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  • I was stuck in the right lane and then I took the next little road off in the left lane knowing it was the wrong one, but hey, it wasn't a motorway. You drive on the different side to us don't you?
    Aw no, please don't think I've suddenly grasped the Spanish language or anything, I was told that.

    You know what I got lost today on a roundabout, I felt really stupid, I mean it's a roundabout in the nearest town to me (Maidstone) but I've never driven on it before, I figured it out fine on my way but it all went tits up on the way home. Some of the exits go to motorways I was so paranoid that I was going to end up on a motorway going to some alien place, it had a shit load of lanes as well so I just went round and round and round, and I didn't think I'd ever get off the thing. I must now hold the world record for the amount of times going round a round-about.
    :lol: I thought you'd disappeared on me, I shouldn't be allowed to work with computers, I'm a liability. By the way if you call me 'Mi pequeno tesoro' if I'm a girl should it be 'Mi pequena tesoro'? Heck I wouldn't know though.
    Wow, I don't really ever hear the second compliment too much, thank you. As for de-railing a thread I think it's the other way round, I de-rail it and you join in. How's your morning so far?
    No not really, little Miss Naive just thought you were a lovely friendly person. Ah is it the profile photo that you like? You could follow me around like a little lost sheep, I wouldn't mind.
    Nah Grant just wanted to wind me up. Hey I'm sure you can get nearly everything right, in my eyes anyway. Connor has been asking me to cut his eyelashes because he says they are too long and are uncomfortable. I know what he means, I have problems with sunglassses that they shove my eyelashes back against my eyes. I can't cut his lashes and I won't.
    No it doesn't work with Murphy, when he's taken offence to certain people I've had in the house he won't eat any food you give him, he'll just sit and growl at them. Avalon is beautiful BTW.

    Oh Grant (on Woody's site) who said about the FMB's said back to me "I'm sorry, I'm just brave enough to say what others secretly think." Cheeky bastard.
    I like that though, I really warm to you (more then usual) when you're like that, there's nothing nicer than being able to walk out at night and not being afraid or feeling 100% safe in your house if anyone tried to get in, I mean Murphy is a brilliant guard dog, quite aggressive for a Lab if he's wary of someone when he's with Connor or myself. If anyone got into the house when we were out though he'd act like their best friend, the silly dog would probably offer them half his bone.
    Really pumps are high heels? Wow I always thought they were trainers/sport shoes. I told you I can be very naive, everyone else there knew what it meant but me. You really like to look after me don't ya?
    Thank you babe, I'm off to take the piss out of him now. I think he said it because they were white, knee high boots. Pumps are trainers right?
    If you like Pickle. I need to ask you something, you being clever and all that. On Woody's forum they saw a picture of Connor wearing my boots and one of the blokes said "Are those your FMB'S RB?"

    Well I didn't know what he meant but he can be a filthy bugger and someone else put below when I asked what it meant, "a laydee such as you needn't have to know!!"

    Now I'm assuming the M stands for me and for B for boots and I suppose the F is obvious, am I right or have I completely missed the point?
    Hello pickle. What a busy morning I've had, I was up really early putting the music on Connor's slide show and getting the timing and effects right. We went with 'let's get ready to rumble' in the end, even though he's now added a load of photos of people's fallen homes, written the death toll of certain earthquakes in it and about the aid work. I pray his teacher has a sense of humour.
    LOL, sloppy! I just love beer. You could convert me to wine though I'm sure. I'm gonna go and have dinner now, I'm not really hungry but it's got to be done. Have a lovely night big bear. * sending a goodnight hug to you for later *
    I used to drink it with lemonade or orange juice, I haven't had vodka for years though, I think too many hang overs put me off. I don't think I could ever drink vodka and diet coke again. I hate Whiskey neat, actually I don't like anything neat, apart from Stella.
    Thank you, I love hugs. Connor gave me a big one earlier, it was one of those * well she's wound up, so I'll do it gently and give her a kiss at the same time and say I love you, then I'll ask if I can go on the playstation * Whilst we had a long cuddle we made up horrible names for the computer. What did you drink your cheap vodka with?
    I was back a bit earlier before but I had a shit load of stuff to do and just as I was about to finish the computer went down, I was sooooo mad, I turned into some kind of crazed woman. I needed a SM hug then.
    Yep my 4th Rainbowdash, well this one had it's name tattooed down it's leg and the others don't. Even if your head wasn't OK all hangovers disappear by 3pm anyway. Did ya miss me earlier?
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