The Hot Pepper
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  • wow.....I didn't think you were that scary....:lol:

    So........What was it that i missed....or was it a hoax?? :)
    Awe :mope: You'll forgive me, I find more spam than Pippy....:P Besides, I'm at work and had to respond to a call.
    Well if I don't know what? or where? then there is always going to be a good chance that i'll miss it.......Go take a look around some time, This is a big place...:rofl:
    Just needs a beer and it could be Pippy before he shaves :rofl:

    careful...I'm getting turned on!!!!!:shock:

    Oh that right...I'm turn on cause MY girl just maind...:lol:
    I'm not as badd tas you but I'm closee....

    YOu should know about the goat.......Its yours!@!!!!111:lol:
    Morning Captain!!!!

    I'm just about to go and set up the UDS. I have a 2 kg cut of Corned beef, a 2.5 kg cut of rolled pork shoulder (boneless), 1 chicken and 2kg of beef mince to make a fattie......

    I don't really have anything to 'rub' on the pork but i'll work something out.....My main worry is the pork shoulder is going to take a good 10 hours probably and I just don't think my current coal set up will do that..:(
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