind heavy traffic, I'm not over keen in the dark on tiny lanes full of pot-holes or when I don't have a clue as where I'm meant to be going.

    BTW you've really cheered up my day, thank you big bear, I'm just microwaving dinner now (it was cooked from fresh ;) ). I'll say goodnight now and speak to you tomorrow after work babe. xx
    Can I just say that first message I read from you made my day (the one about photos from my Photobucket account). I'm such a polite driver, I say thank you to everyone, my right of way or not. I don't tend to flash my lights to say thank you too often though because I usually end up squirting screenwash at them instead, I get confused with what does what by the steering wheel. I'm not a bad driver honest!
    I was gonna say I can't drive over the sea but I suddenly realised what you meant. I would hate driving in a busy place, I'd hate driving in London. Saying that on the way back to work I drove like a "London" driver, I cut up a bloke just to get in a lane so I didn't have to go round the one-way system, I did stick my hand out the window to say thank you and gave him a nice smile, I doubt he'd have seen it from behind though.
    Yeah I've just spoken to my Mum about it (she's in Liverpool with Con right now, hence the stealing of the can of Foster's, she would give it to me anyway, plus I bought it). Mum says it's not on to not be paid for petrol and the parking even without the receipt. I mean I know Maidstone (the town) but not the back roads and I wasn't willing to get lost and be even longer or get a parking ticket as I was told you can't legally park outside the shop. The multi-storey was a really poxy one, I had had to ask an elderly man where I was meant to pay for my ticket. When I first got into town I rang my mate who lives there and said "Right, I need urgent help, I'm so wound up I don't even know how to get out of this stupid fuck off street" Even he didn't know the road or shop that I was meant to go to. I found a postman to find the street and the nearest shop for further directions.
    I bet I would too. Hey I had to out today at work when I was sooooo busy as it was to buy an ink cartridge for the fax machine to a place I didn't know. Because I didn't know how to get there I had to park in the multi-storey car park. I was told I'd get the parking money back but because I was in such a rush to get back I didn't get a receipt for the parking so I paid myself, I don't get paid petrol for it. I don't mind doing a favour if I'm not busy but is this a little out of order or just me being arsy?
    Because my Mum drinks that shit. Maybe I should have just opened the bottle of red wine that my boss gave me for xmas.
    If I had Stella here I wouldn't be drinking this cooking lager shit, they call Foster's the Amber Nectar, I want some Belgium nectar, it's horrid, but guess what? I'm still guzzling it, LOL.
    Well he doesn't exactly look happy. I have a headache and I'm drinking Foster's on a Monday, what is the world coming too eh?
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