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  • Yes I got it thank you as I was driving home from work last night. I was certain it wouldn't arrive, that must be quicker than here to the US.
    Remember I'm working today like I always do on Monday's (PM shift), I'll try and log on when I can though. Have a good day! xx
    Going to have dinner now sweetie. Have a lovely weekend, I'm back at work tomorrow I dunno if I'm looking forward to it or dreading it. K xx
    Your the intelligent one with the big words and I'm the speller. My face is so itchy, I know I'm gonna peel, I can't wear make up as my skin feels really dry so I put a bit of bronzing powder on earlier and in certain light it makes me sparkle a bit like a xmas tree.
    I never did any exams. I take it by rentention you mean that you could take things in very well and remember them. The only way I've heard that word is in the form of 'water retention'.
    I can't think of them now because they were so hard to get in the first place. You are intelligent, I can tell by your messages. Did you do well in school exams, I mean if you weren't such a rebel that you didn't do them.
    My grammar is shite though and you use more intelligent words than me, even ones that I have to think about.
    What am I on about? It's not spelt like that, it's 'lairy'. My spelling is shit but that's OK because you spelt something wrong earlier too :lol:
    It's a slang term we use, kind of meaning in your face, it's pronounced like if you rhymed it with (Mariah) Carey. My nails are luminous green on one hand and purple on the other, only the tips.
    But I did eat tons, it was just too hot to eat cooked stuff, we did have a BBQ one night but as I don't like eating off the bone or fatty sausages I never bothered having it again in the second week. I'm great today, just painting my nails a really larry colour, well I did buy half of the islands nail varnish over there.
    How are you today cupcake? Just got back and cooked a load of veg whilst unpacking. All I ate for breakfast everyday in Zante was fruit salad and a massive wedge of watermelon, then salad for lunch and tuna or egg salad for dinner.
    WOW you're doing really well, believe it or not I drink more at home than on holiday abroad, the last 2 weeks were like rehab for me. I'm having some kind of dinner now babe, a real mixture out of the freezer. Speak to you tomorrow. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Well done! The only reason I haven't is because I don't want to. I never smoke at work but I can, I just don't miss it. Hey shit I miss you after 9 hours though.
    Many kisses coming your way. I can't look natural in front of a camera, Connor's the same, that's why I got the side of his head in the photo. Just out of interest how much do you pay for a pack of 20 cigarettes over there?
    I could only take a few as my memory card decided to be a complete bastard on me and my picture gallery kept freezing up. I took very little clothes, it was my Mum. I was packed up with nail varnish and books. I'll see if my phone will behave enough to transfer them to the computer.
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