The Hot Pepper
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  • Thanks mate. I was pretty suprised to be offered it and wasn't going to knock back the pay rise!! :)
    The stress of it now is that I have about 120 indirectly reporting to me and 12 people directly reporting to me so things are getting tuff but I love a challange!!
    nothing up with me boss......Got another promotion at work so it's all but impossible for me to get on here while i'm at work anymore.......I guess that's the down side to added responsibility!!
    Hope things are still going well for you and the band....
    like the new site its cool.. but.. i shouldnt be telling you this cause i'm winning so far, but the voting has screwed up on the poll.. apparently you can vote twice if you've voted prior.. i dont mind.. but it might not be fair :P
    What's up? You're layin' way too low! I suspect a woman is involved....send me a pm. Missin' ya' mybrotha'.
    Gotta head out today, will post up later- I really dug that Borderline Gourmet Hab bbq sauce you recommended. Thanks :cheers:
    Kind Attn: Dear THP,

    At the risk of sounding a complete idiot, can I ask you to point me to the place where the "Veggie Fest recipes are to be posted on lines of Throwdowns?
    Sorry to be sounding so naive with a stupid question. (I looked through the threads but could not get it)

    i think you might need to move the drama queen crown... up to you to decide who to :) (check the fun zone!)
    Yeah thats what i was thinking. He is not really in Mexico he is at KFC headquarters barking orders :lol:
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