The Hot Pepper
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  • Here's you beer sir. Hope you enjoy...
    I think Pippy has been playing with his goats way to much. Now he is getting delusional. :rolleyes: Barbie Dolls?
    Mate I have to talk to you on a serious note.......This "pepperfreak" as he calls himself, is most certainly a freak but not of peppers.......He just told me that he collects barbie dolls :shocked: and like to play dress ups with them.........I think you need a better screening process when you get a Moderater.......You went straight to the top when you got me and now only general riff raff seems to appear....:lol:
    Pippy did it again Boss, I tried talking him out of it. But, you know how he is when he's been drinking. :lol: I just wanted to let you know so I don't get blamed. :lol:
    Happy Friday the 13th...Are you planning a mean drunk tonight? you hide on such occasions as this?

    He may not have chosen his wording to well...:lol:
    But it did look good!!! even for a dump....
    I'm here and finally got my head clear of the cobwebs from last night :lol: I still think Pippy's avatar is a little creepy especially if you've been drinking. Check it out next time, just stare at it, you'll see. :lol:
    Ive killt all the spam :9 hunting has become slow....I look and loojkn but none must be to bed i head.........peace brother!
    You're always a mean drunk.....water off a ducks back :lol:

    The naan bread was bloody sensational....I really liked it, not as soft as what I had hoped but next time I won't have it in the oven for as long as the recipe says and i'll add more topping whether it is garlic butter or pesto.....All in all it was great and i'll be doing it again for sure....:)

    Oh well I enjoyed eating them, and the gf loved them...:)

    You're sobering up and i'm starting to drink...:lol:
    Hey congradulations on your new CD...Pippy just told me all about it. :lol: I hope Iggy works out well for you on guitar. :rofl: But, Country Music? Never thought of you as a Country Music type :think:
    Do you really believe his lies :crazy: he is sending me PM's now saying I should challenge you for leadership......I'm trying to stop him but he is getting out of control.......I'm getting scared about this "cop"....
    Hey Boss, don't lump in with the shenanigans of Moyboy...I was just sitting here minding my own business and his message pops up blaming you. All I was doing was reading posts and looking for Spammers.
    Lies I tell Thee!!! I think someone is trying to start trouble and are playing games and it's not me...:lol:
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