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  • But I choose to do them like that, I like working Wednesday nights but I haven't got them anymore, I love them because of the people that work on wednesday. I like going in and seeing my favourite night porter when she takes over and then going back in the morning with a cup of tea ready for me as soon as I walk through the door that's made by the night porter. She's so funny that she makes me cry and hardly anyone can do that.
    But I like it, I did Monday night to Tuesday morning, then Wednesday night to Thursday morning last week, I actually changed my Wednesday morning shift to the evening one. I must admit the auditor yesterday mentioned that I was on Monday evening and then again the next morning.
    I'm sure I am, even when I get home at midnight and get up again for work at 5:30am I feel OK, well I'm not so good at 5:30am if I've been drinking the night before.
    Hey don't mention the microwave, we've got a new one and it's taking a lifetime to cook amything, probably because we can't work out to use it, plus it's only 700W, not like the 850W we had before. I'll speak to you tomorrow babe, I have the day off.
    I know, I know. It's shit, I've just been told that we got 89% overall which as far as I know from last year is a pass. But, (yes there's a but), includes the restaurant too, I suppose the odds are though, that even if they got 100% which I know they didn't for breakfast (60% approx. and that's not for food quality) that the hotel side couldn't have been that shit. Hey I dunno if they even combine restaurant and hotel results. You must get audits? Sorry for this, it's just really bothered me.
    I know, the paperwork is so unnecessary. We're meant to be all green and that, we get marked down on an audit for having the toilet light on, bearing in mind that the toilet has no windows and we have an energy saving bulb that takes about two minutes to be able to get any light, I mean it's useful to see where the pan is when you go for a piss.
    An 'Impossible to pass' one, I mean we have a key log book that everyone has to sign when they receive keys and then when they give them back. It's clearly marked 'KEY LOG BOOK' but Char told me that it's meant to have an index page when you open it saying 'KEY LOG BOOK' too so you know it's one. We use the thing everyday so I guess we understand now what we use it for so WTF is that all about?
    I doubt it, I dunno if we passed, we failed last year, I was the one that checked that one in too but I hadn't been there for hardly anytime. The housekeeper rang my head receptionist just to let her know there was an auditor and she said 'Thank fuck we have Kate on shift'. I can think of at least one thing I didin't do anyway, but there are probably a million things to her.
    Hey I don't have a boyfriend! My day's been good in a strange way, I had an auditor in today. Well she came in last night so I checked her in too as I was at work last night. I suspect that every single female I see might be an auditor so I'm careful, I even had a conversation with two people, one last night and one this morning about whether she was an auditor or not and I didn't think she was, one of these conversations was a minute before she introduced herself as being one.
    It doesn't matter how old he is, I'm friends with everyone. I don't mind you being nosy, you're just like me then. How's you day so far?
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