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  • I don't think we'll ever get to know what the deal is because he is so full of shit. Now he tells us he is an ex cop, when he was arguing with me he said he used to be in marketing. Next month he's probably an ex pilot or a former mine worker if that suits him at that moment. Probably just a teenage troll - hence his obsession with age.
    Nope, not really, Elmo the night porter did warn me not to come near him because he had man flu so I kept my distance, I guess if he's been touching the keyboard and all that then I'll get it. It just annoys me that I don't get proper colds like other people, I mean that's what he's got but it all goes to my throat, glands, chest and head, no snotty nose. Bring on a proper cold that's fine, I just can't stand the aches and feverishness. I rarely get ill and the last time was when I cried to you just before xmas last year, once in 4 years is rare for me but twice in a year! Just not on.
    I don't blame you babe. I was woken up by my lead receptionist with a text at 4:30am this morning on top of a sleepless night because my throat was killing me, she was asking if I could cover her shift at 3pm-11pm even though I'm due on shift for the 7am-3pm one so I dunno who was gonna cover that. I had an awful nights sleep then was awake from 4:30am. Really not happy about the text, mainly as it was such a struggle to get any sleep in the first place.
    I know what you're like and I'm proud of you for not letting someone basically tell you that you're a liar.
    Dinner time now babe, I feel knackered and I haven't even done anything, it was that stupid half hour daytime kip I had earlier I bet. I'm on an early shift tomorrow btw.
    Her Regan impression is wicked, so funny, especially as she came out with it at random times during the conversation. I dared her to do it for a guests wake up call but she chickened out as she said she's not so brave and loses her front when I'm not there. I lose all professionalism when she's in the building.
    I know exactly what you mean, it's not just that they are funny, but you connect with certain people and think the same way. The other week she was doing her impression of that girl in The Exorcist to a guest, I had to leave the room.
    Tanya and I don't need alcohol, just to be in the same room without even speaking does it, it's so embarrassing when I have to deal with a guest, the last time I had a foreign guest after a room and all I did was laugh at him, then he started laughing, but he didn't know what he was laughing at, nor did I for that matter. So unprofessional.
    Your sense of humour would. No one can make me cry so far apart from Tanya, you know when you get the giggles with someone and can't stop? I just have to be in the same room as her and something she does makes me laugh, I only have to look at her.
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