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  • Hello big bear! It's a new day today, it's a relief to just forget about yesterday. I'll try and post you message tonight at work. xx
    Is that from lack of sleep or just the paper work? Con's just given me the biggest hug. Dinner time now babe, then sleep. Thank you so much for listening, I'll try not to whine again.
    I think the problem was that I don't get a break so I didn't have dinner last night and left work late as the night porter was asleep and I had to ring him to take over (he'd been better off staying asleep after over-booking the hotel) so that's 4 hours sleep for me max and then doing all the work he never did last night. I ate again at 3pm today. Shit I'm so whingy, sorry. I'm happier now though.
    Nope, he was fine then but then he wasn't at Secondary school with all the homework and arsy hormones kicking in. My closest friend phoned not long ago and I cried, I tried not to, I said I was fine but they said 'What's wrong' that's what started me off. They said that if Con wants to be like that over his homework then let him and suffer the consequences at school. My Mum's home now so all is calm. God I bet you think I'm incapable of a piss up in a brewery.
    Aw, he's sitting with his head in his hands in the lounge. He moans when I work nights so I've messed everyone else's shifts about so I get equal mornings to nights but now I'm doing a morning it's still not working.
    Well it's sorted out now at work, I'm just trying to sort out me and Con both in tears. I'm the adult here and I'm trying to hold it together but he's been awful at the moment.
    A guest lost a wallet in the restauarant/pub and he found out that the family sitting next to him said they'd handed it in over in the bar to a girl. All the girls in the restaurant denied anything being handed in. What would happen is that if they recieve lost property then they bring it over to the hotel and I record it in a book and store it safely. I had to make up beds last night (not my job, it hadn't been done) so I was away from my desk, I came back and saw a wallet lying on my desk. No one had given it to me, it belonged to the guest. I took it straight to the manager who wanted to go through my CCTV to see what bar member had put it on my desk but the quality on the video wasn't good enough. Anyway I found out last night that a girl from the bar had been suspended, and found out this morning that she had confessed to stealing it. I was so worried last night.
    I'm just doing homework with Connor but when I get hold of that night porter that was on last night I'm going whip his arse, no that's too nice.
    Come and wipe away these tears then, I've got Connor shouting and thumping about upstairs over his homework, I just can't think straight, I've tried to help him but he's not willing to do an easy piece of homework. Last night was just as bad after a girl stole a guest's wallet and tried to make out she'd handed it in to me. I'm sorry.
    Always puts a smile on my face reading Rainbowberries messages to you Sic :)
    I hope you're having a fantastic weekend babe. It's really hot here. I'm working late tomorrow but on the early shift on Tuesday. xx
    I Know it's a name of a Gin, the restaurant is a steakhouse, all I can smell wafting through reception is a BBQ smell. I'm the most superstitious person ever.

    Teatime now babe, I'll try and text you tomorrow. xxx
    Everytime I see a single magpie though I say 'Good morning Mr Magpie' It's meant to stop the bad luck, pathetic I know. Talking about Beefeater's, that's the chain of restaurant I work next to.
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