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  • Nah they'd all be asleep hopefully. I had a good feeling about the job from the beginning, the boss was a nice Irish bloke, I knew that straight away because he pronounced my surname right. I know what you mean about the jobs being hard to come by and sparse. I was lucky. It was one of those jobs where you have to phone then pick up the application form so they can check you out first to how you sound and maybe look.
    Ha, there is a sign I can put up saying I'm gone from reception ;) I don't know how I got the job. I had to state my criminal record (if you want to call it that) on the application form and I really pissed up the interview. I was hung over on the Sunday morning and they phoned up to ask if I could pop in. When the bloke asked why he should employ me my mind went blank and I said 'Why not?'
    I was in Admin, now to be a hotel receptionist, nothing exciting but it does me. I did the head receptionists work in half the time the other day (she was sooo slow with the computer). It's basically entails been left by yourself to man a 40 bed hotel and book all the reservations for the restaurant/pub next door, nothing too hard. You're not nosey, you can ask me what you like cup cake.
    What a night, I've just found out I've got a new job (lower pay, not many hours, but I need something different, I need to mix with the public more) but I have to train on Saturday. The problem is, is that my Mum has gone to Liverpool so obviously can't look after Connor and now he really thinks he's dying. My Dad can help out a bit thank god. I'm hoping Con will feel better so I can call on a friend to look after him, I won't if he's unwell though. He comes first.
    Oh well she could be wrong, I mean she's an Orange person and probably tells me what I want to hear.
    Well I got through to a lovely person and she seemed to know what she was talking about. There is no reason why I can't text you, the code was right, also my phone showed it had sent. She said that if I can text anywhere in the UK with no problems then it's your end that's having problems receiving it. You know the English, you've got to blame someone else babe.
    Of course I'm not still on hold :lol: I'd have called them everything under the sun if I was, I had an important phone call after that. I wonder if anyone else mimics the automated voices out loud whilst on hold :confused:

    Apparently texting the US can be very hit and miss. Have you tried turning your phone off and back on again since I first sent the messages?
    They taste of disinfectant, they're disgusting but he likes them, mind you he probably can't taste much at the moment anyway. I've only ever made him sick once, I thought I'd poisoned him with Spaghetti Bolognese when an hour later he was really sick, I mean of all the things to be sick with Spag bol is the worse thing to chuck up. It wasn't that, I'd made him a milkshake and the milk was quite out of date but of course will didn't smell it or taste it was off because the milkshake flavour disguised it.

    Right I'm just on hold to orange.
    A day off and I'm surrounded by hacking and snotty sniffing, he's never ill so he thinks he's on his death bed. Hmmm and I've just realised that the sore throat lozenges I gave him out of the medicine cabinet have a Use By date of September 2002. I'm going to phone Orange later.
    Hi ya babe, let's hope today's better for ya. I did send that text again and they both show sent. I'm at home today because Connor isn't well, he was awake half the night, he's got man flu. But hey he's playing on the Playstation right now so he's not really dying. I've got too drive my Mum to the station and he wants to stay here, so for the first time ever I'm going to trust him alone in the house, well the dog's here too. Surely between the two of them they can't cause too much devastation in 20 minutes? I've told him not to answer the phone (in case someone thinks I've abandoned a sick child), not to attempt to cook anything, not to wind up the dog, not to post anything on the computer under the name of Rainbowberry. To be honest I'm surprised I've haven't tied him to the sofa to be on the safe side.
    You and me both, hey you've only posted twice in the wrong place, I've done it loads of times. I was doing it for ages until Omri pointed out how the system worked. What else is wrong though babe? That's more important.
    I'm sure I can send them though and the text I sent at 6:05pm said it had been sent. I'll try it again though.
    I tried it anyway with it like that apart from I put +19415921540. I'll try again but I might have to contact orange about it in case they haven't enabled me to text abroad.
    When you text do you put in the first two '00s' or is it a plus sign in place of them? Do I add all those +'s like after the 00 and 1?
    Hello, sorry I'm a little late in replying, I've had a busy day. I didn't get a text, I'd have let you know straight away as my phone is always by my side 24/7.
    Morning sweetheart. It's sooooo, brrrr, cold here. I haven't drawn anything since I was 14-15 years old and did art at school. I've got some pictures somewhere. I haven't got the time or patience anymore.
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