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  • I've never been to America full stop even though my Auntie, Uncle, cousins etc lived in LA for years. You really should have visited England at some point, the cold, rain and dark skies are amazing.

    Off to cook stir-fry (in the microwave) big bear so I'll speak to you on Monday. xxx
    I'd wander around any city with you, cold or not and I tend to really feel the cold, you'd give me a nice glow though. I don't think I'd leap out of bed ultra quick either.
    Yeah but all blokes are happy for their girl to fall asleep in the crook of their arm until they can't move. Just like cuddling up in bed when it's so cold is great but you guys pack so much heat, 5 minutes and we're boiling hot. I'd be happy to put my cold body on yours though, you'd soon jump out of bed.
    Just think, when it's all hot and sticky do you wanna cuddle up in bed? NO. When it's cold, windy and rainy outside, well there's nothing better than cuddling up, I bet your chest makes a great pillow and your arm with me on it would be dead after about 5 minutes.
    Hey I loved my romantic kind of dream, it would be like you in London, I'd hold your hand all the way (not that you'd need it, more a want on my part) and I'd take you to the park and cuddle you on a graffiti covered bench as you wouldn't be used to the cold.
    I was too ill to be dirty last night (I will pray for a well dream tonight), I tell you what though that dream with you hasn't left my head all day, you were my knight in shining armour in that dream, I was basically left in the US and it was all barren with no people apart from you and AJ but you were by my side all the time.
    Oh yeah I dreamt of you last night, AJ was involved somewhere too .. yeah, yeah, you're thinking dirty ;) it wasn't though *damn* It was a really comforting dream. But basically I was going to different states in America and you were the one taking care of me, the dream seemed to go on all night. I woke up feeling all safe, happy and looked after.
    Hi ya babe, sorry about last night, I was on another planet, I couldn't hold a conversation properly, I was trying to speak to my Mum and was getting all confused and staring into space and couldn't remember what I'd just said. Must have had a fever or something. Sleeping there would be nice, mind you I'd have only complained that when I try and lie down that it felt like someone was stabbing me in the chest. Oh I... I'll tell you in a minute.
    Right I need to go to bed babe, I can't sit here any longer rocking backwards and forwards staring into space.
    So what do you do on xmas day? See Christmas Eve is my Mum's b'day so it's usually a quick drink at lunchtime. I'm gonna eat loads at xmas this year as I noticed the other night that I've suddenly lost a lot of weight, I was quite shocked actually. My Mum reckons it's a bad chest infection, I had one years ago that was picked up by a hospital xray and it wasn't as bad as this. I'll be fine tomorrrow, for some reason I am when at work.
    Even Heathrow would do too. I take it you're having xmas in the sun? That just never seems right to me. We're not going out for a christmas meal, not 'cos of the expense or anything (mind you you do pay a lot just for staff wages). We rarely have turkey either.
    I have just reserved a Nintendo DS for Connor, he had one last xmas too but it broke somehow and that's all I've done. Are you having turkey at your sisters?
    I didn't know you were actually qualified though. What does the ASE stand for? How did court go? I feel awful today, I've had the heating on, 4 layers of clothes, a scarf and thick coat. I've spent most of the day in bed trying to stop the aches and shivers and pains in my chest. I've got up again now because Con's home.
    Hey you might lose your shoulder, chest hair too.

    Right I have to eat dinner tonight, I've forgotten what dinner looks like, I'm gonna start looking like what I eat otherwise.. white bread, ham, lettuce, & cucumber/tomato with a dollop of salad cream.

    Love ya big bear, I'm all yours tomorrow.
    Thank you, I knew I could trust you to tell me, did you know that I'd ask you from where I said back to Iggy about asking someone else? I thought that might be the road Iggy was going down but I got all confused thinking about it, I mean imaging it to make sense isn't the nicest. Hey no one does back to front though surely? Oh and biting..nevermind.

    I've just asked Con to go back to whatever he was doing before as he's so nosey and he said "I am, Mum, I'm annoying you".
    And there was me thinking it was slang for the vicious scratches down your back after a night of good sex.

    BTW what did Iggy mean under Dick's boxer short thread?

    To a stranger this must look like the dirtiest message ever.
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